Chapter 18
She knows. God, this pretty little omega knows and is smiling and teasing us. A beautiful blush colors her cheeks, though a small wince of discomfort mars her happiness here and there. Something is disrupting her peace.
I want to ease her, need to know if she’s going into heat so we can leave at a moment’s notice. Once we go though, she’s not leaving our house for days, weeks, months.
We’re keeping her. We have her father’s blessing, even if we’re taking away her choices. Three months is too long to be without her. We’ve been patient.
“Sugar,” I grunt, leaning forward. Her green eyes rise to mine, and she fucking perfumes for me in a way that makes my eyes almost cross. “Fuck, Aisling. You are going to kill me, aren’t you?”
It’s so hard to concentrate right now. All I can smell is sugar cookies and her pretty pussy. I need her to ride my face, fuck her cunt with my tongue, so I can claim her pussy with my cock.
Mine. All fucking mine. I’ll share with Aiden and the assholes sitting with me, but no one else. I have a feeling I’ll be knotting her on the way home in the car. That’s one way to lose your virginity, I guess.
“Maybe,” she whispers. “Can I use my knife to cut your clothes off this time?”
Caelin growls under his breath as my lips twitch. She’s snarky and perfect, but also pushes in all the right ways. I look forward to seeing how far her bravery and brattiness goes, once she’s spread eagle in our bed. The spreader bars are going to come in clutch tonight.
“You can use your knife for anything you want with me, Sugar,” I rumble, barely holding onto the thread of our conversation.
I’m dangerously close to a rut. I’m tenuously holding onto my sanity right now. Breathing deeply, all I can smell is how much she’s slicking for us.
I bet her panties are fucking ruined.
“Down boy,” Evan murmurs with a smirk at me, his palm caressing Aisling’s face before he sits back. Fuck, the way she arches her back in that corset has my cock straining against my zipper.
I’m never quite prepared for her. She’s constantly surprising me. “Aisling, you’re going to find yourself putting these boys into a rut if you’re not careful.”
“I can’t help it,” she says, biting her lip. Her hand presses on her abdomen as she squirms, and I have a bad fucking feeling.
“Does your stomach hurt?” I ask, wanting to be closer to her.
“It’s getting worse,” she whimpers. “I should probably go.”
“No!” Caelin practically roars before softening. “Please stay. Why would you go? We want to get to know you.”noveldrama
“I’m not going to be able to control myself and it’ll affect you,” Aisling says, whimpering as she leans forward. I have a feeling she’s trying to ease the cramps, but only one thing is going to fix it.
Evan moves over to rub his hand over her back, humming in sympathy.
“You don’t need to control yourself with us. Be yourself, and we’ll take care of you,” he says. “We can do dirty things and make you scream for us. Do you want that?”
God, I know I do. Come on, Sugar. Unravel for us.
“Yes,” she moans. “Why do you smell like mine?”
Aisling is going to ask over and over, the question refusing to leave her mind.
We need to answer that question before we kidnap her. Maybe it’ll help her understand when she’s tied to our bed, and she finds she likes it.
“You wear an alpha pheromone blocker during the day, don’t you?” Caelin asks gently. It’s a far cry from his previous tone with her and her body sways toward him as if she wants to get closer.
Fuck, why didn’t I sit next to her? We know the owners of this restaurant, and can get away with anything short of fucking her in public here. Catching the gaze of the waitress, I shake my head so she won’t come closer.
Even as obsessed with how much I need to feed her, I’d rather be feeding her my thick cock.
God, I hope she cries as she swallows me down. Her tears will look beautiful ruining her makeup while she sucks my cock. Can she take my knot, too? Fuck, I hope so.
Caelin rarely holds his instincts in check unless he has to, so he scoops the pretty little omega into his arms to drop her in his lap.
“Is this better, poppet?” he rumbles, lips parting in surprise when she wiggles out of her coat. Leaning over, I help her, hanging it up over my chair. As if she can’t wait another second, Aisling pushes her fingers through his artfully messy curls, dragging her nose up his throat with a small moan.
“A little,” she whispers. It’s as if we’re in our own little corner of the world even though we aren’t. “Yes, I wear an alpha pheromones blocker gel, and have since I was sixteen. I’m overly sensitive to scents. It’s difficult to make drinks at the bar, when you slick whenever someone smiles at you. Puberty was rough for me.”
“Stop wearing it,” Caelin demands, his fist wrapping in her hair as he drags her face down to kiss her. We’re moving fast, but God does she smell incredible. None of us are going to be able to keep our hands off of her.
Her filter is thin right now, and I want to enjoy it. The way her ass rocks over Caelin’s cock as she kisses him isn’t lost to me. I’m glad she isn’t straddling him, because otherwise he may find a way to fuck her at the restaurant.
Although, a little cock warming never hurt anyone.
My attention span is shit right now. There’s too many things pulling my mind, when all I want to do is sink into her wet cunt.
The phone buzzes next to me, making me frown. I don’t want to answer it, but I recognize the boss’ number. Leaning over discreetly, I check the message. He knows we’re here with her. We had to loop him in so that he wouldn’t murder us.
The Boss:
She nested all day. Hayes was here today, and I think his scent is triggering her heat. Take care of her.
I had a feeling that she was in heat based on how sexually uninhibited she’s been. Fuck a duck.
“If I stop wearing it, all I’ll want to do is rub against you,” Aisling whines, making me groan. Scent marking him by rubbing her cheek against his, I remind myself of how much I love Caelin.
It would be rude to stab him so I can steal her away.
“Domh,” Evan growls from across the table.
“Huh?” I grunt, dragging my gaze toward him.
“Get your hand out of your pocket. If you were playing with your dick that would be one thing, but I know you have your knife in there,” he hisses.
“What’s a little blood between pack mates?” I ask with an evil smile.
“Fuck, it’s like you’re me now,” he mutters. “It’s a little inconvenient that you’re choosing to indulge in your inner crazy now of all times.”
“I like Domnhall’s crazy,” Aisling purrs, turning in my direction.
“God, you’re a dream come true, Sugar,” I murmur. “I need a cuddle, please.”
Standing smoothly, she walks the short distance to sit in my lap. Wrapping her arms around my neck, her fingers play with the shorter hair there. Her eyes are hooded, and I can see that there’s a small bead of sweat along her hairline. Fuck, she’s not in full blown heat yet, but it’s banked for the moment.
“Hi,” she whispers.
Dragging my hand up her leg, I squeeze her thigh. There’s a slit in her skirt, so my fingers trail higher until I can touch the knife Aiden so foolishly left her. Her stockings are different today, and I can also feel her skin above the top of them. Hmm. Maybe I won’t have to cut them off of her tonight.
“Hi yourself,” I murmur. “Can I show the boys your pretty knife?”
“As long as I get it back,” she says. “I’m kind of attached to that one.”
Dragging my tongue up her neck, I moan. “Fuck me. You taste like my favorite dessert. I want to throw you on the table and bury my face in your cunt.”
“Why can’t you again?” Aisling asks, looking dazed as I pull her knife from its usual strapped place against her thigh. Handing it to Caelin, I decide to indulge in a kiss.
Arm wrapping around her back, I tangle my fingers in her hair.
“You’re right,” I murmur. “There’s no reason I can’t when you’re mine and always have been.”
Kissing her hard, I suck on her tongue. It’s a filthy kiss, one that’s chaotic with a tug and pull between us. We both want to win something that neither of us can explain, but we need it.
“Where did you get this knife, poppet?” Caelin asks, pulling my girl’s attention away. I make a face at him, but his attention is on the knife.
I mentioned the pretty knife she has, but can’t remember if I told them who it belongs to.
“Some jackhole who hurt me,” she says sweetly. “Why?”
“It’s a beautiful knife is all,” he murmurs. “Can I kill him for hurting you?”
Evan leans over to pluck the knife from Caelin, frowning as he looks down at the handle.
“Dad says he needs him,” Aisling sighs. “He helped me fix my nest today because Hayes was pissing him off.”
Evan glances up at me, worry in his gaze. Yeah, this is why Aiden couldn’t be here. Instead, he’s pacing the house, probably grumbling to himself.
Aisling whimpers, plastering her body to mine as she shoves her nose in my throat and breathes deeply.
“Why isn’t this working?” she whispers.
“What’s wrong, baby? Can we fix it?” I ask, knowing it’s a loaded question. I’m leading her in an effort to get her to tell me. I don’t often ask a question I don’t know the answer to. I usually know already.
Though, Aisling keeps surprising me.
“It hurts,” she mutters. “I don’t want to go yet.”
“Sugar, we never want you to leave us,” I growl. “Mine and ours, remember?”
“But I’m… a mess,” Aisling says, raising her face to look at me. Tears are glistening in her beautiful green eyes. They almost look like emeralds right now.
“A fucking gorgeous mess,” Caelin says. “We all are on some level, poppet. All that matters is that you’re ours. I promise. I know it doesn’t make sense.”
“I’m worried because it does make sense,” she says. “Tell me something real.”
“I’ve known you were mine for the past two and a half months, poppet,” he growls. “Ever since you ran into me after that terrible date. You don’t need this dating app, Aisling. We have a chance to be whole. Domh has known ever since you broke shit together at the rage room. No more hiding.”
“No more,” she whispers, eyes closing as her body collapses in pain. It’s as if someone pulled strings to tug her violently in half. Fuck.
“We’re out of time, aren’t we?” I ask her. “We have to go.”
I meet Caelin and Evan’s eyes worriedly and they nod.
“I’m sorry,” Aisling whispers. “I was going to call Pack Royal and cancel this date. I didn’t because something about it felt wrong.”
“Mine,” Evan snaps, eyes wild. He’s never enjoyed sharing his toys outside of the people he has to. There have been many fights from the playground to the bar. “I know I don’t have a knot…”
“You have a cock and I need it,” she groans. Laying her head on my chest, Aisling winces. “My filter is completely gone. It’s probably going to get worse.”
“Be crass,” Caelin grunts. “Curse, tell me to knot your pretty little ass, tell me what you need. I don’t give two shits for societal norms, poppet.”
“I need knots and cum,” she rasps. “Right fucking now. I don’t have a great pain tolerance. It hurts.”
Then we’re leaving. Wrapping her coat around her shoulders, I pick her up, and the guys rise as well. Evan tosses cash on the table even though we didn’t order anything, and Caelin grabs my phone, since my arms are full. Striding toward the back door, the three of us walk out of the restaurant without a care in the world.
I’ll burn the world down in an effort to care for my girl.
I’m burning up. I thought I could hold out for a little longer, have a nice, normal date, but I can’t do anything normal.
“Shh, normal is overrated, Sugar,” Domh grunts under his breath. Oops, I didn’t realize that I was talking out loud. His lips twitch, and I press my lips together to keep myself from saying embarrassing things.
“I think our date is perfectly normal for us. Now, I’m going to make you come in the car as we drive home.”
“Home?” I ask, trying now to think about the other things he said. I want all of it to happen as soon as possible.
“Mmhmm,” Evan says, opening the back door for us. “That’s where you belong.”
“I have a home,” I say, trying to follow the conversation. It’s not like it’s every day that an omega finds herself in a heat during her date with a pack who is obsessed with her.
Because that’s what this is. They’ve had almost three months with my scent to pop into places where I’m at. I’m my father’s daughter. Every time I thought I felt eyes on me, I probably did.
Not to mention they’re mafia men. Fucking stalkers, every one of them.
“That’s true,” Caelin drawls as we walk. My mittens and scarf are stuffed into my coat pockets, though my coat is kind of wrapped around me. The cool breeze cuts through any covering, but all I can feel is the fever starting to build.
“Faster,” Domh barks, and as one they start to jog toward the SUV parked nearby. I’m still cuddled against his chest, which means I slightly bounce in his arms as they move.
I have a feeling that I won’t be seeing my nest this heat. I worked so hard on it. Sniffling, I think about how much I’ll miss it.
“What’s wrong, Aisling?” Domh asks. His face looks concerned, his brows pulled down as he looks down at me.
“I need my nest,” I sob.
“Fuck,” Caelin sighs as they hustle into the vehicle. “Would it be better if we tell you that we made you a nest now or later? No matter what you’re coming with us.”
“You took my knife away to kidnap me?” I ask, punching Domh in the chest. I’m beginning to connect dots, though I’m unsure if they’re the right ones.
Did they plan this entire thing with lies to kidnap me? What’s real?
“Fuck, you hit hard,” he mutters, though he doesn’t rub it. “The boss teach you that?”
“He taught me a lot more,” I tell him. “I’m a decent shot, thanks to Dad.”
“I didn’t take your knife for that reason,” he promises. “It’s going to sound very odd, but you have a nest in our house. It’s beautiful, filled with the things you like, and your dad knows you’re coming with us.”
“He what?” I ask, thinking about how my dad was acting oddly earlier.
“It’ll all make sense soon, but we need to take care of you,” Domh says.
“Oh you’re an asshole,” I curse as a cramp hits at that moment. Gasping, I swear it feels as if the pain is going to rip me in two as I lean over. Their scents fill the SUV, and suddenly all I want is them inside of me. “Give me your dick. Now.”
“Aisling,” Domh says with wide eyes as I straddle him, pushing off my coat to fall onto the floorboard.
I’m slicking as I rock over him, my panties already flooded and ruined. He’s rock hard, and I wonder if he has been since I sat at the table. Grinding on his dick feels good as I find a rhythm, and I can feel my body responding to him.
“Baby,” Domh groans as Caelin throws the car into reverse to leave the parking lot.
“I’ll come by myself if I have to,” I warn him. “I have a feeling it won’t really help, though.”
“Fuck it,” Domh grunts as Evan turns to watch. He already has his cock in his hand as he leans around.
“You’re the only alpha who can fuck her at the moment,” Evan says. “Don’t screw it up.”
“I really didn’t want her first time to happen in a car,” Domh sighs.
“I think you knew it would, though,” I tell him, remembering his words at the restaurant. “Domh.”
Unzipping his pants, he releases his cock, though he has to lift me up to do it. Whining, I pout as he rocks me over himself.
“I had a feeling,” he murmurs, capturing my lips to swallow down my moans. “I hope this doesn’t hurt, Aisling.”
“It already does,” I confess, crying out as the cramps and heat waves flood over me. I’m losing control as I slick, panting hard. “Domh, please help me. I need a knot and your cum right fucking now!”
Ripping my stockings with his hands, I feel the sting of pain as he pulls the sides of my thong so hard it snaps.
“I’m all yours,” he promises. My skirt is pushed up at my waist, and he opens up my corset until my breasts spill out. “Ride my cock like a good fucking girl, Sugar.”
Helping me rise up onto my knees, he lines his cock up with my entrance. There’s the feeling of stretching and a flash of pain that makes me hiss as he pushes his way inside. All the while, his jaw gritting as he keeps his gaze on mine.
“Fuck, this is even better than I dreamed it would be,” he growls. “Talk to me baby. Dig your nails into my back and mark me as yours.”
Mewling, I pant as I struggle to get used to his girth and size. He’s thick enough that all of the slick I have drenching his cock still makes it difficult to take his dick.
“Domh,” I pant, my fingernails digging into his shoulder as my eyes roll. It’s exactly what I want, yet somehow not enough. It hurts, but it feels good. How is it possible for sex to be so confusing?
“I know, Sugar. You’re taking me so good,” he grits out. “Fuck, your pussy was made for me. Just another inch, Aisling. You can do that, right?”
Fuck, I really want to. Preening, I sink down further on his cock, working him deeper inside of me.
“That’s a good girl,” Evan murmurs. “God, your pussy looks so pretty and swollen, filled with his cock. Let’s get his knot inside of you, so you can start to feel better, yeah?”
“Are you sure it’ll fit?” I gasp, rocking up and down on Domh’s cock.
“What do you mean, baby?” Evan asks. “Of course it will.”
“First cock, first knot,” I moan, my head dropping back when Dohm begins to suck on my breasts. I don’t know if he’s talked to them about my innocence.
“You’re doing beautifully for your first time, baby girl. Your ass is bouncing perfectly. I want to fuck you so badly. Take what you need, Aisling. Domh is going to fill you up,” Evan growls.
Caelin curses as he drives, but I ignore him. I need this now. Right, fucking…
As if waiting for me to get more and more desperate, I begin to slide down easier on his cock. My body shudders as my thighs touch Domh’s.
“Goddamn, you’re amazing. Now, it’s my turn, Sugar,” he purrs.
Twisting me until my back hits the leather seats, Dohm pushes his pants down, so he can kneel while still being deep inside my pussy. His hips piston back before thrusting forward, so that all I can feel is him. Moaning, I arch back, struggling to push my hips upward to meet him.
“Nuh-uh,” he grunts. “I got you.”
His large hands squeeze my hips, immobilizing me as he takes control. My breasts bounce as he fucks me, and then all of a sudden Evan is there bending down to kiss me.
“Evan,” Caelin groans. “This isn’t fucking fair!”
“You’ll get your turn once she’s out of her mind and wants her knots,” Evan mutters against my lip. “I want to make her come.”
“Yes, please,” I whine, wanting my kisses.
“You really do want me,” he says in wonder, and then his faint scent of orchids surrounds me as his lips claim me.
I want to tell him so much as the haze around me deepens, but I can’t out loud, because he’s sucking my soul from my body. I want to tell him that he’s not any less as a beta, even though I know him the least.
He tastes amazing, and he clearly belongs to the pack, so he’s mine as well. His hand squeezes my breast, experimentally pulling on my nipples. It feels good, and I moan as I writhe.
“You’re going to be so beautiful when we break you. Will you cry when you’re choking on my cock?” he whispers.
I don’t know what that means, and I can’t ask as he squeezes and twists hard enough to make me squeal. The pain sharpens my pleasure, even though I don’t understand it. It makes me more aware of Domh’s cock as he lifts my ass to hit a different place inside of me, and my eyes roll as he stretches my pussy.
Fuck, he feels incredible.
I never want him to stop fucking me.
“He won’t,” Evan promises me.
I’m doing that thing where my thoughts spill out of my mouth without a filter without realizing it, but they don’t mind. Evan’s hand ghosts down my skin until his fingers rub my clit. Domh grunts as Evan must also brush against him, but Evan merely smirks. They all seem so comfortable together…
And then all thoughts disappear as I gasp, because Evan is working my clit so perfectly as Domh fucks me. Evan strokes himself with his other hand, and I can see the faint glint of metal before he’s painting my lips with his pre-cum.
“Open for me,” he grunts, and that’s all the warning I get before he’s forcing my mouth open. Evan tastes slightly salty as I figure out how to accommodate him. I’ve never done this before.
“Relax your jaw, oh fuck yes. Drag your tongue down the underside of my shaft. Yes, like that. You can’t fuck this up, I promise.”
His words help my worries drift away as my stomach cramps and I whine. I can feel the cool metal as my tongue drags down the underside of his shaft as I do as he tells me. Oh my god. All I want is his cum.
Sucking hard, I can taste his pre-cum, and I want more. I crave it even though I’ve never had oral sex before or tasted cum. It’s the wildest thing. I’m a raw and animalistic omega. All I can do is feel and crave.
I’m a needy mess.
“Fuck, all I can smell is sugar cookies and raspberries,” Caelin groans. “My cock is so fucking hard. I don’t know how you’re able to control yourself, Domh.”
“Barely… holding on,” he moans, and then I can feel Domh’s knot as it butts against my opening. God, I want it so badly. Why won’t he give it to me? “Patience, Sugar. Come for us first. I won’t be a dick and not make sure you’re taken care of. Aiden would kill me. Fall apart, baby.”
I want to ask him who Aiden is and what it would matter, but Evan thrusts down my throat, and it’s all I can do to swallow around him. He’s not as thick as Domh, but he’s a bit longer.
Gagging, my eyes water as he forces more of his cock down my throat.
“That’s it, baby,” Evan groans. “I knew your tears would be pretty. Relax your throat. I’m going to fuck your face and all you have to do is feel. Cry for me, choke on it, or I’ll fucking make you.”
I shouldn’t be as turned on as I am, but Domh’s cock is dragging against the walls of my pussy, and Evan’s words are making me start to clench around him. God, my stomach is cramping, and my thighs are starting to tremble.
I’ve come for Domh before, but this feels so much more intense.
My mouth is filling with saliva as I swallow around Evan and he forces himself down until his pelvis is pressed against my nose.
“Remember, you don’t have to breathe to suck my cock,” he says, as his hand circles my throat and his thumb presses my chin further back to accommodate him.
“Goddamn, you look so fucking pretty, little omega,” Domh grunts, and I can somehow feel as his control snaps. “Come now!”
His alpha bark makes me shudder as I come harder than I ever have before. My fingernails are clawing at Evan’s thighs as I fall apart, my vision whiting out as Domh starts to stretch me wide with his knot.
I can hear his panting breaths as he rocks his hips, and pushes his knot inside of me.
Fuck, it hurts, but at the same time, I need it. The slick is ridiculous right now, and they’re going to need to professionally clean the vehicle, but no one cares. I can smell our mingled scents, and desperately want Domh to bite me.
I want my scent to change slightly, telling everyone else that I belong to someone.
Fuck, I want to be wanted. The heavy turn of my thoughts make tears spill faster down my cheeks, but it’s cathartic. After today, I’ll belong to someone forever. Never forgotten, with loads of time to get to know them properly. Their profession, whatever it is that they may do for my father, doesn’t scare me.
I want my pack.
My fingers hold, scratch, curl around whatever is possible as Domh’s knot slowly slides deeper inside of me until it pops in. Fuck, I feel so full, and yet it’s incredible. The fear of my heat is diminishing, though trauma isn’t healed by a really good dick. I’ve been doing the work for myself, I’m just so tired of being alone.
I want someone to want me, but I have a feeling it’ll look different than I ever thought. These guys aren’t the clean cut men that Pack Royal is. Their edges are rough.
“I’m going to come,” Evan groans. “Swallow me down like a very good girl, Aisling.”
I don’t know what he means until his cock twitches and his cum shoots to the back of my throat. Rope after rope follows, and I swallow as best as I can. There’s so much of it as I mewl, making Evan chuckle.
“God, your throat is so fucking tight,” he says, his hand clenching around the column of my throat. I can’t breathe, but I’m not afraid. Cum dribbles out of the corner of my mouth, and Evan simply smirks as he groans.
“We’re home,” Caelin grunts.
“Not yet,” Evan says. “Not ready to leave this perfect mouth, but I can’t wait to watch one of you knot her throat.”
Would I panic if that happened? I don’t know.
At the moment, I feel floaty and happy, though I know it’s temporary. My heat is going to rage hard, and the only antidote is lots of fucking and cum. I can tell by how warm my body is, that this is going to be a rough one. Call it intuition if you would.
A cold prick of fear threads through me as Evan pulls his cock free of my mouth, the pop as the tip releases bringing me out of my worries that they may not take care of me. His tongue licks up the trail of cum that I couldn’t swallow, and then his mouth and tongue continue down my body.
Despite the fact that Domh is knot deep inside of me, Evan spreads my lips open, so that he can suck on my clit.
“Oh, oh!” I squeal as I buck upward for more. I need him to never stop. “Fuck. I want to keep you.”
Evan’s fingers link in mine, but he never stops, even when another crashing orgasm chases the last one. Screaming, I watch as Domh follows me, roaring as he comes. This is just the beginning. I demand more.
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