Chapter 36
“I feel like we should be doing something,” I mutter, pushing away my computer to stretch. Aisling is visiting with her dad today, and I already miss her.
“We could fix up the backyard,” Evan grunts. “Cian’s been dropping hints that Aisling needs a proper space to spend time outside.”
“The weather is nice enough for it,” Domh grunts. “I’m sure our parents would all help with it.”
His words remind me of the not so subtle hints my mom has been giving me about meeting Aisling.
“May as well invite the moms too,” I sigh. “They can help us with how to place everything. We’ll need their advice.”
“Your mom is bugging you still about meeting Aisling too, huh?” Domh asks with a chuckle. Evan and Aiden’s moms met Aisling through the Whelan Society, but Domh and my mom haven’t met her yet.
They both work corporate jobs, and aren’t interested in the Whalen society, though they will write donation checks to charities. Sometimes you do what you can instead.
“Ugh, yes. Mom has been asking when she can come over, ever since Noreen told her about how Aisling gardened with her,” I grunt.
“She plants our flower beds at the front of the house every spring,” Aiden says with a smug chuckle. The fucker has no shame. He knows how our moms are. “Besides, she made me promise to get our shit together by the time she came over.”
“We’re getting there,” Evan says. “May as well call in the troops.”
Releasing a self-suffering sigh, I pull my phone out to call one of my dads.
“Hey, Dad,” I greet him when he answers. “Do you have plans today?”
“Are we going to get to meet your omega?” Dad asks, making me snort.
“She’s visiting her dad today, but yes, probably. Cian has been dropping hints about how we need to all weather proof the backyard for Aisling. Figured since the weather is nice that we’d get it done today,” I explain.
“Have you seen your backyard since winter, Son?” Dad asks. “You have fallen tree branches and debris that needs to be cleaned up first. I’ll start calling your uncles too. There’s going to be a price on this though…”
Knowing he doesn’t mean money, I groan as I stand up and start to pace. I can see Domh doing the exact same thing, and have a feeling our parents are about to gang up on us.
“Lay it on me, old man,” I tell him.
“Mmhm, try that in front of me so I can knock your block off, Son,” he growls, though we both know he doesn’t mean it. “The moms will want to have everyone over tonight to celebrate and meet her.”
“Everyone,” I drawl. “I don’t think our house is big enough for that.”
“Haha,” he says, unamused. “Whoever is free, since you know it’s last minute. It’s honestly probably better that way, don’t you think? Wouldn’t want to overwhelm her with our crazy.”
“I don’t think the crazy will be an issue, Dad. The sheer amount of us may be,” I grunt.
“Okay, okay,” Domh groans. “Yes, that’s fine.”
For a lawyer, he always caves the fastest in the face of his parents. It’s hysterical.
“Well, Domh folded, so it’s been decided,” I tell him.
“Love that boy,” Dad says with a dark chuckle as I roll my eyes. “We’ll be there soon.”
Hanging up, I turn to see that everyone else appears to be as overwhelmed as I do.
“May as well change into clothing we can move around and sweat in,” Domh mutters. I’m already in joggers and a tank-top, so I smirk at him as he leaves the room.
Evan, Aiden, and I are all in comfortable clothing, while Domh tends to look as if he’s just walked off the pages of Tattooed GQ.
“I swear, our fathers are no better than our moms,” Aiden mutters. “Fuck, do a walk around and make sure the house looks presentable.”
The next twenty minutes are spent panic cleaning before our parents come over, but the house is spotless by the time the doorbell rings.
“Your cousins are already out back getting the tree limbs to cut them into pieces for firewood for the winter,” Dad says. My two other dads are behind him with smirks on their faces.
They know we’ve already lost any control we thought we had.
“Alright then,” I say. “Let’s head back there and—”
“We’re here!” Mom calls out.
I can see that she caught a ride with the guys’ moms and chuckle. It’s not that they don’t enjoy each other’s company, they do. Mom is just kept busy with her job.
“Good luck,” Dad mutters, pushing inside to walk through the house.
Stepping outside, I watch as the moms descend on me. Evan sticks his head outside for a moment before squeezing my ass and whispering, “Thanks for taking one for the team,” and going back inside.
I’ll remember this the next time I have him on his knees, choking down my knot.
“Hi, Mom. Hi, Sue, Noreen, and Theresa,” I say warmly.
“You’ve released the hurricanes for the day, I see,” Domh’s mom says with a smile as I lean down to kiss her cheek.
“Apparently so,” I mutter. “Come help us plan out our backyard, then?”
“Anything for our boys and Aisling,” Noreen says with a grin.
Ugh, I really do love them all.
The rest of the day, we clean out the yard, get the ground ready for pavers, and put them down. This wouldn’t typically be a one day project, but when you have twenty men working on things, it’s a lot easier.
People come and go in waves, depending on what’s needed to head to the store to pick things up.
Once the basic plan is made, our moms head out to buy flowers to plant. When they come back, it’s with their garden club, who are militant in how serious they are about flowers and gardening.
My mom and Domh’s direct the guys since they’re not gardeners, and by six in the afternoon, the backyard is done.
I really hope she likes it.
“Are you stalling, Dad?” I ask, amused.
Every time I start to leave, he asks me another question, or needs to show me something. This is the fifth attempt, and Dad colors in embarrassment.
Got ya.
“Maybe,” he drawls. “I guess you can go home now. Be prepared for a full house, though. The guys have been busy.”
“So you won’t tell me because it’s a surprise?” I ask, confirming.
“Correct. It’s a good thing, I promise, my daughter,” Dad says as he hugs me goodbye. “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Dad,” I murmur, walking to my car.
What are the guys up to?
The drive home is filled with my trying to figure it out, but frankly, the amount of cars in the front yard negates everything I’ve thought of. I can’t park in the garage, so I maneuver the best I can, to get as close to the house as possible. Chuckling under my breath, I remind myself that it’s definitely not my birthday.noveldrama
What the fuck guys?
Getting out of the SUV, I walk up to the front door, though I need to walk around a few cars as I do. Laughing to myself at the sheer amount of vehicles that there are, I push open the door, finding it unlocked.
“Hello?” I call out, hearing people at the back of the house.
“Hey, poppet,” Caelin says, looking around the wall leading to the back of the house. “Just in time.”
“Dare I ask what for?” I tease him, closing the door by leaning back on it.
“It’s more fun to show you, Aisling,” he says with a wink.
Huffing out a laugh, I nod as I walk over to him, taking his hand. Pulling me close, he kisses me firmly, seeming to relax now that I’m close to him.
“I always miss you when you’re gone,” he murmurs.
“How many times did you check the tracker?” I ask him.
While it’s warm enough that I don’t need my coat, he simply put it in the hidden pocket of my combat boots. I’m wearing a moss green dress that’s boho inspired, with a brown belt and embroidered flowers, and I can tell it’s a good choice by the way his gaze is heating.
“Whenever I could take a break,” he growls. “Come on then, poppet. Time to meet my mother and the families. We also have a surprise for you.”
“You do?” I squeak. I haven’t met his mother before, and wonder if what I’m wearing is inappropriate in some way. Shit. “Should I change?”
“No, you look stunning, as always,” he says, dragging me along next to him.
“It’s not too much cleavage?” I ask, eyes wide.
“You were just at your dad’s house. You’re worried about that now?” he asks with a surprised look.
“Eh, Dad doesn’t really pay attention to what I wear like that. He just tells me I look beautiful,” I say, shrugging.
“Well, the boss is always right,” Caelin says, lips brushing along my temple. “Look who I found, everyone!”
Glaring at him before I wipe it away to smile, we walk into the living room where there are a lot of people. I can see the assembly of family members also extends into the kitchen and outside, and take a deep breath so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Fuck, what a way to meet your pack’s family.
“Hi,” a woman says with light brown wavy hair and light blue eyes.
Caelin’s eyes are hidden behind his glasses, but I know they’re the same shade.
“Are you Caelin’s mom?” I ask, taking a guess.
She has laugh lines along her lips and forehead, and her gaze is shrewd.
“Yes. My name is Grace,” she says. “Let me steal you away. Caelin’s been keeping you hidden. I don’t even care if you were kidnapped for a good portion of that time.”
Caelin coughs out his laugh, moving me into his mother’s orbit. I say that because she really is a force of nature.
“How is your father?” she asks, slipping her arm through mine as we wander the room.
“He’s wonderful,” I tell her. “We spent the day together chatting in his backyard.”
“Tell me about it,” she insists.
“It’s a covered patio with comfortable sofas, there’s flowers everywhere so the air is always fragrant, and a small fire pit,” I explain. “He also has heaters so it’s never too cold, as well as blankets. It’s kind of an omega’s paradise.”
“You’re his only daughter, right?” she asks.
“Ah, as far as I know,” I say hesitantly.
“He never had children with his now deceased wife,” Grace confirms.
I didn’t think that was common knowledge…Grace winks at me as she sees my surprise. “His wife wouldn’t have lived long either way,” she says. “Divorce was too kind for her. Now, tell me about what you do for a living?”
I’m pulled into conversation with her for a moment, in awe of how nice she is, while still clearly not having time for bullshit.
“I guess I’ll introduce you to Domh’s mom,” Grace grumbles. “Theresa!”
Domh’s mom is short, has curves for days, and gorgeous blonde waves in her hair. Excited, she hurries over, hugging me.
“Finally!” she exclaims. “I swear I was trying to be patient.”
While overwhelming, they’re incredibly nice as they walk me around introducing people. It’s difficult to remember everyone, but I’m game to try.
“Oye!” a man yells, walking inside. “Stop hoarding her, Grace.”
“I guess,” she says with a sigh. I can tell they’re pack by the familiarity in their eyes and easy teasing.
Making our way through the back door, my jaw drops as I see the transformed space. The back porch is extended into a deck, with a pretty sloped covering over it. There’s a seating area out here, the garden created beyond it with pavers that weave a path through it. The aesthetic fits perfectly with the wild trees and forest beyond it, and my jaw drops.
“How?” I whisper, blinking rapidly. There’s beauty and structure where there was chaos before, and it’s hard to believe.
Further on, there’s a covered-swing chair that perfectly captures the rest of the garden, with room for people to walk…or run. Aiden’s words about being chased through the woods make me clamp my thighs together, barely avoiding perfuming.
“This was the combined efforts of everyone inside,” he says with a grin. “We’ve known about you for some time, and have been dying to meet our sons’ omega. Nothing comes easily, but our love does. Welcome to the family, Aisling.”
Tears are inevitable as I’m quickly overwhelmed, and Grace gives me a hug.
“Why is my mate crying?” Caelin yells, making me giggle. God, he always knows.
“Yeah, I feel it too,” Aiden growls, pushing through until he’s in front of me. “Princess…”
Smiling weakly, I shrug as he sweeps me into his arms as I cry.
“It’s amazing,” I whisper in his ear. “I can’t believe this.”
“Believe it, Princess. Now, dry your eyes and come meet everyone,” he rumbles. “They’ve been wanting to since New Year’s Eve.”
“You’ve been talking about me for that long?” I ask, wiping at my eyes and he sets me down.
“I’ve known since before that,” Noreen says with a wink.
“Mother’s intuition is unfair home advantage,” Grace’s alpha snorts.
Smirking, Noreen grabs my hand and walks me back inside to meet more people before dinner.
Their families are as unhinged as my pack is in the best of ways.
1 month later
“Why are you pacing?” Aiden groans, watching as I drag my fingers through my hair.
“Something is bothering me,” I mutter. “I know we’re officially packed up, but we never actually asked her.”
“Yeah,” Caelin grunts. “It’s been eating at me too.”
“So let’s plan something romantic,” Evan says, rolling his eyes. “Stop beating yourself up about it and fix it.”
Blowing out a breath, I nod. The garden looks gorgeous in the backyard, the air smells incredible from it, we can do this.
“Should we get her a ring, or is that silly?” I ask, sighing. “I really am nervous about this.”
“I don’t think it’s silly,” Aiden rumbles. “Isn’t one of your cousins a jeweler?”
“Yeah, but he’s kind of an asshole,” I grumble. Ryan isn’t a terrible omega, just grumpy. “Fine, we’ll go there.”
Mom, I’m going to see Ryan for a ring. Can you give him a head’s up, please? It’ll come better from you.
Getting your head out of your ass, I see? I’m very proud. I’ll see what I can do.
There’s nothing like a little motherly love to make you shrink three inches.
“You texted Theresa, didn’t you?” Aiden asked, lips twitching at my face. “I’m sure she’ll sort it out. Ryan is close by, isn’t he?”
“He lives in Whalen,” I confirm.
Taking his SUV, Aiden navigates his way through the streets to Whalen. Ryan does custom pieces at his shop from what I remember Mom saying, and they’re beautiful. I’d rather give Aisling something we’ve created, but that may be the bougie part about me.
My shoes are custom whenever I can order them, as are my suits because of my size. It makes more sense to buy something that is tailored or made for me, than hobble around in something that doesn’t.
The Lord blessed me with large feet as well as height, and there’s no getting around it.
“What are the odds that Ryan is going to be a dick about this?” Evan asks, eying the jewelry store.
“Careful, he’ll think you’re casing the joint,” Aiden snorts.
That’s why we have problems with Ryan. He thinks we’re thugs who thrive on petty crime, when the reality is light years different.
“Ugh, let’s get this over with,” I groan, pushing open the passenger side door.
He’ll either agree or not.
Crossing the street with the guys, I’m aware of how Ryan watches us as we approach. Maybe Mom didn’t have a chance to talk to him. Pulling at the door, I find it’s locked and glare at the door.
“Fucking really?” I yell. “If you’re going to be an asshole, I’ll go to Redmond’s Jewelers and tell everyone at every family get together that I had to go there for my mate’s engagement ring. I’ll loudly suggest they all go there, Ryan.”
“You can’t be serious,” he snarls.
I swear, the universe was not kind to him. Ryan’s parents are good looking, but he had an upturned nose, is potbellied, and crotchety for a forty-year-old omega. He’s forever single.
I can see why.
“Deadly,” Aiden says, pulling out a knife and licking the blade. Our alpha is releasing his crazy. This should be fun. We can be Ryan’s worst nightmares very easily. It’s completely up to him. “What’s it going to be? Are we going to have to take our business elsewhere?”
“You know we’ll never let you forget it,” Caelin drawls, cleaning his glasses on his T-shirt. Somehow, it makes him look both hot and unhinged.
If we’re not careful, Ryan is going to piss himself. Eh, it’ll be another thing to fuck with him about the next time he calls us thugs and bottom feeders. For fuck’s sakes, I’m a lawyer.
“Be sure to tell your mom about this, Domh,” Evan says with a shrug as he turns away. “I’m sure that’ll be fun when we have our next get together.”
“The moms will want to throw a party when they find out we formally asked Aisling to be ours,” I agree, shrugging.
“Wait!” Ryan yells, coming around the counter to unlock the door. “Why are you torturing me with your mothers? It’s not fair.”
“I could pull the skin away from your bones with my knife and make sure you can still work. Would that be any better?” Aiden asks idly.
“Ah, I’ll pass, thank you,” Ryan rasps, opening the door.
“Too bad,” Aiden murmurs, putting his knife away.
I have to admit the knife is scarier than the guns.
“Do you really want a ring?” Ryan asks, pointing to the cases in the store.
“We want custom,” I tell him. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Sighing, Ryan mumbles, “Of course you do. Why can’t this be easy?”
“Because I’m a bottom feeder that needs to be a pain in your ass,” I tell him.
Pulling out different diamonds, he shows us different bands as well. Aiden purses his lips as he looks at everything. I have to admit it’s overwhelming.
“Ryan,” Evan says slowly. “What do you usually do when you’re building someone an engagement ring their omega will wear forever?”
“I… show them how different options look and… ask what their mate would want,” Ryan stutters.
“Aisling always looks put together and beautiful, even when she’s not trying,” Aiden says. “She’s busy, so she wouldn’t want anything that would get caught on things.”
“Okay,” Ryan wheezes. I hope the asshole doesn’t have a heart attack. Fuck. “Do you want a wedding ring as well?”
Caelin blinks at the question, but I nod.
“She deserves a vacation, may as well be our wedding,” I grunt. “We’ll take her away and surprise her with one. It’ll be just us, with zero stress. If we don’t do it all, I’ll start freaking out again. I doubt we’ll get Ryan to work with us twice.”
“Can we get a wedding ring with orchids engraved in it with diamonds?” Aiden suddenly asks. Evan blushes, knowing why he’s asking. Even now, our alpha takes care of us all.
I wonder how long it’ll take until Aisling asks about his tattoo.
“Yes, I can do that,” Ryan says, looking at us funny.
“That diamond is pretty,” Evan says, pointing at what appears to be a four carat diamond. The brilliance is beautiful. He has a good eye.
“What would a floating band look like?” I ask, beginning to imagine her future ring.
“You all have really put some thought into this,” Ryan mutters. The bands are magnetic, allowing the diamond to sit on it for a visual depiction.
“She’s our forever,” Aiden murmurs. “Even though we just decided to do this, we know what she’d like.”
“Fair enough,” he says, showing it to us.
“I like it,” I tell them, and my pack nods. “How soon can you have it for us, Ryan? I know this is custom and takes longer—”
“A week,” he interrupts. “Don’t you want to know the price?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Aiden says. “Do you need anything else from us? Aisling should be home soon.”
“No, I’m good,” Ryan says, watching as we leave.
Sometimes, appearances are deceiving.
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