Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down

Chapter 15

15 I'm not lying There was a priest waiting for them, he bowed to Alessandro and Cassian, however, he completely ignored April, the priest led them to a room in which there was a large glass sphere, April had already been through that once, at the age of 6 her father had taken her to the temple to find out what kind of magic she possessed since she still did not manifest her magic, but she had been greatly disappointed when they said that She didn't have any magic, that was the beginning of a li

fe full of pain for April.

As the priest explained what they should do, April wondered if she would go through the same thing again, if after the king confirmed that she did not have magic, he would treat her the same way as her father.

April ended up getting lost in her thoughts, Cassian touched her shoulder and said.

_April, you must touch the sphere.

Alessandro looked annoyed and said.

_Don't waste our time.

April touched the sphere with some fear, but as in the past, the sphere did not react, confirming that she had no magic, Cassian was shocked, Alessandro grabbed her arm so hard that it made her scream in pain.

_ Is this a joke? Are you really the daughter of King Venobich? Alessandro continued to squeeze her arm tightly, she began to cry in pain, she felt like he was going to crush her arm, Alessandro was so furious that she wondered if her end had come, if he was going to kill her.

Cassian stepped in.

_Alessandro, let her go, you're hurting her.

Alessandro ignored his brother's words and said to him.

_ Tell me who you are? Cassian used his magic to pull Alessandro away from Abril, Alessandro was very surprised, his brother had attacked him to defend Abril, Cassian spoke firmly as he had never done before.

_ that's enough brother! April had lost strength in her legs, she fell to the ground and with a trembling voice she said.

_Even if your majesty doesn't believe me, I am the daughter of King Venobich, that is not a lie.

_ All members of royalty are born with magic, how is it possible that you don't have magic? _I don't know, my father was also very surprised when he found out I was born without magic, but the color of my hair is proof that I am my father's daughter, a Venobich.

Cassian was between Alessandro and Abril, he was protecting her with his body, a few months ago Cassian had insisted on Abril's death, Alessandro wondered how his brother had ended up changing his mind and becoming the princess's protector.

Alessandro turned around and said.

_I'll send another carriage for you.

After Alessandro left Cassian helped Abril up and asked her.

_ Is your arm okay? April was still shaking, she replied.

_Yes I'm fine.

_Let me see it.

Cassian looked at the princess's arm, Alessandro had left marks on her fingers and a bruise was beginning to appear on her arm.noveldrama

_ Does it hurt? _I'll be fine, thank you for defending me, I thought your majesty was going to kill me.

_My brother was furious, all members of royalty possess magic, it is strange that you do not possess magic.

_Is it a sin not to have magic? _That? _I have always been treated like someone defective and useless for not having magic, commoners do not have magic and they have a good life, because if someone from royalty does not possess magic they are considered a fraud, a spoil.

Cassian could feel the pain in every word April said, and at that moment he realized something.

The princess hadn't lied when she said she had never been treated as such, that all her life she had been ignored.

When King Venobich, a cruel man who values ​​strength and power above all things, found out that she didn't have magic, he must have had a very bad time.

_You are not a wreck, and it is not a sin that you do not possess magic.

April found Cassian's kindness strange, but she felt very grateful, he had been the only one who had cared about her and defended her, he was the first person who had not ignored her.

_Thank you so much.

She said again with a broken voice, Cassian patted her on the head.

A carriage came to pick them up, and when they were about to arrive at the palace, Abril told him.

_ What should I do? I'm supposed to go to his majesty's chambers, but if I go he'll surely kill me.

As he said that Cassian saw how April was shaking with fear, he told her.

_You don't have to go, go back home and rest, I'll talk to my brother.

_Thank you so much.

When they arrived at the palace Cassian said goodbye and went to find his brother, he was in his office and clearly seemed to be in a bad mood.


Alessandro didn't answer, Cassian approached him and said.

_I'm sorry Lessan, I didn't mean to attack you.

- Why did you defend that woman? Until recently you hated her and wanted to see her blood flow.

Cassian, since when do you care what happens to that woman? _She is not a bad person.

Alessandro looked at him in shock and couldn't believe what his brother was saying.

_If I didn't know that woman didn't have magic, I'd say she'd cast a spell on you.

_I know what I'm saying may sound crazy, brother, but I can assure you that she is not the monster we thought she was.

Alessandro stared at him and said.

_ What do you know about that woman? _More than you, for sure.

_I forbade you from being near that woman Cassian.

_I know, but I can't be away from her anymore.' _ What are you saying Cassian? Have you fallen in love with that woman? _No, I could never set my eyes on my brother's wife, I can't be away from her because when I'm with her the pain my leg almost completely disappears and my leg stops failing me.

_ What nonsense are you talking about? That woman has no magic.

_I'm not so sure about that brother, I don't know why the test to see if she had magic went wrong, but I'm sure she has something special, for a few months now I've been going to visit her almost every day and since then my leg has stopped hurting, but when I don't go, the pain comes back, Alessandro remembered something, when he had been attacked in the forest, he remembered that the wound he had received had been very deep, however, when the doctor had examined him he had told him that the wo

und had not been very deep, perhaps the princess had something to do with it, he told him.

_I'll find out if what you're saying is true, if it's not, I hope it doesn't...

_Don't hurt her.

_ That? _She was very scared, she thought you would kill her, she was shaking a moment ago, she said she had to go to your rooms, but I told her it was not necessary, so do not take out your anger on her, I ask you as a favor brother.

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