Chapter#5 : She's Lost and Confused
Chapter#5 : She's Lost and Confused
Chapter#5 : She's Lost and Confused
[Veera's P.O.V.]
"Ladies and Gentlemen, now We're approaching Incheon International Airport where the local time is
9:00 am. At this stage you should be in your seat with your seatbelt firmly, fastened until we come to
complete stop, and the captain has turned off the seat belt sign. Please be sure to take all your
belongings with you when you deplane. And be careful when you are opening the overhead
compartment since some of the bags may have shifted during the flight. On behalf of the entire flight
crew, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you for flying ASIANA Airlines. We wish you
a pleasant stay in South Korea. Goodbye. " Announcement of Flight Stewardess.
I rolled my eyes all over the place from my seat. I heard the female air host announce. She just said
seconds ago that We just landed at Incheon International Airport. How come?
I still remember fainting on the rooftop of the hospital. Now why did I end up on a plane?
I was about to look at my appearance on the screen of my cellphone when I realized that I did not
recognize the phone that I was holding. Even my cellphone is no longer mama's old cellphone. What
happened? What is this phone? iPhone 12 Pro Max? I almost let go of the phone I am holding now. It is
impossible for me. I tried to touch the home button and I was shocked when it opened without me doing
anything. OMYGOD! I really own this iPhone.
I heard the newest iPhone that was release has already have face ID. What's going on? I scroll to the
gallery and files of the phone. I only have pictures in various places that I do not know but one thing is
for sure it is not in Korea and not in the Philippines and there are also files that I do not really
recognized making. I saw a bag at my feet. Maybe it's mine, right? My hand carry? I searched the
inside of the bag trying to find a real mirror. I do not believe in the phone I am holding. I need a real
"Ms. Veera." I almost dropped the mirror I was holding with the sudden man who spoke behind me.
"Let's go? May I could help you in all your belongings." A man in his mid-twenties, wearing a formal
attire said more likely ... like a body guard? Just like me he is also a korean citizen.
My name is still Veera. Good. But what is really happening?
I just looked at the man who took all my luggage. Seriously? All of the things he took and carried now
are branded.
'Yes they need you ... But yourself needed you more ...'
I felt like I lost my balance when I remembered what had happened, before I've saw myself inside this
Yes! That was it! He is the reason I am here. I was brought here by a crazy man who looked like Adam.
What did he do to me? Is that a witch?
I started crying and sat down again in the chair where I had been sitting before. Why did he do this to
me? Vita and Mama needs me. They need me two now. I can't just be here. I don't even know why I
was here and how I got here.
"Ms. Veera? Are you ok?" the man turned to me. I bet he heard me crying because he is still not too far
away from me.
"Sir. I'm begging you. Take me back to Mama. Take me to the hospital, Mama and my sister needs me.
Please." I begged as I burst into tears.
"A-ahh. M-Ms. Veera. You seems v-very unsual today.. Is there a problem?" he asked and took my
handbag that was still on my seat. He gave it to me.
"Let's go first outside the plane then please let me know the problem." he said softly to me.
It's embarrassing, but I look like a crying child walking out the plane's exit. Other people are looking at
me. Maybe they thought I was going crazy.
The man with me answered the phonecall. He moved a little away from me to answer the phone.
"Ma'am. We have landed at Incheon International Airport. In due time we will be in the mansion. A-ah..
She's fine but honestly speaking Ma'am . She's bursting into tears none stop. Once the plane landed
completely she start crying. "
I can't quite hear what he is saying but I have a guess, most likely he is already reporting my sudden
crying and the landing of the plane we are rode here in Incheon Int. Airport.
I still do not know how to calm myself from crying. I just covered my face with a bag as I walked and
followed the man with me.
People are really still looking at me. Is my crying too eye catching? Why are they looking at me?
I secretly looked at the people around me who were looking straight at me.
"Why are they looking at me?" I was confused and panicking so I question my companion and it
seemed like anytime from now I would cry again like I was crying inside the plane.
"Maybe It's their first time seeing such sophisticated young lady but crying her eyes out like a child?"
He was sarcastic but hesitant as he told it to me.
I don't know but I stared at him. Is he serious? How could he burst out those words to the person who
had just cried seconds ago?
He just laughed when I looked at him and continued walking out of the Airport.
"Is this your car? It's nice." I told him when I got in the car.
"You are really weird today Ms. Veera. Have you lost yourself during your stay in California?" He said
"No. I really lost myself ..." I said to him seriously and his face was also serious as he looked at me in
the rear view mirror.
After 10 seconds he burst out laughing.
"Don't tell me you don't know who you are? I? Do you know who am I?" He said he still did not believe
in what I've said.
"Yes. I know myself. I am Veera but I am not the Veera that you know. You? Do I know you ---?" I
explained myself to him but I stopped talking because .. I know who he is.
I do know who he was.
He is my Personal bodyguard and my Personal Driver. Mommy hired him. He is with me since I was 7
years old. He still stayed in the mansion even though I left the country without anyone's knowledge.
Funny how I left Korea during my 13th year of existence then all I brought with me was my small
bagpack with my passport in it, my wallet with no money inside only ablack card and a pack of
ramyeon. I did not bring any clothes. I left home because I thought my silings were the only important
to everyone. After I left Korea I did not leave clues as to where I could be found. They are cut my card
but I preceded them because I bought everything I needed and I have availed another black card
exclusively for myself only.
I never planned going back here. But this loyal bodyguard of mine upheld his duty to find me and be my
shield to anyone. Annoying because I have no secrets to hide from him. I also studied in the States
actually without their knowledge because they thought I was just wasting money when I left. He
appeared exactly on my 15th birthday across from my school. My classmates and teachers thought
that he was actually my brother so I was left do nothing but if talk to him. I told him that I do not want to
return to Korea but he told me that I need to go back after 3 years because if I do not do the return to
Korea, He will eventually terminate his contract with my family and continue his vocation ... Yes he
should be a priest already, if he hadn't just seen me in the confessional box crying and praying even
without a priest inside. He entered the confessional box, so I thought that he was a priest so he was
just waiting for a sign. And I remember he was 20 years old when he saw me and I said I wanted him to
be a body guard.
"Omyghad! HoRim ?! And you're not a 25 years old adult! OMG you're in your 30s already." Shocked I
"See? You still know me and remembers the things about me lady." He said laughing.
"So how come you are saying that you are actually lost?" He added to what he said.
I was speechless because I did not know what to say. Why do I have memories in this life? I don't even
know what this world is and what kind of life is this, so it's so shocking that I have memories. Which is
very vivid for me.
I don't live it so why am I here?
"HoRim. Where do I live? Who is my mom? Who is my sister? Who is my bestfriend?" I asked one
question after another.
"Really huh? You really don't know?" Even though he laughs at my questions I can still see in his eyes
that he has worries about why I am like that.
"Is Vita my sister here? Is Eunyeo my bestfriend here? Who is my mom? Why am I rich? Is my mom noveldrama
Veena Eugenio? Tell me HoRim oh." Crying again I said.
This time the smile on the lips and the trace of joy in HoRim's eyes disappeared.
"I do not know why I am here, in this world but I do not live here HoRim. I am not the Veera you know. I
am Veera Eugenio and I do not even know what was my name here. I do not know whom are my family
here and my loved ones, and I also don't know where I lived in this world. Yes I have memories but It's
all blurred you are the only one that I remember. " I cried out.
"Ms. Veera ..." He called me gently.
"Do you know why you are here in Korea now?" He asked seriously.
"I never left Korea since I was 12 HoRim. I don't belong in this world." Still crying I told him. You can
almost squeeze the sleeves of the dress I was wearing because of my heavy crying..
"Your car crashed in California last 2 months. You are in a coma Ms. Veera for a month. You were in a
hurry to leave then, because you were afraid I might show up again and take you back to Korea
eventually. Califonia Police contacted me overseas. I was there with you in California, taking care of
you waiting for you to wake up. I even took a leave in the mansion and was told to rest first but I never
said that I will be with you. I know you don't want to let them know where are you in california. " He first
parked the car on the side of the road and then turned to me and touched my cheek.
"I was really worried for you Ms. Veera. I don't know what happened to you while you're in a coma. I
don't know what is happening inside your mind while you sleep for a long time I was just talking to you
while you 're asleep there. So maybe I was the only person you remembers because you remember
my voice. The doctor said that You might have selective amnesia. When you woke up yesterday you
hadn't said even a word. You were really spaced out. So I was surprised when you cried on the plane
earlier. " Worried he said.
Me? From a coma? Mama ... Mama is in a coma, not me. I need to go back to my world. This is not
'I was opened, Veera. The questions that you already have in your heart and mind opened me up. And
the key is yourself and the letter you are holding now. '
I heard again and remembered what that weird Aidan had said.
Is that it? What does he say I opened? Is he the door and this is what he says I need for myself? FCK.
What the freak is this sht? Is this the world that has opened because of the questions I have in my mind
and heart?
'Bring me back please. If you could hear me. Please. Bring me back. ' I whispered to myself.
I can not live in this world. This is not mine.
"Ms. Veera. We are already here." HoRim woke me up because I fell asleep crying since the morning.
I rolled my eyes at the familiar place where HoRim was referring to that we were already home.
My eyes widened because ---
"My Darling! I missed you. Where have you benn all this years? Are you okay? Why don't you come
back here? Are you still mad at mommy? Darling. I'm sorry for whatever reason you have left here at
home." Said Mrs. Park and hugged me tightly.
"Please don't leave again ..." She said crying as she hugged me.
So Mrs. Park was my mom.
I cried.
Is that it? The world where Veera has no problem. The World where Veera will no longer want to leave?
I hugged even more tightly and my tears flowed again and again because now it seems like the thorn in
my chest has disappeared which is why I left Korea.
"Mommy!" I cried and sobbed loudly because I missed mommy.
I remember the day before I left home. Mommy was the last person I talked to. She hugged me and
said how much he loved me and I was still his only child even though LyeSeo and LyePong were part
of the family. She also tells me the day that she and daddy found out that I was coming into their lives.
They are so happy because atlast they will have a baby and mommy will become a mom already. She
said how they monitored my growth inside Mommy's womb. She said how happy they were when I was
born, when I first fell down, when I first sat down, when I first crawled, when I first uttered a word until I
first stood up and walked. Even though mommy says that, I still choose to leave because I feel
unwanted inside the family.
I remembered all my memories of being with mommy without the hatred and fear that they would not
want me already because the twins are already with the family.
They are my family. Why can't I just recognize one of them in my memories even though they are all
Mommy caressed my hair. "Don't leave again, huh? I can not afford to lose you again darling. Just look
at you, You left at a young age and then came back after 5 years. You don't know we almost did all we
can just find you? Even in international TV we posted for you and hoping you to be found. Your daddy
was just holding his cellphone, he said you might have been kidnapped and the kidnappers might
demanded ransom. We searched for you in Korea for 1 year until we looked at your blackcard still
working but we do not know if you are the user of it. We are very worried about you. Your daddy and I
will almost died just to find you. " She said tears welling up in her eyes.
"I'm sorry mommy." That's all I said.
"Let's go inside? Your siblings are waiting." Mommy said while wiping her tears that until now was still
continuos to flow down her cheeks.
I saw HoRim inside who seemed to be ahead of us and had already packed my luggage inside my
"LyeSeo! LyePong!" I called them and hug LyeSeo.
"Who are you?" She said and seemed unwilling to approach me.
"This is me! Unnie Veera. Your wish did come true. We have become siblings." I said excitedly and
lifted her up.
"Yes! Let me go agasshi. I don't even know who you are." She said and struggled as I lifted her.
She ran towards Mrs. Park and began to cry.
"Mommy who is she? Why is she telling that she was our sister? And Why does she look like Unnie
Veera? Why do she know what I told Unnie Veera?" LyeSeo's loud crying.
Mrs. Park looked at me that seems to be hesitant .
I... I do exist in this world?
I was stunned by what I heard from SeoSeo. I heard her right. I know I heard her right.
I looked at LyePong he looked at me badly and seemed to be judging my whole being.
"Copycat." Only LyePong said before he walkout ..
"Mom..." I said looking at mommy...
She did not uttered a word and just hugged LyeSeo who also hugged her side while crying.
Why do I feel that even though I miss them so much based on the memories that I have, I feel like I am
not welcome?
"All right, Veera, go up to your room first. Your siblings are just shocked." Mommy said and led LyeSeo
to the StudyRoom.
I just looked at them as they walked away from me... LyeSeo, Why can't you recognized me? It's me ...
Before I went up stairs I wiped away my dripping tears. Maybe it's just because of my jetlag.
I went up to the room I remember.
I lay down on the bed. Stunned at the ceiling and wondering what kind of world this weird Aidan put me
This was the very first time LyeSeo avoided me. It hurts to feel that the person who told you that 'in my
next life I want you to be my sister' stays away from you '. You will feel differently in the very situation. It
is easy to utter words but it is difficult to stand when preceded by fear.
I just sighed and started unpacking my luggage.
I was overwhelmed by the contents of my three large suitcases. I really don't remember buying these
things. The names are all very expensive and confusing. Everything was branded, from facial masks to
stilleto. This Veera is living in a luxious life so much.
When I'm done packing I went around my room.
Is this really true? Is this my life? But this is not mine, I can't accept this life. Very luxurious. In fact, this
room is even bigger than our whole house ... Very quiet and very sad for just one person.
I can say it is not a simple room because of its walls that looks like a big canvass painted by different
sceneries based on 4 seasons in Korea.
The interior of this room is soothing, not only because of the beautiful paintings but also because of its
peaceful and quiet environment. Even the smell of the air purifier seemed to calm me down, gradually
filling me to ceased the worries and stress that I had absorb outside the room.
There aren't too many appliances in the room or maybe because it just doesn't really look crowded due
to the size of the room. A large King Size Bed that was brought closer to the theme of the room's
appearance, A study table Full of Scientific and Fantasy books, A small refrigerator containing Various
Ice Cream but since I have not been in Korea for several years they are all expired, And a Musical
Instrument organizer where the various Musical Instruments that I think Veera Park can play are neatly
Veera Park is all in one I think. She looks like the fusion of the twins. I know I am different, from the
Veera that they know because I do not live this kind of life.
The interior of this room looks like a small world for a young Veera Park in this world.
What do I really have in common with Veera Park for which Aidan decided to put me in this life?
What do you think?
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