I’m Dedicated To You


The little girls were sedated to sleep when their kidnapper’s found them loud and the moving van moves on the silent road in the dead of the night with three hopeless girls in it.

“Are we going to get in trouble because of this”Man 1 asked?

“They don’t look like they have anyone to look for them so, I think it should be fine and even if it’s going to be a problem we will be long gone away from this place, “Man 2 days and the third Man nods his head in agreement and they continues their small talk and laughing about nothing not giving a care to the little girls in the van.


I felt my body being slurped on the ground and I groaned from the pain. I opened my eyes slowly trying to adjust to my environment but what I saw was total darkness I closed my eyes back not believing it but when I opened my eyes again it was still the same. Since I did not understand my surroundings I decided to think about what happened before I lose consciousness and then it clicks that was kidnapped by my friends so, I quickly looked around the dark room but what I saw was so shocking.

I saw different kids of different age ranges and it was so terrifying because I have never seen this large crowd before even at the orphanage we were not this much so, so how could these many kids be inside this dark room? Since it was so dark I couldn’t see much but I know my friends are also somewhere inside this room so, I decided to wait for a little ray of light because I know for sure that I won’t be able to locate my friends in the darkness of this room.

“Are you new here”I heard someone whispers in my ear and I quickly jerked back because it’s I was so scared because of the sudden change.

“Y.. e.. s”I stuttered looking at the kid I can’t make her face out but I know she is a girl.

“You don’t have to stress yourself about recognizing me because I don’t think the room is bright for anyone to see each other,” the girl that I haven’t gotten her name yet says.

“You sound like you know the situation well enough how long have you been here”I asked her.

“Hmmm I don’t know how many days have passed because I lost count of it since I don’t have a calendar to follow it up but I was kidnapped by the gang on the 12th of March 20XX,” she says and I try to calculate it.

“I and my friends got kidnapped at midnight but the day before that is the 22nd of March so, that means you have been here for 10 days,” I say.

“Wow I don’t know it’s not that long because every second here feels like a year but I think that’s good because my friends won’t forget me yet, “the girl says sadly and my little brain told me not to ask her about it if I am not ready to cry with her so, I just decided to skip her sad story.

“So, I think I have to wait until morning then before I can locate my friends,” I say trying to find a place to lay myself down but it seems like every other place I turn to is used by another person so, I decided to just stay where I am sitting even if my body feels hurt so bad.

“You can’t sleep now because you don’t even have a sleeping stand but don’t worry tomorrow when they take some of the kids out you are going to see someplace to sleep,” the talkative girl says.

“Where do they take the kids too? Did they return them to their parents?”I asked excitedly because even if I don’t havparentsts I can still be returned to the orphanage but I heard the girl beside me stiff a laugh.

“How old are you, “the girl asked and I got confused about the question because what does my age got to do with what I asked I told her anyways.

“My name is Georgina and I am ten years old” I answered her telling her my name too because the talkative girl may ask about that too.

“Let this big sister lecture you since you are young and don’t know anything about life,” she says and she waited for me to say something but I didn’t say anything and which gives her the cue to continue”the guys that kidnapped you and your friends are from the Scorpion gang, one of the notorious gang in Newtown country and they are involved in different illegal things ranging from human trafficking, prostitution, drugs and many more so, did you understand me, little girl,” she says explaining the scenario to me.

“So, you are saying the people that kidnapped us are bad guys and they don’t have the intention to return us”I asked confused because the thought of the scenario is terrifying.

“I don’t think you should trouble yourself you are still young and I know they won’t be harsh on little girls like you,” she says.

“You keep calling me little girl how old are you”I asked offended.

“I am 16 years old and my name is Clara so, you see I am older than you,” she says playfully and I nodded my head agreeing with her. We keep talking about nothing until I could see little faint light conning into the room.

“I think it’s morning already I think you should try to look for your friends before the other kids wake up and it gets bloody in here,” she says I quickly stood up looking for my friends but was confused by what she meant by the place will soon become bloody. I saw a girl standing looking around the room and when she turned around the girl turned out to be Victoria I quickly took to my heels to get to her side but I mistakenly step on a sleeping kid’s leg and that seems to be my worst mistake of the year.

“Who is the mother f****r that steps on me”I heard some growling and my legs immediately become jelly I almost make my way to the ground but I felt someone wraps her arms around me.

“We are so sorry she doesn’t mean to step on you”I heard Victoria apologize.

“So are you her spokesperson? can’t she apologize “the dandy-looking boy asked but his voice alone makes me want the ground to swallow me up?.”That’s enough Louis you are scaring the girl”I heard Clara intervening and I can’t help but be thankful.noveldrama

“Looks like you have a lot of guardian angels princess,” he says and I heard laughter from kids that I don’t know that are now up that even adding to my embarrassment.

“Did you think bullying her will….”Clara was saying but was interrupted by the metal door at the room entrance opening.

“What’s going on here, “one scary-looking man asked and I felt like crying because why is everyone here scary?

“I don’t care what’s going on you know the rules don’t ruin the girl’s face and don’t kick the guys underneath, “the man says and the kids chorused in agreement.

“You have a new roommate but he is different from you so, try to be nice to him,” he says pushing a teenage boy into the room I got stuck because I have never seen a boy so handsome as that and his grey eyes stood out exceptionally.

“Your breakfast will be brought in soon so, behave until then,” he says working out of the room.

“Looks like we have a new roommate,” Clara says beside me raising me from the ground Victoria and Olivia whom I don’t know when she gets here also help me up

“I think we should make friends with him, “I say with determination in my eyes.

“Who,” Clara asked looking around.

“The gray eyes boy”…

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