Stolen Virtue

Chapter 17: Rescue

One week. One long week Dillon has had me trapped in his room. He took off the chains after three days. No, I wasn’t chained to the bed anymore, I now wore my very own slave shackles. A heavy brass choker, with a very long heavy chain attached to it.

I was allowed to go everywhere in the room, but the chain stop short at the door.

I was chained up like an animal.

Almost every day for the past week, Dillon has tortured me, by leaving the speaker on when Clyde was there. I had to listen to the pain in his voice as he blamed himself for what has happened to me. And vowed every day to find the person who was responsible, and put a bullet in their head.

I felt mad with myself that I never told him that I loved him back. I had so many opportunities to say it to him, but I always held back. Thinking the time wasn’t right. I should have known that all those lost time were the right time.

I was started to feel like I was never going to get away from Dillon. I’ve tried picking the lock many times, but it never budged. So I gave up trying. Dillon came into the room after Clyde had left. He came over to me, trying to touch me and I stepped away from him growling.

“Don’t touch me.”

He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed forcefully. “I think I’ve waited long enough.”

I tried to move, but he pinned me there. I stared up at him, then spat in his face. He used the bed covers to wipe it away, then pushed me farther into the bed. I cried out from the pain. His hand grabbed my thigh pushing my white dress up.

“How many times have you let Clyde screw you? How many times have you let him touch what is mine?”

He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. “I’m gonna make you forget about him. The things I’m gonna do to you, Juliet?”

The sly grin and lascivious look in his eyes made she shiver with uncontrollable fear.

I kicked at him, trying to get him to let go, but it was no use. His lips came down on mine and he was trying to force his tongue into my mouth. I clenched my teeth together, never giving him access. I felt his hands pulled at my underwear, and I started to fight even more. This was not going to happen to me again. No! I will not allow it. Fight! Fight! That’s all that was going through my mind.

I heard when he ripped my panties, and my body went into flight or fight mode. I started to scream and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I bit down hard on it, drawing blood. He screamed, pulling away. He slapped me in my face.

“You stupid bitch, you bit me.”

He began to get move forceful and violent with me. Hiking my dress up higher and ripped the rest of my underwear away.

I felt his finger being forced into me, and I cried out. He grinned like he was enjoying it. He had a look of pure pleasure on his face. He pushed harder, making me scream.

“You like that, don’t you Juliet?” He continued assaulting my body and making me scream until I was weak from it.

He let go of my hands to rip open the front of my dress, sending buttons everywhere. When my hands were free, I sunk my nails into his face. He cursed, pinning my hands back over my head.

I spat at him again then, started laughing, “Are you gonna rape me, Dillon? What’s the matter, you can’t get it up unless you’re forcing yourself on some helpless girl? Can’t you get a girl the normal way, the way other guys do? The way Clyde does?”

My words just made him angrier. He grabbed my breast hard, and I cried out. He smiled, seeing me in pain. When he started to fumble with the belt on the jeans, I kicked and screamed until my lungs hurt. His hand came down on my mouth and my nose, cutting the scream off.

I started to fight for air, my lungs were burning with the need to take a breath. I could feel the pressure building up in my head, spots started to dance in my vision. My body began to go slack, the last thing I felt before my world slowly faded to black, was something forcefully entering me.

I came awake with a jolt, my body still in its fight or flight mode. I was alone on the bed. However, my dress was scrunched up high on my waist and ripped at the front. My bra pulled down exposing my breast. I sat up, pulling at my clothes, sobbing hard. I needed to get them off. I ripped every last piece from my body and ran into the shower. I turned the temperature to scalding and sat under the hot sprays, curled up into a ball.

I cried and cried, wishing Clyde was there. I knew I couldn’t stay there much longer, for fear of Dillon coming back. I quickly got out of the shower and dried my skin. I grabbed clean underwear, a zip front jumper and a pair of jeans. I got dressed quickly and sat in a corner of the room. I tried not to think about what Dillon did. I, however, thought about all the good time I’ve spent with Clyde, something that Dillon could never take away from me. Or so I thought.

I don’t know how long I sat in the corner, but after a while, I heard the door opened and footsteps coming closer to me. I backed up more into the corner, pulling my knees into me. Dillon stepped into my line of vision, smiling.

“There you are, I was starting to think that maybe you somehow got out. I come bearing food, let’s feed you before you starve.”

He was acting like nothing happened like he didn’t force himself on me. It was all a game to him.

I didn’t move, I didn’t even look at him. I stayed in my corner ignoring him. He set the tray with the food down then stooped to my level. He moved a few strands of hair from my face, and I flinched away from him. He sighed, standing back up.

“Come on, let have you eating.” He offered me his hand and I just stared at it.

“Come on Juliet, don’t make me have to force. Get up now! He yelled making me jump.

I got up without taking his hands. Pressing my body into the wall, with my hands wrapped around myself. He moved in closer to me. I started shaking, as he ran his hand up the side of my body. He pulled the zip on the front of my jumper down. One of his hands going into my bra cupping my breast.

I shook my head from side to side. “No, no, no, no.” I cried. His hands stilled. “Relax sweet Juliet, I’m not ready for you just yet.”

He stepped back, moving to sit on the bed. He patted the space beside him. With trembling hands, I made to zip back up my jumper, but Dillon stopped me.

“No, leave it. I quite like the view.” I let my hands fall to my side as I slowly moved to sit. Not trusting that he wouldn’t get up and hurt me again. I sat and ate the food he brought slowly, always having my guard up.

When I was finish eating, Dillon moved the tray away and moved closer to me. He slipped his hand into my jacket and started to kiss my neck. I sat there shaking and terrified. He gently pushed me back onto the bed, until I was lying down. I started to plead with him.

“Dillon please, don’t do this. Please don’t hurt me.” He smiled at me sadly, “Shh Juliet, it’s only gonna hurt if you fight it. So make it easier on yourself and don’t.” I started to plead with him again, but he just ignored me.

I gave up. I couldn’t fight anymore. I was so tired. The more I fight, the more he hurt me. I was tired of feeling helpless and vulnerable. I was tired of being scared, waiting for the moment when Dillon would attack. I couldn’t fight him anymore, I didn’t want to fight him anymore. I just wanted to stop feeling. So that’s exactly what I did.

Three days after Dillon first force himself on me. My brain told my heart to stop feeling and it listened, my brain then shut itself down. Offering me some form of peace. Three weeks on, and I didn’t feel anything, just numb.

One afternoon, Dillon came back in the room to me. I was sitting on the bed like I always do, staring into space. I saw him moving over to the bed. He started to undo the buttons on his shirt and I just stared at him, lifeless.

“I’ve had the worst day, I need my girl to make me feel better.”

When he was finished undressing, he pulled back the covers and got in. He pulled me to him and I went like a corpse. I had all the fight beaten out of me, literally. It was easier to give in than to fight.

He was on top of me. I was just lying there, not really caring. I felt nothing. I just let it happened. Halfway through, I heard a voice called.

“Dillon are you down there? What are you doing there man? What kinda lab do you having down there, locked up so tight? Man, are you growing weed?” The voice started to get closer, along with footsteps.

Dillon stilled on top of me. And I still did nothing, my brain didn’t register that that was my chance to get out, to be rescued. Dillon cursed as the footsteps got even closer, covering my mouth with his hand.

“Clyde dude, don’t come down here, I’m naked bro. Just got out of the shower.” The footsteps stilled and Clyde laughed.

“I so don’t wanna see that bro. Get dressed, I’ll wait for you back upstairs.” Clyde started to retreat, and Dillon removed his hands from my mouth.

“Make one sound Juliet and I swear you’ll regret it.”

Wake up! Wake up, Juliet! Scream, scream!!! The Juliet I locked away inside of me was fighting to be heard. But the weaker more scared version of me didn’t want to listen. She wanted to continue feeling numb, giving over control to the stronger, feistier Juliet meant feeling pain. It would be like opening a floor gate filled with emotions.

Weak Juliet just didn’t want to feel, however, Stronger Juliet was not giving up. Scream you, idiot! It Clyde, you remember him, right? Clyde. I knew that name, I knew that voice and he was leaving.

Dillon saw the moment I realised that my chances of being rescued were moments away from leaving. I opened my mouth to scream, but Dillon’s hand came down on my mouth, cutting it off. I used every last bit of strength I could muster up and pushed his hand away. I screamed so hard and loud, I didn’t think I’d even stop. “Clyde! Clyde! Clyde!!!” Good girl, you did it.

“Juliet. Juliet baby is that you?” Clyde started running and the door to the room was thrown open. Clyde came to a standstill when he saw the scene before him. Dillon had jumped off the bed and was hurrying into his clothes. I was now sitting on the bed clutching the covers close to my neck. Clyde’s eyes filled with guilt and sorrow when he saw me,

“Oh, baby.” he cried.

He then turned to Dillon, advancing on him, hatred and anger in his every move. There was so much anger. Dillon tried to run, however, Clyde caught him.

Clyde threw him up against the wall, punching him with every word, “You son of a bitch. You had her this whole time.”

Dillon laughed, his eyes already starting to swell and his face bloody. “I had her alright. Every night for the past three weeks and then some. Let me tell you, I understand why you’re so hung up on her. The sweetest piece of ass I’ve ever had.”

Clyde began punching him more furiously. “You sick psycho son of a bitch, I’m gonna kill you.”

Clyde dropped Dillon to the ground and he started coughing up blood, he spat it to the side and laughed in between coughs.

“Go ahead, kill me, I’m not afraid to die. But the damage is done. The Juliet you knew is no more. All that’s left of her is a shell of the person she once was. A good compliant little bitch. My little bitch.”

He saw the look of horror on Clyde’s face and laughed again. Clyde raised his foot and kicked him in the face knocking him out. He turned to me and whispered.

“Jewels baby, it ok. You’re ok now. I’ll never let you go again I promise.”

He started to move closer to me and I panic, grabbing the sheet I backed up against the bed. Clyde stopped short, his eyes filled with tears. Backing away from the bed, he grabbed Dillon and started walking towards to door.

“I’ll go get help, I’ll be right back I promise.” with that he was gone.

I sat there. The floodgate was opened, and there were so much pain and anguish. I didn’t want to feel, I tried to bite back the scream that was building in my throat. However, the pain was too much to bear. It was ripping at my chest and fighting to come. My heart was dying, it couldn’t take being drowned in its own blood. The scream escaped my mouth and there was nothing I could do about it.

Let go, Juliet, just let go. I’ll take care of you, I promise to make the hurt and the pain go away. All you have to do is let go. So that’s exactly what I did, I let go and everything went dark and numb. And I was peaceful.noveldrama

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