The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0887

Today, since I'm feeling a bit better, I ride in front of Jackson on the ATV, leaning back against his chest as he steers the vehicle with an arm on either side of me. Well, not that there's much steering to do - it's mostly a straight shot across the desert and prairie that creates a border between Atalaxia and Moon Valley.

"How do you know where we're going?" I murmur, snuggling back against my mate, more comfortable than I thought that I'd be.

He presses a kiss to my hair, his wolf hearing making him perfectly able to hear me. "It took longer getting here because I had to figure out where things were. But now that I have a mental map, it's a pretty straight shot to the closest border town."

I sigh happily. "You're so smart and capable. And good with directions."

"Yeah, you just sit there and look pretty, Princess," he murmurs, laughing. I laugh too because we both know that I'm capable of so much more than that, even though we have learned that - as Faiza thought - it's a very good disguise.

I snuggle back against Jacks, letting my mind wander as the miles pass, letting my eyes slip over the scenery. It really is beautiful out here - and a part of the country which I haven't explored before. The tensions with Atalaxia had always made it too dangerous for a camping trip or any hiking when we were younger. But now that the war is hopefully ending, a little hope for the future rushes through me.

The end of a war. It opens many possibilities to better the lives of so many people. All that energy that went towards destruction and defense - now it can be turned towards building and learning. I buzz a bit with energy as the possibilities whirl through my mind.

The only thing that puts a dampener on it is the memory that Juniper is still gone and in trouble - or at least, she was as far as I know. I sigh, wondering what she's up to, worrying for her. Junie - she's so tough and strong, but she's got a very tender heart beneath it all.noveldrama

Even if she is a grumpy little thunder cloud sometimes, she's still my sister. I love her a lot and want her to be okay.

"What's wrong?" Jackson murmurs in my ear, sensing my change in mood.

"Just thinking about Junie," I reply, distracted, staring off into the distance as Jackson keeps us moving steadily towards the horizon.

"Oh, don't worry about June," he says absently. "She's fine."

go a bit still, half turning in the seat to look at my mate. "How do you -"

"Face forward," he growls, taking one hand from the handlebars and wrapping it tight around my waist to keep me from flying off.

I laugh and do as I'm bid, turning back and settling back against him, pressing my ass back perhaps a little tighter against him than it needs to be. He snarls a bit in my ear, keeping that arm tight around my waist.

"How do you know she's fine?" I ask, not letting myself get distracted from the topic.

"Jesse says she is," he says, quite simple.

Shocked, I start to turn again but Jackson tightens his arm and snarls. Still, I turn my head as far as it can go, doing my best to stare at him in shock.

"How does Jesse know!?"

"Because," Jackson says, glancing down at me. He visited her there, in the Underworld. With Midnight. He says she's in a world of mess got herself caught up in some kind of competition to marry some Prince of Death - but that she's also got them albwrapped around her finger -"

"What!?" I shriek, appalled not only by the news but by the fact that my stupid mate knew all of this has apparently known it all - and didn't bother to tell me! "Jackson! Why didn't you fill me in on this!?"

"Oh, um," he says, glancing down at me, a bit guilty. "I wasn't supposed to tell

you. Jesse said...well. Just pretend I didn't tell you, okay?"

I shriek again, appalled, and he laughs, tightening the arm around me.

"Would you stop doing that? I'm trying to drive."

"Why doesn't Jesse want me to know!?"

"He says there's a surprise and he doesn't want anyone to tell you. Because you're going to flip. So everyone is sworn to secrecy - not just me."

"Jackson," snarl, tense and livid. "You'd better tell me. Right now."

"No," he murmurs, pressing a loving kiss to the side of my head in apology.


"I promised!"

"You promised Jesse - a promise Jesse doesn't matter! Your allegiance to me takes priority!"

"No, he said you'd say that, and he told me to remind you that he's my best friend."

I shout now in appalled horror at how Jesse has constructed this. Jackson just laughs, holding me close.

"Is it a good surprise or a bad one?" I hiss.

"A good one," Jacks says. "You'll like it, I promise. I almost cried when he told me."


Jackson hums in confirmation and my mind whirls with possibilities. But I can't think of anything -

anything at all that would fit this situation. A surprised related to stupid Juniper in the Underworld that almost made Jackson cry!?

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