After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 68

spoiling her well made plans.

She had snuck her way into the hospital, hoping to find a secret chance to approach Ashley and hopefully finish off the job that useless Stuart had failed to complete, when suddenly, she felt a painful pinch in her abdomen. That very same painful pinch that she was still expressing up to this point. If she didn't know any better, Angelina would say that the useless child growing inside her was acting like some sort of guardian angel towards Ashley, spoiling the one chance she had planned to get such an obstacle out of the way.

Still hurting and cursing at the child, Angelina exited the hospital the same way she had come, hailed a cab and booked it to the personal hospital she used for her medical checkups.

Sure, she hated the child and the father even, but she couldn't have her Trump card against Leonica and Gabriel dying, now could she?

Thirty or so minutes of grumbling and cursing at the innocent child, later, Angelina sat in her doctor's office, awaiting the results of the test that they had just completed. The sound of the door opening from behind, caused her to seat up straight, while the man rounded the table and took his seat in front of her, brown envelope clutched in his grasp.

"The results are complete, Ms. Fernandez. The doctor announced as he pulled out the paper.


Shaking his head, he answered. "It's not loolding good." Passing the paper on the table to Angelina, he explained. "Your current pregnancy seems to be faced with more than one difficulties. The results so far have shown that you stand a chance of losing this pregnancy and..." He hesitated "And what?" Angelina demanded.

"And..and your ability of having other children. Due to the numerous abortions you've endured, you stand a chance of losing your ability to become a mother if this child is lost-"

Shut your mouth!" Angelina suddenly interrupted him, slamming her first on the table and rising to her feet. "You." She pointed a finger at the doctor who seemned to tremble under her hated gaze. "You incompetent fool! How dare you open that mouth of yours and say that I'll become barren! You're useless and and incompetent."

You've said that before. The doctor thought, however he didn't dare say those werds out loud

"Ms, please listen to me-"

"No, I won't. We're done here" Turning around she exited the office, ignoring the calls of the doctor. Thanks to a few minute of resting, the pain had decreased and she could walk more stable. But her mind however, was far from stable. It was raging, boiling and even trembling

Trembling with fear. Fear of losing the child she was carrying. No way could she allow that. If that were to happen, she could kiss her only held on Gabriel goodbye! She'd lose her only means to make sure he'd marry her!

If that were to happen, Leonica had officially won this game and she couldn't allow that happen!

Stock deep in her thoughts, Angelina turned the corner and didn't notice the figure approaching her. She bumped into him and stumbled backwards, nearly falling, but luckily, a pair of arms found their way around her waist, steadying her the very next second. "Woah, that was close. Are you alright?"

Looking up at the owner of the familiar voice, Angelina sighed. The owner was none other than Stuart Campbell, a rising decorative company owner and the father of her unborn child.

She had called him around the time she was heading to the hospital so seeing him here was no surprise to her.noveldrama

"I'm. I'm fine." Stepping out of his arms, she tried to brush off his concern. Or at least she pretended to do that.

Stuart bought right into her act. "Now yes, but you didn't sound alright on the phone. How did the visit go? What did the doctor say? Is the little one alright?" He peppered her with questions.

Angelina could see that clearly, he cared for this child. In any other situation, this would have been heart warming, but not in this situation. This struction was survival of the fittest and for the fittest to survive, they needed to use whatever they could to their advantage and in this case, in Angelina's case, it was this child growing in her stomach.

This child was everything, the key she had been looking for and she was going to use it to lock and unlock every door towards her success.

And the first part of her act,

started now.

Placing the back of her hand on her head, Angelina stumbled softly. Stuart, once again buying into her act like a lovesick fool, quickly wrapped his hand. around her waist and serded her on the bench behind

"Hey, hey take it easy. I'm sorry for asking all those questions."

""it's okay,"

Placing a kiss on her head, one which Angelina cringed to, he asked. "How did this happen?"

Angelina frigned hesitancy, but she was quick to spin the bottle, twist the lies and spit it out in the most convincing manner. "Leonica..." She began. "I was at the coffee shop, picking up my usual morning tea, but then I ran into her and she...she got so jealous of my child that she pushed me, Stu" The lie rolled off her lips as easily as one could recite the alphabetical letters,

"What, she did what?" Those words alone had Stuart raging. It was enough to do the trick that Angelina wanted. "That bitch. And here I was, thinking that shit was going to far," He chuckled. "Oh I'm going to make her pay. I'd show her what happened when she hurts my child-"

"Shut up!" Angelina sherred out of the blues. "Haven't I warned you times without number not to call this child yours."

Het personality did a total three-sixty, but Stuart was used to it.

Shipping out of his hold, Angelina fished out her phone and located the number of her media agency. "The next time you make that slip up, it won't be funny." She warned as she texted her agency, passing along the juicy details of her pregnancy with Gabriel

Bryce Empire's very own Gabriel Bryce has an unborn child with Famous Newscaster Angelina Fernandez She wrote those words in Capital letters and then added a few more things that would draw the attention of socialites. Making sure the story was juicy enough and would ensure that news about her pregnancy spread fast enough, she sent the message.

Grinning to herself at the thought of how she has yet again trapped Gabriel into marrying her. With news of their unborn child circulating, there was no way he'd leave her, not if he liked his reputation and company growth. This plan of hers, was full proot.

"What are you doing? Start asked after seeing the smile on her face.

Showing her phone into her bag, she smiled. "Oh nothing Unlike you, I know how to get my job done and efficiently."

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