The Alpha’s Little Rogue

Chapter 142

Daphne's POV "You can come in," I say, stepping aside and letting the giant hunk of a man walk into my private sanctuary. I try not to think much about how Raphael is the first real guest I'm welcoming beside my Mom.

Thinking more about it just makes me realize how sad my life really is. Shaking those depressing thoughts out of my head, I turn my attention back to Raphael and almost swallow my tongue when I notice him standing in the middle of my living room sans his shirt. A shirt has been thrown over his shoulder as he reaches for the zipper on his jeans.noveldrama

"W-what do you think you're doing?" I ask, holding out my palms in front of my face and hating how breathless my voice is. It sounds like I've just run a marathon when all I've done is watch a replica of Zeus strip down in my living room.

"Undressing." He states that it's a well-known social conduct to strip down in any house that you've been invited into. Sometimes, I forget how clueless he can be.

"Why are you stripping down in my house?" I rephrase. I know I was the one who welcomed him into my humble Adobe but I'm ready to throw him out into the rain if he doesn't pull his shirt back on. I will also let the door hit his ass on the way out.

"I'm going to need to let my clothes dry out," he states, throwing a confused look my way. "You can't really expect me to stay in these wet clothes for hours," he questions incredulously.

Actually, that was exactly what I expected and hoped for.

"You do know that just because werewolves have super strength and super healing, it doesn't mean that they're immortals," he says like he's speaking to a child. "Werewolves can fall ill too."

That sounded like a load of crap. I'm sure he isn't going to get a cold if he doesn't change out of the clothes that got drenched in the rain.

Though I can't exactly ask that of him. I have to be a good hostess and that includes making sure my guest gets themselves striped out of their wet clothing and dried.

I drop my hands and avoid looking towards his direction. "Wait here. I'm going to go look for something for you to change into," I rush out, bolting out of the living room before he can get another word out.

I press my back against the door of my bedroom and take in deep breath while trying to get my breathing back in order.

What is it about Raphael that leaves me so disoriented? And how do I find a way to stop him from having that effect on me?

Finally getting my bearing back under control, I look around my room, trying to find anything that would fit the giant in my living room. My clothes were out of the question and the only other option I could think of was a towel. I take a quick hot shower and take a clean towel off the rack then step out of my room.

I don't know what I expected to see when I got back, but it wasn't to find Raphael in only his brief with my TV remote in his hands as he surfs through my channels.

And just like that, my whole pep talk upstairs becomes useless.

I walk towards him and shove the towel into his hard chest. this," I bite out. "I don't have anything that can fit you."

"Take Raphael smiles down at me

and accepts the towel that I rudety

offered him. He turns around and drops the remote on the table and I

try not to stare at his ass in that tight

tiny brief. Keyword: try.

I quickly flip my gaze to the uninteresting movie playing out on the television when he turns around. If he caught me staring, he doesn't say anything about it. He unfolds the towel I gave to him and wraps it around his waist.

The little towel does nothing to hide how insanely hot he is but I have to admit that it's better than having him prancing around my house practically naked.

He sits on my sofa after covering up and picks the TV remote back up to continue his surfing.

"I'll go make dinner." That will give

me something to do instead of standing around awkwardly. "Is there anything that you're allergic to?" The man annoys the hell out of me but that doesn't mean that I want him dead.

"Nah. I'm good with anything," he replies, giving me that goddamn smile that always manages to turn my brain to mush.

"Ok," I reply, turning around quickly

and heading into my kitchen where I start bringing out bowls, pots, and any other thing needed to make

what I have in mind. I don't have net


much foodstuffs left seeing as had plans to go grocery shopping today so I settled on a simple dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. You can

never go wrong with that.

I put the spaghetti on the stove and nearly have a heart attack when I turn around to find Raphael standing in front of my counter.

"What are you doing here?" I ask exasperatedly with a palm over my chest where my heart is trying to escape. How does the man manage to move so quietly? "I wanted to check if you needed my help," he supplies with a shrug.

"It's ok. I've got this." Him being here is going to defeat the whole purpose of trying to put space between us.

"Nonsense. Let me help you." He walks around the counter to stand beside me, bringing along his body heat. "I'll help you chop the vegetables at least."

He takes the knife and grabs an onion before I can get another word out. I shake my head as I try not to think about how domesticated this whole scene is.

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