Just One More Temptation (The Sterling Family Book 4)

Just One More Temptation: Chapter 4

Humming to herself, Fallon stood on a stool, carefully dusting the top of an expensive ceramic piece. Normally, she’d keep her earbuds in but Clara was at the gallery today along with her stuffy, full-of-himself son. Oliver was at the gallery to help his mother set up their newest art exhibit in the room dedicated to showings but she heard him instead regaling Clara about his latest trip abroad.

With his too tight skinny jeans and pompous attitude and arrogance despite his receding hairline, he was hard to put up with. He bragged about his business acumen but since she came from a family of successful businessmen, her gut and the stories of how often Clara had lent him money told her Oliver’s claims were false.

But Fallon adored her boss, had even come to think of her as a surrogate mother, so she put up with the man. But it was in her best interest to keep busy so she didn’t give him an audience.

“Fallon, would you like a cup of tea? I brought some of the finest leaves home for my mother since she drinks tea often during the day and before bed.” Oliver’s voice reached her.

“No, thank you,” Fallon said softly, finding it difficult to speak over the sudden lump in her throat at the same time Clara spoke.

“Fallon prefers her caramel lattes.” From her seat across the room, Clara treated Fallon to a sympathetic smile, aware of Fallon’s painful past.

Tea was a trigger because her late mother loved what she’d called her teatime. From the time Fallon was a little girl, she had many tea parties with her mom and as she grew older, the fake pouring turned to sharing the real thing. After her mother was killed, Fallon steered clear of anything reminding her of the bittersweet memories, and once she grew up, she became a coffee drinker instead.

Finished with her careful dusting, she climbed down the ladder, her gaze on the window showcasing the sidewalk and people outside. Stepping onto the floor, she closed the ladder, when she caught sight of a familiar silhouette. The dark hair, shorter on the sides, slightly longer on top, a suit jacket, and handsome profile called to her.

She wondered why Noah was here. And why did her heart skip a beat because he was?

All morning, she’d done her best not to think of dinner with him and the girls last night. She’d had such a good time and enjoyed watching him hide his amusement whenever Dakota said something irreverent or incredibly smart but questionably appropriate.

Noah as a single dad was sexy and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t think about him as she’d fallen asleep.

Just as she wondered if he’d come inside, he turned to the window and caught her staring. Feeling the heated blush on her cheeks, she powered through and raised a hand in a wave.

He pulled his hand out of his pants pocket and held it up to her. Without second-guessing, she gestured for him to come inside.

He turned and strode to the door, letting himself in. She gestured for him to wait one second, and walked the ladder to the back before returning to find him staring at the painting. Though modern, she’d been more focused on feminine, bright colors, so she could see why the piece appealed to the twins. One way or another, she’d be gifting them the art.

“Hi!” She walked up beside him. Sandalwood cologne hit her immediately and the urge to bury her nose in his neck and inhale his sexy scent was strong. Instead, she clasped her hands behind her back and smiled. “So, what brings you by the gallery?”

“I had lunch down the street. I was just on my way back to work.”

She nodded. “I thought maybe you were chasing down the twins again,” she said with a grin.

He chuckled but as usual, it wasn’t easy to crack his stoic façade. She might just make it her mission to get this man to treat her to a genuine smile.

“I’m curious, Noah. What do you do for fun?” She settled a hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side. “Other than enjoying your girls, I mean.”

His sexy mouth turned downward in a frown. “No fair. That was my answer.”

“I know. So let’s change that. Friday night, there’s a band playing at my brother’s bar, The Back Door in Tribeca. Meet me there.” Making the offer took her off guard. She hadn’t meant to say the words but it would be good for him to let loose for one night.

His scowl deepened. “You know I have the girls at home.”

“Haven’t you ever left them with a sitter for a business dinner? Come on. It’ll be fun. Or you can be a grumpy old man and stay home,” she said, challenge made.

One she hoped he couldn’t refuse because she’d like to see Noah in something other than a suit and tie. She’d been determined not to get involved with another sophisticated, experienced man. And the invitation was dangerous to her resolve. But that hadn’t stopped her from taunting Noah into going.

She held her breath and waited for his reply.

“I may be grumpy but I’m not an old man,” he muttered. “I haven’t found a sitter yet but I’ll ask my sister to watch the girls.”

Smiling, Fallon gave him a spontaneous hug, realizing her mistake the moment she felt his hard body against hers, and she stumbled back, putting distance between them. Ignoring her body’s reaction wasn’t as simple. Between his sexy scent and his muscles that tempted her, her nipples tightened and her sex grew soft and needy, making her happy she wasn’t in a lightweight camisole today.

Clearing his throat, he adjusted his tie. “I’ll let you know if I can make it,” he said, his raspy voice not helping the tingling in her body.

She nodded. “Good. I hope I’ll see you there.” And she didn’t have long to steel herself against his good looks and gruff demeanor that for some reason appealed to her—because it wasn’t his roguish charm. He seemed to work overtime not to show her that side of himself. Another thing she was determined to change.

* * *

After a long day of work, Fallon walked into her apartment, tossed the keys on the kitchen counter along with her purse, and pulled a chilled bottle of pinot from the fridge. After uncorking it, she turned on soft music through her portable speaker and brought the unit into the decent-sized bathroom.

She’d been lucky to find this apartment, renting it from a client of her father’s who’d given her a good deal. Considering the Manhattan location, she’d had to dip into the trust fund left to her by her grandparents in order to afford it. Still, she was able to cover a good portion of the rent with her job at the gallery. Her goal was to be self-sufficient but she appreciated the ability to live in a safe area and not need a roommate.

Leaving her wine on the counter, she ran herself a bath, dropping in a bath bomb before she undressed. The days and nights leading up to tonight’s gig at The Back Door had been busy. Noah called her the day after he’d walked into the gallery to tell her his sister had agreed to watch the girls, which meant she had a date tonight. Or was it just him responding to her dare? She supposed she’d find out.

But she needed to destress before going out. Between a showing at the gallery on Wednesday night and dinner out with her family last evening, she shouldn’t have had time to think about her invitation to Noah but the man was impossible to forget. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. In fact, she hadn’t had one decent night’s sleep without him starring in sex dreams, his large, capable hands arousing her with ease.

With a low groan, she settled into the warm, bubble-filled water, shut the faucet, and leaned back, closing her eyes. The floral smell filled her nostrils and when she picked up her loofah and ran it over her skin, her senses prickled with awareness. It became obvious why the item was labeled, Sex Bomb: an aphrodisiac jasmine soak for the romantic in you. She’d have to remember to thank her sister-in-law Raven, Remy’s wife, for the gift.noveldrama

As she unwound, her focus drifted and she wasn’t surprised when her thoughts were consumed by Noah Powers. She pushed aside all the negatives that came with getting further involved with a man eleven years her senior, one that reminded her of Ezra and her past. Instead, she decided one night of enjoying the band and dancing with Noah would be okay. Assuming he was even willing to let go and chill.

He was a rigid man, one she sensed didn’t bend on his decisions often. She wasn’t sure what had pushed her to invite him but she sensed there was an untamed man beneath his outer reserve. As she imagined herself pressed up against his hard body, she slid the loofah over her neck and chest, traveling downward to her breasts. Her nipples puckered at the light raspy sensation and she felt the arousing pull between her thighs.

She let the sponge float in the water, gliding her fingers down her belly and over her sex. Settling her index finger on her clit, she stroked the tiny bud, enjoying the sensations she created in her body. Pleasure suffused her and she raised her hips, her legs stiffening beneath the water.

Lost in the moment, she let her fingers slip lower until she slid one inside, pumping in and out and squeezing her inner walls tight. Pretending it was Noah, she inserted another finger, knowing his would be thicker and longer than her own. On the next press inward, she curled her fingers, rubbing against her G-spot and feeling the rush of enjoyment wash over her.

She moaned and bent her knees. Fingers inside, she rubbed the base of her hand against her sex, the combined sensations taking her higher. The water splashed as she increased her pace. Soon she was soaring, passion washing over her in sensual waves with Noah’s name on her lips.

She opened her eyes to find the water tepid and her cheeks burning as if she wasn’t alone and had been caught masturbating to thoughts of a man utterly out of her reach. One she sensed could devastate her if she let him in.

A chill took hold and she realized she still sat in the tub, shivering. As she climbed out, she resolved to forget about the past, enjoy her evening with Noah, and not let things get further than that with the smart, aloof, older-than-her attorney. It wouldn’t be easy considering she’d just come with his name on her lips.

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