The Fated Match



Theo agreed to pick me up at my house in time for the game. I was now ready and waiting in my lounge for 6. 30 to come by. The game started at 7. 30 so this would give us enough time to drive there find our seats and get comfortable even before the game starts.

I heard his car before I saw it. I grabbed my bag and phone and walked out my door. I didn’t really want to waste any time. Once I stood before him, I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“why are you looking at me like that” I asked him. Noticing how he was smiling at me behind those ray ban sunglasses of his.

He stepped forward giving me a chance to see what he was wearing. A pair of jeans with a hoodie and then covered with a leather jacket. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I think you know why. I guess this isn’t the first football game you’ve been to” he says staring over at me.

We were basically matching only, I had a black bomber jacket with a white cropped hoodie.

“I’ve been to all types of games, rugby football the Olympics you name it” I said finally walking up to him. I knew of a lot of girls who like to come to these games dressed up hoping that guys will notice them.

But they forget that the guys are here for the game and only the game. When they’re looking for girls you can go see them at the clubs just not here.

“well let’s get going then” he says finally stepping back and opening up the passenger side for me. I slid inside and watched him close it for me before running over to the other side.

It wasn’t long before we were on the road making our way to the stadium in time for security checks and quick pitstop at the food stalls and then with time to get into our seats.

Once arriving into the stadium, I silently followed Theo as he walked down the steps. He stopped a few times to greet people and I had assumed we were sitting down soon but we just kept going lower.

“Theo where are our seats” I whispered into his ear as he stopped to greet a young boy. People were recognising him, and I expected nothing less.

He pointed over in the direction below us. I stilled, looking on impressed. Those are good seats he must be some kind of VIP here which is predictable.

I decided to pluck the tickets out of his leather pocket and find our seats since he was carrying a bunch of things that we couldn’t afford to drop.

I walked through rows before I located our designated seats.

“excuse me miss can I check your tickets” a man said coming over to me not a second after I sat down. He barely gave me a time to breath.

I sighed as I handed him our tickets waiting anxiously. “she’s with me, it’s okay” Theo saved me from being humiliated. He sat down in the seat next to me and took the tickets back from the guy who spent the next few seconds apologising profusely.

I wasn’t mad really, I guess he had to make sure everything went off peacefully. “sorry about that, sunglasses don’t seem to work in disguising me very well” he says finally removing them. If he thought that sunglasses would stop people from recognising him, he was insane.

“they never work” I said taking them from him and putting them in my bag just so he doesn’t lose them later. There have been many times that I have lost sunglasses, phones and wallets at matches.

He smiled clearly thankful for my efforts.

We were left to a comfortable silence as the game started as the teams were brought out all holding hands with a child as they walked on.

Everyone stood up and cheered for them.

After the national anthem was sung, we all sat down and waited for the game to start. The start of the game tends to be boring from what I’ve seen before but tonight something was up.

“holy shit, it’s not even 10 minutes in” I said clapping to the first goal of the night. Even Theo was shocked I mean sometimes you’ll get matches where not a single goal has been scored.

“they’re on home turf, its going to be one interesting night” Theo said to me sipping from his beer lightly. I was worried that he would be driving home but he said it was only one.

Ill be the judge on whether he’s driving later.

Throughout the game Theo would make little comments to me and get me talking almost like he wanted to speak to me. normally a football game isn’t a great place to take a girl I had assumed that he would go with some friends of his.

Guy friends that is.

It didn’t take long before another goal was scored meaning that everyone jumped to their feet cheering.

I made the mistake of looking directly into one of the cameras going around the crowd and suddenly the screen showed Theo with me to the side, you couldn’t really see my full face, but it was obvious that they were more interested in Theo.

I nudge Theo with my arm pointing to the screens.

You could just see on the screen Theo smiling and giving a little wave which turned a few over excited football fans of his into a frenzy.

“someone’s popular tonight “I commented after the cameras had moved onto fans with big banners supporting their team.

He smiled warmly at me. “I was the shit a few years back” He chuckled ” I haven’t been to many games and been seen in public in the football world, so I guess it’s a pretty big deal” somehow his reply was humble and cocky. What are the odds.

“I’m just surprised you aren’t still in the football world, I don’t think any of your fans expected you to open up a restaurant I wouldn’t that’s for sure” I spoke honestly. If he loved the game as much as he says he does he would be involved in some shape or form.

Not just at the centre.

“you could say my English side of the family introduced me to sports most importantly football. I had the skills for it but when I was younger I was also being brought up with Japanese culture, I learned that I also loved food, cooking and hospitality” I guess Theo thought I needed to hear his side story.

Not that I was complaining really. “but you’re the owner surely you just tell them what to do and you get the profit”

He stared at me like I had just insulted his whole life in one sentence. “your reply definitely tells me you have not stepped one foot into my restaurant. I am one of the chefs as well as being the owner, so I am well integrated within the restaurant in all the different aspects” he just shot me down.

That was my fault for judging him right off the start.

“your girlfriend hasn’t been to your restaurant” a man said to my right. I guess he couldn’t resist butting into our conversation.

But seriously, girlfriend. “oh no no no we’re not a couple just friends” I said denying his assumption before it got out of hand.

He smirked, “that’s what they all say” he muttered before turning back to his phone. I watched him carefully, thankfully the guy was just checking his emails he wasn’t about to put Theo’s business online.

People on twitter can make some serious damage let me tell you.

“don’t knock it until you’ve tried it girly. He makes a fucking gem of a cheesecake” someone below us also intervened. When I glanced at Theo, he was proud.

He patted the guy on his shoulder “thanks man”

The guys didn’t even acknowledge I guess they were all too busy concentrating on the game in front of us. With the exception of keeping an ear out for our conversation.

“its Japanese you’d love it” Theo said leaning over to me. I hadn’t expected the whisper right in my ear hole.

“you mean to tell me you make a good authentic Japanese cheesecake, the ones that melt in your mouth” I said shocked.

Why does that sound orgasmic to me right now.noveldrama

“better believe it” he replied sitting back in his seat and most probably wearing such a smug look on his face right now.

Wow I really must try it. I haven’t had one of those since, well I can’t even remember it was definitely a long time ago that’s for sure.

We continued to watch the rest of the game I silence practically. As a group we grunted, moaned screamed at the same time but didn’t really talk with each other.

The outcome was in our favour, but it was close that’s for sure.

“look Theo this is your element, let me call an uber and ill head home go talk with people get back into your world” I said nudging him as he was walking us out. I could tell people wanted to speak to him and I also know Theo would be a gentleman and want to take me home.

I had an early morning tomorrow so as much as I would like to stay and make connections, I got to get to my bed sooner rather than later.

Theo nervously looked around “go you idiot” I said giving him that final push to a large group of guys all laughing and drinking beers.

“okay fine “he gave in because I knew he wanted to stay. I smiled over at him before turning around only to be pulled back by my jacket.

I was shocked, A call for my name would’ve stopped me as well.

“people are watching” I whispered noticing how people’s eyes spotted the slick moves of Theo right here in the middle of everyone.

I normally didn’t care about what people thought of me, but Theo just makes me nervous and I hate the fact that he can do that.

“don’t mind them, I just wanted to thank you for coming with me I really enjoyed it” he said sincerely watching for my reaction.

Why do I feel so hot like I’m blushing of some shit?

“no worries Theo, I enjoyed it too football isn’t normally my scene, but it was worth it” I replied back to him. My words seemed to have resonated with him and a fucking gorgeous smile appeared on his face.

Damn it Theo.

I promised myself that I wouldn’t get distracted whilst I was here. I wanted to believe that I could concentrate on my job and not be sucked into any type of relationship.

But that smile, it was ruining those chances completely.

” I knew you would Elle. You didn’t really have a choice” he said as his lips turned up into a smirk.

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