Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Athena's POV

After receiving that phone call from Elise I couldn't have been happier, the need to get away from the pack slowly draining me. And while that meant leaving my children with both of their fathers as well as their grandparents I knew this was something I needed to do for myself.

I can't afford to miss this chance, I mused. Knowing that if I didn't take the offer now, then all I would be doing would be stressing out over Lily until she was found.

"Don't worry love, the kids will be safe here with us, besides you should go and enjoy yourself" replies Ares as if sensing my inner


"Huh?" I say, having not been prepared for that.

"I agree, you've never been able to just do something for yourself, I think Ares is right, you should totally take tomorrow and just go have a girls day. Have some fun and don't let the thought of Lily ruin you as you do." admits Eros, hoping to encourage me into having fun. "But- It's just shopping, how fun can that be?" I ask, having never been able to shop before because I was never allowed to leave the pack grounds before, my uncle always made sure of that.

Blinking at my words, Ares and Eros move to look at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads before slowly asking the one question that had magically popped up within each of their minds. "Shopping? Are you telling us you've never gone shopping before?" asks Eros. Shaking my head no, do I move to reply back, "No. My Uncle would never let me leave the grounds" I admit, now embarrassed by that lone fact.

Catching my uneasiness do Ares and Eros move to change the subject.

"It's okay love, we were only curious" admits Ares with a smile hoping to calm me down.

Nodding, I move to carry on with eating my food until it is all gone, my plate completely empty as I sigh, the food always delicious. "Mmm, yummy love" I purr, happy that my belly was full.

"That good?" chuckles Ares, always happy to know that I would enjoy his cooking opposed to someone else's.

"Yea, but of course I would, why wouldn't I? It's the best tasting food I know besides Maya" I move to say with a smile, hoping he would believe me as I move to help clear away the plates and other dishes, knowing that they cooked the food, the least I could do was help clean up.

"No love don't, you don't have to help us with that, you should go and check in with mom and dad and see how the pups and Adrian are and Eros and I will finish with cleaning up, remember you still need to decide who your taking with you tomorrow before going to meet up with Elise and Cara as I'm sure they'll each be bringing someone with them as well." remarks Ares as he moves to take the rest of the

dishes from my hands.

"You sure? I don't mind helping" I admit.

"I'm sure, now go" shoo's Ares the need to send me away towards his parents house evident, a giggle rising as I move to do as told, my feet now carrying my off in the direction of Gwen and Alaricks home, their home only a few hundred feet from ours, in fact each of their homes were, each of them within walking distance of the other.

Amused, by that do I move to think about who to ask, remembering that I had to think of someone except I wasn't sure who I had wanted to bring along with me, for sure I had Lucas, but I didn't think Lucas would want to go shopping with me so I moved to think of Emma and Emily, each of them friends but both big shopaholic's when it came down to buying things they wanted.

Chapter 110.

'Why now ask both of them? offers Artemis, helping to solve my profden with ease,

'Should 17 1 ask, unsure if that was the right thing to do.

'Why not? There's both girls plus cur mates did say ask one of them to go along with us admits Artemis.

'Hmmm, I mean, I guess you're right... Okay I'll go and speak with them before leaving tomorrow to head for Elites pack

'Good' answers Artemis before moving to take a nap within the back of my mind.

Smiling at her antics, I move to let her finally sleep, my feet gradually approaching Gwen and Alarick before finally knocking on their door, Gwen moving to open the door with a smile. "Oh Athena Darling, Welcome and Good Morning, I wasn't expecting to see you over so soon, is everything okay?" asks Gwen as she moves to let me in.

"Yes, everything is fine, I'm actually just here to see my pups and Adrian, as I have something special planned for tomorrow and won't be home so Ares and Eros had suggested that I come over and visit with them now before taking off for my first shopping experience with Elise." I gush, now excited myself for tomorrow's big day.

"But of course, please enter, Ryder, Nathan and Samara are just now napping after giving each of them a bottle and as for Adrian he is with Alarick right now, he is teaching him how to fish for the first time, I hope that's okay" asks Gwen, suddenly realizing that they never asked about that.

"No it's okay, your their Grandparents, and with things as crazy as they are right now, Ares and Eros don't have a whole lot of time to teach Adrian much of anything at this moment" I move to tell her not wanting her to feel terrible for teaching Adrian how to fish. In fact, This could be his first survival class should he ever get lost or separated in life so that he would at least know how to fish to help keep him fed until help could be found.

Not that I would ever wish for my son to become lost or worse taken from me but I also knew that I couldn't always be there to protect them and this was something they would need to learn in order to survive or else they would die.

Smiling gratefully, Gwen moves to offer me a seat within their family room, a room that held all sorts to pictures and memories until one specific picture caught my eye, the picture being that from my wedding when me and her were both standing together for Mother of Bride for my mother was gone but Gwen was not and she had become the closest thing to a mother that I had so it was only right that she

stood in as Mother of Bride of me as well.

"You actually kept that?" I ask, a smile on my lips as I did.

"But of course I did, you're my daughter after all, sure not biologically but did my daughter none the less" remarks Gwen with another smile, wanting me to know just how cherished I was with her and her family.

"Gwen, thank you, really, that means so much to me" I reply, my heart full of love for her as well.

"But of course, now tell me, what sort of special plan do you have for tomorrow? And who are you going with?" questions Gwen teasingly.

"I'm going shopping with Elise and Cara, and there taking me to the Capital"

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