The Fated Match


“I knew I should have thought twice about accepting your food this morning. I feel like a pregnant woman” I moaned practically sliding out of the car.

When I was getting ready to leave the house this morning. Theo came unannounced at my house , we went over to his restaurant and had breakfast. I was expecting some pancakes, an English breakfast at most but no I was presented with a whole table full of food.

Was he trying to kill me?

“Don’t be so dramatic, you barely ate”

I glared at him, “I had more than you, don’t even lie” I slammed the car door walking over to him. He wrapped his arm around me pulling to his side. “okay okay, calm down tiger” he said kissing my head.

We walked inside together. I met Tina in my office as Theo parted to head to the football field. The team had a big match on this evening so he was helping out their coach.

“what?” I said to Tina when she was smiling at me, not saying a word.

“well, have you got something to tell me or are you just going to pretend that nothing has changed in the last 24 hours” I stared back at her. Normally my long stares intimidate her but today she was the one intimidating me.

I sunk down in my chair.

“there there coach. I’m just teasing I’m happy that you guys are finally together, it was damn time” Tina said as she came over placing the folders down in front of me.

I couldn’t help but smile, it was contagious.

It was over an hour that I was hiding in my office. I finally mustered up the courage to go out and see the team.

As soon as I entered I spotted Jen by the pool.

“Jenny, have you got a minute” I stood by the edge of the pool. she looked up and excused herself. She lifted herself out of the pool.

I could feel the others walking over, no doubt wanting to hear what I have to say.

Jenny grabbed a towel and sat on a nearby bench, I followed after her.

“I’m guessing he asked you then?” I stared at her, shocked that she even knew.

“I, uh I mean asked what” that’s it Elle play the defensive card.

She shook her head. “Well when I saw you two come in together this morning and the fact that my older brother acknowledged me this morning I think I can guess that he finally asked to be his girlfriend”

Damnit, I knew I should have driven in.

I bowed my head “can we at least keep it quiet for a few days” I asked her. She immediately wore a guilty smile.

“unfortunately, that isn’t going to work. Scott was with me and has told everyone he knows”

“coach wait” she ran after me when I jumped up searching the room for that idiot. My eyes found him swimming around with the guys like nothing in this world was wrong.

I went straight to the wall grabbing the hose. Normally this is used for cleaning the pool but I believe that there is a better use for it right now.

“oh fuckkkk!” Scott screamed like a little girl as I sprayed him with the ice cold water. Thomas swam away like it was some disease. When I was finally happy I stopped and returned it.

” you would think that he would have learnt his lesson” Tina said shaking her head as scott jumped around in the pool trying to bring some warmth back to his body.

You think so.

“I’m sorry coach, I promise I only told a few people”

I held my hand up, “I don’t want to hear it. What me and Theo are is none of your business”

“but Jenny” he objected

“I’m his sister, you idiot” jenny spat at him.

I pointed at the end of the pool staring directly at Scott. He groaned but eventually started swimming the laps he is used to.

“you have a competition coming up, you’ve had your honeymoon period after your last win. Get to work. You don’t get medals for 10th place” I shouted at them all. I have been dealing with my own personal shit I have slacked on my strict ways and its showing.

The doors to the pool swung open revealing both Theo and Jackson. They looked around . Theo slapped his hand at Jackson stopping him from coming inside. “is this a bad time” he asked taking into account the atmosphere.

” scott’s doing laps, I would say yes” I heard Jackson say his eyes following scott. Theo raised his eyes to meet mine. I could only shrug before walking down the pool heading straight to my office.

I slammed the door behind me.

I sat down in my chair grabbing a pencil and twisting it. it snapped in my fingers causing the ink to explode all over my hand. Seconds later my office door opened. Theo walked straight inside. I watched him pull out a chair and sit next to me.

“Relax Elle, just breathe” he said as he pulled my fingers towards him. I watched as he cleaned my fingers with a wipe. Theo is way too good for me.

“If it makes you feel better, I got absolutely ridiculed just now on the pitch. Not that I minded though because my girlfriend kicks ass” Theo said as grinned at me.

He brought my fingers up to his lips kissing them “I can tone it down when we’re around people if that’s what you want” he said in all seriousness.

I felt bad.

He didn’t have to do that, I don’t actually understand why I’m being so dramatic about the whole thing.

“no” I shook my head as I leaned into him more.

” don’t change for me, I’ll get used to it please don’t do anything you don’t want to ” I would feel lie shit if he did that because its not him and I know he enjoys being like this, doesn’t matter who’s around us.

He pulled me in to his chest. ” its not changing anything, I do think we should maintain professionalism when were both working though, its only right” he said tucking hair behind my ear.

I was able to calm down with Theo in the office but as much as I would enjoy sitting in here with him away from the curious eyes I know that we both needed to get back to work.

I walked back to the pool and luckily enough most of them were in the pool either swimming or talking amongst themselves.noveldrama

“I saw that some of you noted that you’re times have improved I would like to see them. Let’s start with Bryony” I called out when Tina handed me her folder.

Bryony striped off her shirt and got herself ready. Tina stood at the end with a timer.

As soon as I blew the whistle she dived in. I watched as she moved just below the surface. Arms were strong legs were too. Overall she was on point, all the training I had given her on a one to one basis was working.

She climbed out of the pool and smiled when Tina told her of her improved time.

“very good Bryony” I said walking over. I was contempt until I noticed the erratic breathing and the worried face she was giving me.

She turned around and surprised us all by vomiting. Melissa rushed and grabbed a bucket patting her back.

Tina raised her eyes to me.

“you okay Bryony” I asked her rubbing her back.

I checked her pulse, it was fast but nothing out of the ordinary. ” go check in with the nurse, she should be finished with the boys by now” she couldn’t say anything to me, probably worried that she would vomit again.

I dodnt know if it was excitement or some other cause. It did worry me.

“sorry coach” she mumbled walking off.

” just get better alright” I said to her. I did feel sorry for her I know that she loved competing and she believed she had a really good chance and so did I,

The rest of the training session went well, there was still much to improve but they were all ready foor the competition all they had to do was make sure they were healthy and that they trained hard. Each competition was going to be more difficult so they needed to be ready.

When it was lunch time I decided to do my first lunch run as Theo’s girlfriend. I found out about a food market nearby and rushed to get us both some food. He planned to work through lunch with the guys on the field.

I balanced the boxes of Korean food in my hands and made my way to the field.

Jackson was the first to see me he ran over.

“Are they for your boyfriend” he said grinning at me.

“yes they are, call him for me will you” I think he was surprised at my answer, I couldn’t hide it from anyone now I just had to embrace it.

I headed over to the tables inside and laid out our food. i was planning on grabbing a box for the football coach but I heard that he heads to finances to have lunch with people there. I did however grab him a corndog.

” tteokbokki and rice cakes, where did you get this” Theo said coming up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist.

I turned my head kissing him on the lips ” 5 minutes away they’re doing a Asian market, I thought since we have your Japanese food all the time and chinese is too basic we should try Korean” I had a feeling he had tried Korean food before but its not something as common as Chinese.

” you didn’t have to do this, I made a sandwich for myself this morning” I ignored him, like that was going to be better than what I have for him.

I spotted the football coach, Devon walk past. I grabbed the corndog. “oh coach, I hope you like Korean food I grabbed this for you it has cheese in it” I said handing him the corndog.

He took it from me “thanks Elle, can’t say I’ve tried Korean before but this looks great thank you” I watched him walk away he was inspecting it as he walked away he shook his head.

” come on, beautiful let’s eat” Theo grabbed my arm and pulled me down to sit with him.

As soon as we started to eat all you could hear was a chorus of our chewing mized with moans at how good the food tastes. It was a little bith spicy and sweet a very unique taste.

“I don’t know what happened really, maybe something she ate this morning mixed with excitement” Theo had seen Bryony run to the nurse earlier and asked me about it.

” I just hope its not something that could damage her chances” Theo rubbed my leg ” Bryony is a bright girl I think she would know not to get herself in that position” he said to me.

I didn’t want to go out and say it but after speaking with Tina and finding out she had been vomiting most days I was worried that she might be pregnant.

“you’re right, I think ill chat with the nurse later and see what she says” I really hope I’m not right for her sake.

“Hannah is great isn’t she, I’m so glad we picked her” Theo said suddenly.

When he saw my surprised look he held his hands up surrendering. “as a nurse, I’m yours now Elle you don’t need to be jealous” he said as he rubbed my cheek. There was some sauce on there.

“That doesn’t make it any better. Women don’t just stop because you’ve got a girlfriend. Have you looked in the mirror” that is one attractive man. He’s got the body and brains to go with it.

I felt him pull me closer, to the point where I was basically on his lap.

” although I do love it when you’re jealous” he whispered into my ear his hands wrapping around my waist,

I tried to remove myself out of his hold but he held me there. I didn’t really want to leave I liked being in his embrace.

“Don’t make me regret saying yes to you Theo I can easily change my answer” I taunted him. He pressed his face into my neck.

“Nope, I refuse to accept that. you only get one answer and no lifelines” he said as he kissed my neck. we were extremely lucky people decided to eat outside today.

I grinned as I relaxed back into his chest.

“aw you two are just adorable”

I practically jumped off Theo when I heard the voice. This was the last person I wanted to see us alone in here in such a position.

Ryan walked in carrying a large duffel bag, but he wasn’t alone. No, trailing behind him was Michelle. She saw us instantly and I could see the guilt on her face not at me but rather with Theo.

Theo made it crystal clear that he didn’t want to speak to her after the shit she pulled. And really you can’t blame him.

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