Pregnant For The Royal Prince

Leave The School

SHE put back all the pictures into the envelope and carefully kept it on the study desk.

“Thanks for this, I really need it,” she said.

“Thanks my Lady. Can we leave now?” The guard asked.

Aarti sighed, hesitating for a moment.

“You can leave”, she finally said, and they bowed and left the study.




The class was so noisy and full of life, activities here and there.

But unfortunately, the desk of Rina and Zaina was silent and sullen, as they did their things in silence.

Why not? Rina had told Zaina of her encounter with Vidya and Roshni at the Tourist Site, and trust Zaina, she had been damn angry.

To make matters worse, Vidya didn’t even come to apologize, she has been patrolling the class, going in and out with Roshni.

Guess, Roshni was now her new found friend, and they had become an item.

Zaina wasn’t really surprised when Rina had told her though, she expected it. She knew Vidya just wanted something from them, not friendship, because the most important thing, they were not in any way, compatible.

They never talked like her, they never behaved like her, they never reasoned like her. But Roshni did, so she was the perfect friend for her.

Just then, a junior student approached their desk.

“Hello Miss Rina”, he greeted and they both looked up from their books.

“Yeah, how can I help you?” Rina asked.

“The principal wants to see you”, he said.

Rina glanced at Zaina, and back to the student.

“Alright and thanks for the info, I will be there shortly”, she replied.

The student smiled and left.

“Yo baby Z, the new principal, what does he want?” She rhetorically asked.

Zaina shrugged.

“I don’t know, just go”.

Rina exhaled deeply and got up, then walked out of the class.

She briskly walked to the principal’s office, her heartbeat increasing with the second. Infact, she could clearly hear it beat.

What could have gone wrong? Why has the principal demanded to see her? This was the new principal, Mrs Anika had been transferred about two weeks ago.

She got to his office and knocked on the door.

“Come in”, she heard him speak.

With shaky hands, she turned on the door knob and went in. He was looking tense and that alone, increased her fears.

“Good day sir,” she genuflected.

“Yeah good day Rina,” he replied, avoiding her gaze, and she wondered why.

“Um Rina Doween, I just figured out from the bursary that you are yet to complete your fees for the term,” he said.

“Huh?” She mouthed, looking him straight in the eyes.

He just looked down on a book as he spoke, avoiding her gaze.

“Excuse me sir, you said I’m still owing?” She asked.

“I didn’t speak with water in my mouth”, he said.

“Sorry sir, but…”.

“But what?” He interrupted her, his gaze was now fixed on hers.

“Your fees are still outstanding and I would like you to do us the favor of excusing the school,” he stated, picking his words.

“What! Leaving school? Why should I? Besides Mrs Anika had cleared my fees already”.

“Are you teaching me my job?”

“Ugh, sorry sir. But with due respect sir, you have no right to ask me to leave the school because of fees, Mrs Anika cleared that up before she left, she showed me the receipt herself,” Rina stressed.

The principal smirked, nodding.

“I can see how smart and difficult you are trying to prove Rina, I give you thirty minutes to excuse the school premises or you have me to contend with,” he stated emphatically.

Rina’s shoulders dropped, she was damn helpless.

She still has just a few weeks left before graduating out of high school, just a few more weeks left.

“Sir please, just spare me. I will get the fees, how much is it?” She began pleading.

“Are you deaf? I need no money, all I just need is for you to leave the school at once, period”, he shouted.

Rina’s hands went to her head, as far as she was concerned, she was finished.

She turned to the principal again.noveldrama

“Sir please, just let me finish high school, please”, she pleaded.

Now she knew someone was behind it, he couldn’t have just woken up only to ask her to leave the school.

“Leave my office Rina… leave”, he got up and she flinched, then ran out of the office.

Mr Yash felt guilty as soon as the young girl ran out of his office. He really wished he could help it, but he couldn’t, his hands were tied.

Just three days ago, during the lunch break hour, two students had strolled into his office…..

……. Flashback…….

“Good afternoon Mr Yash”, the two girls who had just entered his office greeted.

He looked up from the book he was writing on, to behold two students staring at him. One of them was holding a small brown paper

“Yes, what do you want?” He asked.

“I am Vidya Sujit”, she dropped the paper on his desk.

He looked at them and then picked up the paper, his eyes widened instantly.

“I need you to evacuate one Rina Doween, final year student, out of the school”.

“Mm?” He asked.

“You heard me”, she folded her arms.

“Rina Doween?” He asked, stuttering.

“Yeah”, she nodded.

“She is a threat to me and I want her out and out of the school premises, never to step foot here again”, she smirked.

“Are you crazy?”, he stood up, “You can’t possibly come into my office and order me around like I’m your puppet, do you want to be punished?”.

The girls looked at themselves and bursted into laughter. Mr Yash was taken aback.

“It seems you didn’t look at that properly”, she pointed at the brown paper.

He glanced down at the paper and back at them.

“Alright, I think you don’t love your job…”, she made to take the paper and leave.

“Ho… hold on”, he said and she stopped. “I haven’t said anything yet”, and he flopped down on the swivel chair.

“But… how am I supposed to do that?”

The girls scoffed.

“Ask your ass that question. I am giving you two days”, she raised up two of her fingers to indicate, the other student did the same.

“Just two to accomplish it”, she took the paper and they both walked out of the office.

……. Present Day…….

Now Rina had just left his office, filled with sorrow. He was damn sorry and really wished he could help, but his job was on the line.




Rina got out of the hallway crying and ran into Zaina’s hands.

She had actually followed behind minutes after she had left the class, she had envisaged something bad to happen.

“Hey girl,” she said as she held her tight in a hug, she was heavily crying.

“Yo Rin what is it? Why are you crying? My goodness!”, She used her napkin to clean up her face.

“I have been expelled”, she said in-between sobs.

“What! Expelled?” She let out a dry laugh.

“What kinda joke is that?”

Rina shook her head.

“I’m not joking, the principal just asked me to leave the school premises in thirty minutes”, she sniffed.

Zaina was shocked.

“But why? Goodness!”

“I don’t know. He said I have outstanding fees yet to be completed…”.

“Mrs Anika had cleared that,” she interrupted.

“I told him so but he asked if I was now teaching him his job. I even offered to pay it up, if maybe Mrs Anika didn’t, but he refused”.

“Hmm, that means someone is behind this, there’s more skeleton in the cupboard”, Zaina said.

“I thought so too”, she nodded.

“Can you please go get me my school bag and stuff from the class? Please, I don’t want to go back there”, she said.

Zaina looked at her.

“Just like that? Aren’t you gonna do something about it?”

“Do what? What possibly can I do?” She asked.

Zaina sighed.

“Damn it, and my dad who’s the only one I can run to for help right now isn’t in town, he left two days ago for a business trip, and would not be back until two weeks later”, she groaned.

Rina sighed, cleaning her eyes.

“It’s okay Zaina, I really appreciate your help. Can you now go in and get my stuff? I will be waiting here”, she looked around, there was nobody in sight.

“Someone is really behind this, and I think I could guess”, she said.

Rina looked at her.






Raghav sat on his piano seat sipping wine. He felt his body warming up, his head twirled.

Not yet again. This was how he has been feeling since his encounter with the kind lady at the site.

Always restless, always wanting to see her again, to see her beautiful face again. Holy Moly! He really just didn’t want to think he was beginning to fall…

Nah, he shook his head as he picked up the wine glass and sipped. He never wouldn’t, Raghav wouldn’t.

It was just mere coincidence and nothing more attached.

Just then, the door opened, Zoya entered.

“What is it this time?” Raghav asked, his eyes shut tight.

“Your Grace”, he bowed.

“I have been trying my best, Maharana, but…”.

“You still haven’t gotten anything about her,” he interrupted, opening his eyes.

“Ye… yes Your Grace. I’m sorry, I will keep trying. You know you said you wanted it a secret so I didn’t put up the other guards on this case, I’m doing it …”.

“Will you shut the fuck up?” He shouted, interrupting again.

“I’m sorry my Prince,” he bowed.

He suddenly began feeling heated up, and uncomfortable.

“Just get out! Call me Alina,” he ordered.

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