Omega Princess

Chapter 50

The parameters of the fight were set. They had tonight to get their items in place and spend the last night with loved ones. I felt for all involved. Even if tomorrow did not end in death, they both would get injured, and lives would be changed forever. After lunch, I spent some down time with Katie and Millie. I had missed them when I was a captive and I felt had not spent enough time with them. They agreed to a movie night. We were joined by Vincent, Eric, Cora, Cole, Drake and Reagan. Cora continued to give Drake and Reagan mean sideways glances throughout the movie. I knew Eric had finally told her what was to happen tomorrow. They were to be present. She may not know the reason for the hate, but she knew it was there. Katie and Millie enjoyed watching the movie more than most of us. Millie had made the choice not to attend tomorrow. Katie wanted to be there to help control the emotions of the day. Cora and Eric would also be in attendance with Cole and Queen Carmella. Reagan looked sad. She was going to support her mate but that put her at odds with her brother. Depending on the outcome, this could leave them at odds for the rest of their lives or she would have to choose to leave her mate.

I guess I only thought of the outcome of Drake winning. The King had grown lazy in his years, but he was the king of wolves. There was a possibility that Drake would lose. I started to cry a bit.

Vincent pulled me closer, wiping away my tears. All of a sudden, the pain in my abdomen came back. I inhaled sharply, which caused Reagan and Vincent to respond.

"Are you OK?" they both said in unison.

"Yeah, I just have been having some indigestion," I said. "It must be the pups kicking me in the stomach every hour. One I think got their foot stuck in my ribs earlier today. I felt like a ball was on my chest." Vincent looked at me a bit scared. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"It always passes when they move again," I replied.

"Are you sure?" Reagan asked. Drawing the attention of Drake and Cole to the situation.

"I'm sure. I just need to lay down and stretch out a bit so they have more room. Good thing there are not three. I would not be able to have room for all of them." I joked.

I paused the movie. "Girls, I am so sorry to cut our movie marathon short, but I need to go lay down." I said with a half-smile as my pain started to make me sweat. "Please everyone stay and have a wonderful night." I started the movie again and Vincent, Drake and Reagan got up with me. We walked out of the theatre room and down the hallway.

Vincent cradled me in his side.

"How long has this been happening?" Drake asked.

"On and off since our escape," I replied.

"What!" Vincent said.

"I am fine. It will pass. It always does. The pups are just so active. Sometimes I think they will claw their way out of me." I joked. "Sasha has assured me that they are OK."

"Ok, but if you need anything please reach out and let us know." Reagan said giving me a hug.

"I appreciate it." Hugging her back. "I will be fine. You two need to get some rest for tomorrow morning. I wish you luck and to make the right decision." I said as I hugged Drake before the two of them took off. "Why do you like him so much?" Vincent said.noveldrama

"I think I feel for him." I said to Vincent as we got back to our room. "He lost everything when he lost his sister. His parents went to war with the humans and died shortly after. He has been alone running his kingdom. He has his second and I had Katie." Vincent nodded as he went to the closet to grab some night clothes. I changed into one of his shirts and some shorts. I entered bed and quickly fell asleep.

I had not slept that well in awhile. I was woken up to the urge to pee as one of the pups had kicked my bladder. Vincent was already up getting ready. I rolled out of bed. I feel like I have grown four sizes since I got back. It was harder to get around. "I was just about to wake you. How do you feel?" Vincent said.

"All better." I replied. Which was the truth. The pain was gone, and the pups were very active.

"Your dress is hanging up. As the officials here, you will moderate the terms and terms of surrender." He said, coming over to give me a kiss on the forehead. I will meet you down for breakfast.

I was too nervous to eat but I sat there in silence with the rest of the pack. Some knew what was to take place today, but others were not informed of it. Most of the pack would go about their day-to-day jobs.

We got to the location where the duel would be held. Fifteen dragons had shown up as well as the warriors from the Wolf Kingdom. Drake and Reagan were already there. He was still in human form. I know he will phase soon.

The king of wolves arrived with his family. I stepped between the two sides. "The terms of this duel are easy," I began. "You may fight in human or beast forms, you may not use magic or weapons. To make this a fair fight. Drake will not be able to use fire." Drake nodded and the kings prepared.

"This is a fight to surrender or death," I said. "Begin."

They both phased. And their bodies collided. The king was gashed by Drake's talons. But the king bit into Drake's wings, tearing it.

Katie stood by Cole, Eric, and Cora. She was attempting to keep the mood light. It was working. Everyone remained calm.

The fight continued and Drake got the upper hand when he pinned the wolf to the ground and broke one of his hind legs. I could feel pressure in my lower abdominal area. I shook it off thinking it was anxiety about the pending results.

The wolf clawed at the other wing. Drake would no longer be able to fly but still had use of his legs. He tore out and pinned the wolf once more, dislocating the shoulder of the front leg.

The King had surrendered to Drake the King of Dragons. By the rules, Drake could now end his life, take his kingdom, or accept the surrender. Just as Drake's dragon pulled back to serve the final blow, a huge pain ran through my stomach.

I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. "The babies are coming early." I said to Vincent, who was right back at my side with Reagan, Katie and Millie.

"It hurts so badly, something is wrong," I said to Vincent. Katie started to cry.

"Reagan, take Katie back to the house," Vincent requested. Then he picked me up.

I had not noticed the results of the duel but Drake had shifted and thrown on his pants to assist in getting me to the hospital.

By the time we got there, Dr. Rosenbaum was waiting. "Never a dull moment, Luna," he said with a confident smile to reassure me. "Just save my pups," I said. "Whatever it takes."

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