Sidelined Love: A Hockey Romance (The Crestwood University Series Book 1)

Sidelined Love: Chapter 11

A couple of days later, I’m sitting at a table on the main floor of Ramsey Library, with both Jade’s and my things spread out across it. We both needed a break from our apartment, so we chose the library as the place to do our homework today. Instead of working on one of the quiet floors, we pick the main floor because we can at least talk softly here.

“Seriously, how do these equations even make sense?” Jade grumbles, her curly hair bouncing as she shakes her head. She squints at the calculus problems before her as if that will help.

“Because some masochist centuries ago thought this would be an excellent form of fun,” I toss out as I tap my pencil on the open textbook.

Jade laughs before she says, “Before we attempt to get back to work, did you have any more details about the event you want to pull together at Gran’s retirement home? Do you need anything from me?”

I rub a hand against my face as I think about the chess event I’ve been planning for the residents at Oak Terrace, Jade’s grandmother’s retirement community. “I think it’s coming together?”

“You don’t sound confident.”

“Look, I think it’s a great chance for us to connect with the community outside of Crestwood’s campus. It’s just a little more work than I thought it would be, which is being added to my already busy schedule.” I bite my lip before I continue. “I did have a call with the activities director, and we have the main common room booked so there’s that.”

“You, my friend, are a force of nature. If anyone can pull this off, it’s you.”

I chuckle, despite the mild panic that has risen in my chest. “What would I do without your unwavering faith in me?”

“Crash and burn?”

I roll my eyes as she continues to speak.

“But seriously, Hailey, if you need help with organizing or setting up, just say the word. Gran’s already excited about the chess night. She keeps bragging to her friends that she’s going to win every match she plays.”

“That’s adorable. And I’ll take you up on that offer. You might regret it later.”

Jade tucks a curl behind her ear. “Never. Not when it comes to this. Anyway, sorry to distract you. We should probably get back to work.”

I nod in agreement, and she turns her attention back to her math problem and I turn back to the textbook that is open in front of me. I’ve read over the same paragraph three times and still haven’t retained any of the information I’m supposed to.

All because my thoughts keep drifting back to a certain someone and us hanging out briefly a couple of nights ago. I close my eyes and sigh as if the physical motion can remove the thoughts I keep having about him. It’s all Levi’s fault, really. Not having to see him would make things so much easier, but he is determined not to let that be the case.

All of the times he’s now come into Brewed Beginnings have been in the back of my mind even when I’ve done my best not to think about him. I didn’t think much of it before, but then seeing him at the concert on the quad, it is like he threw me off-kilter. To think that the only reason I attended the event is because Jade thought it would be another way for me to do something out of my comfort zone and then, of course, I ran into him there as well.

Jade clearing her throat brings me out of my thoughts. “Earth to Hailey,” she says, making sure to elongate the ‘ey’ in my name.

I blink several times before my eyes focus on her. “Sorry, just thinking.”

“About the chess night?”

“No,” I confess with another sigh. “About Levi.”

After the concert, I knew I had to come clean. Jade now knows everything there is to know about what has happened between Levi and me. When she tosses her pencil down, I know that calculus is long forgotten now. “Oh? What about him? Is it about the fact that he likes you and you’re fighting your attraction to him?”


“Then what was it?”

“The whole concert thing and—” I stop talking immediately when Jade’s eyes widen, and she shakes her head so hard that I wonder if it’s going to fall off her body. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, but you’ll never believe who just walked into the library.”

My eyes shut involuntarily. It can’t be who I think it is.

I open my eyes and slowly turn around. I find the man of the hour standing near the entrance of the library.

Levi runs a hand through his dark brown hair as he walks into the main area of the building.

His shirt, a simple gray tee, and black hoodie that looks soft to the touch, cling perfectly across his broad shoulders and chest, almost hiding the physique that has been crafted from the rink and the gym. He finishes the look off with a pair of dark jeans and white sneakers. Even from here, I swear I catch his piercing blue eyes scanning the room, looking for who knows what.

Jade leans forward and whispers, “What the hell is he doing here?”

I turn my head to look at her again and whisper back, “Maybe he’s like us and wants to study here?” Although I didn’t have a highly favorable opinion of him, my response made the utmost sense.

“But he’s obviously looking for someone.”

“I can’t help with that issue.”

I know that I should resist the urge to turn back around in his direction, but in this instance, I’m weak because I turn my head around again to find him. Of course, that is when he spots us, or, more accurately, he spots me. His eyebrows shoot up briefly before his mouth curves into a smile.

Fuck. I think he was looking for me.

As he walks over, I turn to look back at Jade and glare. To be honest, I don’t know why I’m glaring at her. Maybe her asking me what I was thinking about and me admitting that I was thinking about Levi caused him to materialize.

So all of this is her fault. I’m just kidding. Kind of.

When he finally reaches us, I can’t help but notice a subtle scent that I’ve never noticed before. It is woodsy and mixed with something else I can’t quite figure out. Whatever it is, suits him and smells incredible.

I glance back at Jade and find her looking from Levi to me and back to Levi and then back to me. Her eyes continue to dance between the two of us because she knows something is up. Even if I hadn’t talked to her about Levi previously, I know she would see right through my bullshit now.

Levi gives us both a brief nod before his eyes settle on me. “Hey,” he says casually, as if we bump into each other in the library every day. He keeps his voice somewhat low because of where we are. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”

I speak before Jade has an opportunity to. “If I said you were, would that make you leave?” There. That comment felt normal.

Levi chuckles, a deep sound that does something strange to my stomach, but I refuse to think about it. “Maybe, but then I wouldn’t be able to ask for your help. That is a missed opportunity for me,” he says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Jade sits up straighter, as if Levi has her full and undivided attention. “Help with what?” she asks before I have a chance to throw out my comeback. The tone of her voice suggests she finds this entire interaction far more amusing than I do.

“Coach wants me to find another activity, and I thought another sport wouldn’t be wise,” Levi admits with a casual shrug, as if it’s no big deal.

“Oh? And what does any of this have to do with me?”

“Well, I’ve chosen to learn chess and apparently, since you’re president of the chess club, you’re the best person to teach me.”

I blink at him, taken aback by the request. Him deciding to learn chess is random given all of the activities you can do at Crestwood University.

“Absolutely not.”

Levi’s expression falters for a moment before he recovers. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t tutor people and I’m super busy.”

I can see the challenge in Levi’s eyes before he utters a word. “That’s not what’s on the chess club’s home page on the school website.”

“Maybe I’m not the one who’s giving the tutoring lessons.”

“There’s a photo underneath it that looks as if you’re teaching someone with a chessboard in front of you. Your email is also listed there as the point of contact.”


Jade’s grin widens and she taps my hand gently. “He’s got you there and would you look at that,” she whispers loudly enough for both of us to hear. “Levi Jamison needs the expertise of Hailey Reed. You should feel honored.”

“Extremely,” I mutter dryly, still trying to process what the hell all of this is. “If I were to do it, what would I get out of this?” Why am I even thinking about doing this?

Levi leans against the table, one corner of his mouth tipping up. “What do you want in exchange?”

I cross my arms and consider him for a moment. Normally I would have sent him away immediately, but the new situation intrigues me, despite myself. I glance at Jade, who is barely holding herself together as she watches us.

Then an idea forms in my head. “If I do this, our schedules will have to line up to where this doesn’t become a burden to me, and I want your help with putting together a chess event at Oak Terrace.”

There’s a chance that with his hockey schedule this won’t work, and I’m banking on it. It might be the only way I can convince him this is something that I can’t do. But having an extra set of hands to help with the senior citizens event at Oak Terrace wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world either.

Levi’s eyes narrow as if he’s considering my proposal, and then I see when the proverbial light bulb turns on above his head. “I would need to double-check my schedule, but how about we exchange numbers and I’ll shoot you a text when I have it?”

“Or you can send an email to the email address on the chess club’s website.”

Jade’s snort is so loud that it causes several other people who are sitting nearby to look over at us. She shakes her head and quickly looks back down at her textbook.

“Texting would be easier.”

I hate that I have to agree with him because it is easier. I roll my eyes and say, “Fine. Let’s exchange numbers.”

Levi pulls out his phone, and I recite my number for him to enter. He texts me so I’ll have his.

“Got it,” he says. “I’ll be in touch about my schedule. It might be a couple of days because our game is tomorrow. Thanks for agreeing to do this. I know it’s random, but I appreciate the help.”

His sincerity catches me off guard. I just nod in response.

“See you around,” Levi says with a small wave. He turns and makes his way out of the library.

Once he’s gone, Jade’s eyes widen, and her hands fly to the top of her head before they plop down on the table. “Well, that was an interesting turn of events,” she whispers.

“You’re telling me. He didn’t even bother to stay here to do work.”

“That’s because he obviously came in here to find you.”

I turn to look at her, my eyes narrowing slightly. “Did you know he was going to come here?”

Jade shakes her head. “No, but I’m not upset because I just got to witness THAT.”

“Okay, okay. We have work to do so get your mind off Levi and this chess thing.”

“Fine. But I want an update as soon as he sends you a text. And I’ll refrain from saying all of the things I actually want to say about what I just saw… for now.”

“Great,” is all I can say because I don’t want to egg Jade on any further. I can already see the wheels in her head turning as she’s conjuring up silly scenarios about how Levi and I are going to be together.

She couldn’t be more wrong.

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