After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 61

What Are Your Plans

Seating with his band acconged on his Taps, Gabriel tried to keep his coal, Although word on the street had it that Tenjamin was weak and sickly, his aura had not wavered and head The same formidable for on the bare field. That aside, seating like this, steaming cup of coffee in between both males was a rare occultence for Gabriel Even during his marriage with Leonica, he hadn't gotten the chance is neat with Benjamin this way, so today, was definitely something new.

Taking a sip from his coffee, placing the cup down afterwards, Benjamin was the first to break the silence. "We're both businessmen so I'll be insight forward. What do you planted by cabelshook his head. "Nothing, Sr. All I have legal rights to be in Ashley's life to be his father

Hild arrived armed a loud mot of mockery from Benjamin Call winced at the familiar sound, mentally norking where Leica had gotten it from. "You want rights, to be his father?" The older man questioned. He shifted his coffer side and loaned on the table, entwining his fingers as he questioned. "Tell me something, Gabriel. Do you think five years of absence from a child's life cannily made up the moment you decide you want to start playing family?"

His words, meant to der Gabriel from whatever determination he had suddenly taken on, did the opposite and angered him. "And who's fault is that?" he shout bork "I would be found Ashley and given him that family he dares if you hadn't stopped me from finding him all those years ago. It was you who made sure that every toure and search began ended up faride ("Ma?" inshook his head, leaning back into his chair with a sigh" hamathing to do with that, Gabriel

"Exactly what I said. The one you should blame for not being able to find Leonica and Ashley for the past five years, is your incompetence and your lack of edge towards etnica. Eveni though you both had been married for to pass, you know very little about her and even when clues we've ticking out in plain sight, you failed to take them, allowing yourself to be blindet by the wrong person." Taking one last up from his cotler, face scrunching up in distante as he may realbed the sugar added was far less than what he took, Benjamin concluded. "If you knew Leonica well enough, you'd have known that Colorado was her favorite state. She always longed to others."

Pushing his chule bark, be too to his deer and stopped by Gabriel's side, Iparing the fact that the male toolikes thinking his entire life's choice, which he was, Benjamin spoke, I've never for onze led you, Gabriel, but because of your grandmother, important person to me, I agreed to mary Leonks to you. This time around, because of Achley, I'm willing to gree you a second chance. But bear this in mind, if you were inhurt either of them. I won't hesitate to show you the post I potom and light back. With that, he walked off, leaving Gabriel with his thoughts.

Arriving at the company, Leonica was greeted by Kennedy who didn't look the rat bit plexind.

"Lasume my uncle has caused quite the ruckus." Handing her car keys to him, the spola.

Kennedy greeted her first before responding. "He's called for another meeting with the shareholders, ma'am"

His wordmade Leonica sigh. What had the wathed those stupid people about in the past?

econdconference room on the nineteenth Beer Kennedyresponded, pressing the numbers when they entered the elevator. "Ma'am da you need me to prepare anything! Thinn

"That won't be necessary. "Leonica waved the brown folder Arvan had given har in Kennedy's face, "Lalady have that covered."

"Ye Maan "ennedy couldn't hide the smile that made it's way to his lips at his employer's competence.

When the elevator arrived on the ith float, they stepped our and made their way to the conference room. The shareholders prodige alike, had been whispering underneath their breath, making arrangements for the mete pomident, Rodrigs in this case, when Leanic stepped in sending them all

Table on an early Monday morning" sinking ines her chair, the shook her head. "Those of you who failed to heed my warnings shall be replaced after this meeting. Don't forget to Kennedy and have your capirals returned to you."

Her words caused mums to the amongst the shareholders, but some, if not many called her words a bluff, after all, if so't hold up to her own and ofnoveldrama

Bryon Empire, not menting the terms, the could no longer remain president and that seat would officially be varied to Rodrigo, hence she had no

of the deal, and from the looks

of it, shadn't secured a contract

power to replace them.

Have I made myself dear?

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