Chapter 30
Aisling asked us to back her up today, and I’m attending as Omega’s Haven’s lawyer. Aiden is driving the boss into the city for the meeting with the ROWS, which means Evan is driving Caelin, Aisling, and I.
Is it overkill to be attending as her entourage? I don’t believe so when ROWS has written multiple threatening emails to Wren and Aisling.
“I’m so nervous,” Aisling whispers. She’s sitting next to me in the back seat, chewing on her lip as she gazes out the window. Taking a chance, I slide my hand over hers, squeezing it.
“You don’t have a thing to prove to them,” I tell her. “All the proper paperwork was submitted when you created the foundation, and you’ve gone through all the proper channels with the city as well. Emilia can’t say shit that isn’t patronizing and threatening. We’re just here so she can’t do anything stupid.”
“Like kidnap you,” Caelin grunts. “She has underground ties to Madam Ophelia, who runs the Jefferson City Auction House just outside of here. I’ve been doing some research on her since I found out she was being a twat. ROWS is one of Madam Ophelia’s suppliers.”
“Omega’s Haven would be the perfect avenue for vulnerable omegas,” I mutter, beginning to see why Emilia is so desperate to take over for Wren and Aisling. “Evan, you may want to call your mom.”
“So she can send my fathers over to massacre them?” he asks, snorting. “That’s what will happen if I tell her. For the record, I think they’d deserve it.”
“How does Emilia sleep at night?”
Aisling whispers. “I can’t imagine how terrible of a person you’d have to be to sell another human being.”
“I don’t think she sees it like that,” I explain. “It’s fucked up, but I think she thinks the omegas she sends there deserve it.”
“Unbelievable,” Aisling says softly, blowing out a breath.
She’s quiet for the rest of the drive over, and Wren arrives soon after. It appears we all decided it was important to arrive with guns blazing, because all of Wren’s pack is here today. Flynn as well.
“I didn’t think any of you would come out for this except Shaw,” Aisling says with wide eyes, hugging Flynn.
“I asked Corbin about Emilia, and he mentioned that I should throw everything at this meeting,” Shaw grunts. “We can’t hurt her because she holds a lot of clout, but I can make sure she backs the fuck off. Shall we?”
Nodding, Wren and Aisling link arms together as they begin walking toward the building. Their friendship is ironclad, and it’s obvious they understand each other. Everest and Ambrose flank Flynn, making sure he feels supported, but I can see the faint tremor of his hands.
Flynn may not be agoraphobic, but the anxiety of leaving the house seems to run pretty close to it. He is practicing slow, controlled breathing, though you wouldn’t be able to tell since it’s silent. He’s trying to blend into the background.noveldrama
Flynn’s red hair and stark beauty will always make it difficult for him to do that though. I’m not attracted to him, but I can still appreciate a gorgeous man. This is why his pack protects him. It’s also clear that he’s working through some kind of trauma.
Cian and Aiden join us just before we walk into the building, and together we stalk across the lobby. We take both elevators up to the fourth floor, thankfully stepping out at the same time.
Cian and Aiden stand at the back of our group, their eyes tracking where everyone is. While the boss depends on his inner circle for protection, he is fucking ruthless on his own. We are all well armed, including Cian.
Aiden gave Aisling a new switchblade, though she’ll only realize it if she puts her hand in her coat pocket. Also, while we’ll begin moving out of the cold weather months soon, I bought her a new coat that’s temperature controlled.
Once it gets to a certain temperature, it immediately turns on. The coat also immediately shuts off the heater once the temperature is warm enough, which it will now that she’s inside.
I like my fancy technology shit, especially when I know it’ll keep my busy omega warm.
We are spoiling her, but I don’t care. We have a lot to make up for.
There’s an older woman at the reception desk who waits for us to approach, her lips pursed as if we’re already managing to waste her time.
“Aisling and Wren from Omega’s Haven here for Emilia Richardson,” Aisling says. Her voice is clear and professional, while still telling the woman to go fuck herself.
My Sugar is feisty, and I love it.
“Oh,” the receptionist says, glancing at the computer. “Who are these other people? I was told the meeting would just be with two people.”
“I’m Aisling’s father,” Cian growls. “ROWS has a statute that omegas are coveted, and therefore should be taken care of by her pack and family for the duration of their lives. I am pulling on that statute today.”
“Aye, same,” Pack Mohan states, making my lips twitch. The brogue is strong today.
“We’re Aisling’s pack,” I state. “I am also Omega’s Haven’s lawyer. I’m here to discuss the threatening and harassing emails and calls ROWS has been making to my clients.”
The woman’s eyes widen before she nods. “Ah, just give me one moment to tell Miss Richardson you’re here,” she says, scurrying away.
“I am almost positive they didn’t expect you to have anyone with you, Aisling,” Cian murmurs. “I’d be damned if I didn’t come.”
Looking around, I glance at the posters in the waiting room. It’s all propaganda about how omegas should be cherished by their packs, and how they can’t make a decision without one.
Aisling makes thousands of decisions without us, so that’s just laughable.
Another poster has me stepping closer toward the wall, my lips parting.
Omegas should be demur at all times. Teach the youth how to respect their elders.
“Jesus,” I mutter. “Are we living in a Twilight Zone?”
Cian steps over to where I’m standing, snorting as he reads the poster.
“I would rather my daughter buck the system and tell these women off than be demure,” he rasps. “I already dislike this. Corbin called me this morning and told me I couldn’t kill them.”
Snorting because he didn’t hear what Shaw said in the parking lot, I nod. “I have a feeling we may want to though,” I say.
“Aisling and Wren, must you two be so dramatic?” Emilia exclaims as she walks into the waiting room.
Cian and I turn to face her, and I wish I was closer to Aisling than I am right now.
“I don’t think we’re being dramatic at all,” Aisling says, brow raised. “Your last email was threatening, and you seem to be under the impression that we’re helpless.”
“Needing to bring an entourage of males is exhibiting your helplessness,” Emilia says with a small smile that’s all teeth. “Come along to the conference room. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave all of this man candy in the reception area.”
“I believe you’re mistaken,” Wren says. “Our lawyer would like to be in the conference room as a witness. It is also typical to allow an omega to bring a pack representative into any meeting where she or he has felt threatened. The evidence that you’re in contact with a known madam of an auction house makes you not a safe person.”
“The allegations of the last sentence aren’t true,” Emilia says sourly.
“Even if they weren’t, my own mother from the Whalen Society told me you weren’t trustworthy,” Evan says dourly. “Unless, you’d like for me to call her to sit in on this meeting?”
“Who is your mother?” Emilia asks.
“Sue Whalen,” Evan says with a feral smile as the blood leaves her face.
I guess they have some history. Interesting.
“No offense, but I’ll pass. Your mother is insufferable,” she grunts. “This is insane, people. I refuse to have this many bodies in my space. We can keep the lawyer, I guess. You can have one other person.
Shaw and Cian glance at each other, and Cian inclines his head toward him.
“I’ll go,” Shaw murmurs. “Show us the way.”
Emilia gives us her back like the bitch she is and strides in the direction of the conference room.
“Record the meeting,” Caelin grunts. “I’ll open that app on my computer so we can listen.”
The receptionist never returned, so everyone nods. Caelin has his laptop bag crossed over his chest as he always does, and he parks his ass in the chair, where everyone grabs seats as well.
“Good talk,” I state, lips twitching, as I stride after Emilia with Aisling, Wren, and Shaw.
“I’m surprised she’s allowing this much of a presence,” Shaw says under his breath.
Me too. It doesn’t really help my anxiety over this in the least.
The conference room is large, with a white table and soft lights over it with pretty sky blue curtains over the windows. No plastic blinds here, which are hell on the eyes if not perfectly set.
It’s a room where an omega is in charge, and I can appreciate that, even though this organization is filled with bitches.
“Sit down,” Emilia commands. “We’re already behind.”
There are four other women already seated, who are in their forties and fifties. Their hair is all perfectly done, as well as makeup set with a steady hand. While I put effort into my appearance, these women are all in perfect skirt sets and blazers.
A woman with cocoa skin gazes at me with caramel eyes as we sit down, and I have a feeling she’s calculating my every weak spot. I gaze back at her because I have nothing to hide. I work hard, do my best not to hurt others, and there’s not a damn thing she can do or say that will make me doubt that.
I’m here to get this society off of my back. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing my organization to be a funnel for Emilia and her society’s little side hustle.
“Ladies, let me introduce you to Aisling and Wren,” Emilia says haughtily as she sits down at the head of the table. “The other two appear to be their bodyguards, which is silly don’t you think? In order of where they are sitting, please meet Donna, Roberta, Alyssa, and Tracy. These women have been by my side for a long time, and have similar ideas about your little haven.”
Roberta leans forward with a coy smile, her nude lipstick perfectly applied as her caramel gaze never leaves mine. Her locs are wrapped in a beautiful bun, and if she wasn’t looking at me as if I was lunch, I would be able to appreciate it more.
“Do you truly believe you’re capable of helping anyone, when you’re both so young?” she asks. “You’re babies. I don’t believe either of you have the life experience to be able to grow Omega’s Haven. I think I even heard whispers of a dreaded heat clinic! That’s so crass.”
“Omegas need a safe way to be able to have their heats,” I say. “If a heat is unbearable enough, it could lead to suicidal thoughts, a fear of their next heat, and even psychosis. Also, not everyone is able to use toys or even worse, grin and bear it.”
“The last option is decidedly cruel,” Wren rasps, sitting tall. “If an omega has been near their scent match, they are the only ones who will be able to help them through their heat. There are documented cases, though, where alphas wearing masks will be able to step in. I understand that the scent won’t match, but it will allow the omega to ride out their heat.”
“What you’re proposing is prostitution,” Emilia growls. “Don’t think I don’t know about the little trip you made out to the University of Lyons, Aisling. It’s every alpha’s wet dream. A free pass to fuck every omega in your so-called haven.”
“It’s not my idea of a wet dream,” Shaw rumbles. “Read the room, Emilia. There are grown men here who only ever wanted to find their scent match. Our pack was able to find two omegas who fit us perfectly. My mate is discussing a sustainable solution for omegas in need. They’ve sourced sex toys from a company who was excited to help, and are providing services for every part of an omega. Not just the ones that are allowed to speak about in polite society.”
“I still don’t like it,” Emilia snaps.
“What about this head shrinker you’ve brought into your organization?” Alyssa asks. She’s wearing a black and white suit, a very bland outfit with severe lines. It perfectly matches the sour look on her face as well.
“A therapist,” I say slowly, hoping it’ll sink in. “Trauma doesn’t simply go away because you want to look the other way. However, people have to be in the right place to accept counseling. I would rather provide the option than ignore it. Many of the omegas who are coming through our doors are leaving bad relationships or packs, are homeless, or are looking to rebuild their lives. Whatever that looks like, Wren and I want to be able to provide services to them for it.”
I remember the way Flynn refused treatment for almost a year before accepting it. You can’t force someone to face their pain.
“You’re teaching people that there are no consequences for their actions,” Alyssa insists. “If you’re there to catch them when they fall, how will they learn?”
“Why is it up to us to stand back and let them smash into the ground?” I ask. “There are no services whatsoever, Alyssa. What happens to a child who presents as an omega at sixteen when her mother dies? The homeless shelters won’t take her because of her designation. Who is helping omegas who are escaping alphas who have bought them at auctions?”
“No one should be standing as judge and jury to decide who is best suited for services to help them through whatever life event they’re going through,” Wren says. “The fact that you can sit on the other side of this table and state that you should be able to, says so much.”
“I don’t think it says anything except that allocation of money and resources is important,” Emilia says archly.
Everything these women have been saying shows there is a spy somewhere. I recently went out to visit the host club, and they’ve visited the heat clinic twice since to perform their duties. I don’t know how else to explain it, but the omegas have been quite satisfied, so I’m happy with the arrangement.
I won’t say that to these women, though.
“I appreciate your concern, but we don’t need your help,” I say.
“I think you do as your elders—”
“You’re browbeating my clients,” Domh grunts. He’s been very patient while we’ve talked, and he’s right. That’s exactly what they’re doing. “They’ve heard your concerns and rejected your help.”
“The health department would be very interested to hear about the spoiled food you’ve had delivered,” Tracy croons, ignoring him. “Did you feed it to the poor little shelter residents?”
I can feel myself beginning to lose my cool when Domh pushes a piece of paper across the table.
“This is a cease and desist,” he growls. “You will not go anywhere near Aisling, Wren, Omega’s Haven, and all communication will also end. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain that you’re responsible for messing with their food deliveries as well. Therefore, this is a written warning from the courts to stop, or I will release the video of you delivering food to the shelter door.”
Well that’s interesting.
“We have cameras surrounding the entire area, in an effort to protect our mate since she works long hours,” Domh says. “Every single second is sent back to Caelin, who saves all of it in case it’s important. Tracy, you’re on the camera, though you’re wearing a hat with your hair up. I can tell it’s you, though.”
My lips twist into a mean smile. I’m not even mad about this. I knew they had cameras inside of the haven that I hunted down, but never thought they were outside. I wonder if it was an effort to see when I left work, since I’m terrible at telegraphing my actions.
I’m used to simply doing, explaining why I’m doing it is new to me.
“I don’t understand why you want this organization,” I say. “You have an agenda that’s not something I would ever want to be involved in. I’m nothing like the omega you seem to praise in your posters.”
“That’s exactly why we want it,” Emilia sighs. “I don’t want you or Wren. You’re too damaged to be the front people for this. Omegas are special, while you’ve allowed life to eat you up and spit you up. I’m sure there are people at Omega’s Haven who can still be saved.”
Thinking about the omegas staying in the shelter, visiting the warehouse for activities, or coming to the outreach center for services, I shake my head.
“I don’t think they need nor want your kind of help,” I murmur. “What you want is control. People deserve choices in how to live their lives, Emilia. I don’t consider myself damaged, but I am damn tired of dealing with you. I believe we’re done here.”
As a unit, my side of the table stands as Emilia snarls at me.
“You’ll regret this, Aisling. You can’t be protected all the time,” she says.
“Please understand that a threat against Aisling and Wren are threats against Corbin Murphy, Pack Mohan, Cian Sullivan, and Pack Hayes,” Shaw rumbles. “I do believe there’s a women’s group who is dying to get their claws into you as well. I suggest you shut the fuck up and leave them alone.”
The older omegas look surprised, but Wren and I have allies, even if we may be surprised by where they lie. Regardless, the women are quiet as we walk out of the conference room, leaving Domh’s paperwork on the table.
Dad stands, his eyes moving over me as if worried Emilia may have done something to me.
“I’m fine,” I tell him with a smile. “I am starving, though. Flynn, are you up for breakfast?”
“Where?” he asks. I can see that he’s beginning to feel very twitchy and uncomfortable.
“How does my home sound?” Dad asks. “My housekeepers are wonderful about keeping scents to a minimum that aren’t fresh flowers.”
“Can I cook?” Flynn asks, wincing. “I’m sure you have a chef and everything…”
“I do, and he won’t mind in the least,” Dad says. “Sometimes you just have to cook out your emotions.”
Flynn stares at him for a long moment and then glances at me. I shake my head to show that I’ve never spoken about him before about his cooking.
“Aisling’s mom used to rage bake when we were together,” Dad admits. “I tried very hard not to piss her off, but it still happened. We were both hot headed back then. However, you’re welcome to my kitchen. It’s fully stocked at all times.”
“Okay,” Flynn mumbles. “Ah, thank you.”
Pack Mohan appears shocked for a moment, but rallies quickly. Wren and I have no such tact and wrap our arms around his waist.
“Proud of you,” Wren whispers so only he and I can hear.
“Are they going to be a problem?” Dad asks, giving us a moment.
Caelin slips his laptop away with a sigh, saying, “I think they will be.”
“Ditto,” Shaw grunts. “Let’s wait until we’re at Cian’s before discussing it further. I wouldn’t be surprised if they bugged this room.”
Walking out of the room surrounded by people, I sigh. I don’t think today was a win, but there’s a legal precedent stating Wren and I asked to be left alone.
It’s more than I had before.
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