The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 21- 'Daddy's coming to get you.'-2

After chasing large bass fish around for a few minutes, I wanted to run more.

I darted around trees and over bushes with no clue where I was going but I kept running.

Soon, I came to a large, white vinyl house. There were little toys laying everywhere in the yard and a small dirt path was littered with Fisher Price trucks to ride on. A large swing set with a slide sat beside the house next to a sunporch. It was a cute house, obviously one that held many little ones.

Exhausted from my run, I bent down behind a playhouse, made sure no one was in it, and shifted back into human form. I took clothes out of my backpack and changed. I came around the playhouse and began to walk to the front door of the large house. I began to have second thoughts that maybe this was weird, but my feet wouldn't stop moving and I continued up the porch steps.

I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. No one answered. I knocked again. No one answered.

"Maybe they're not home," I thought.

I began to back away from the door when it opened.

A petite African American woman, maybe forty years old, stepped onto the porch with me. She had a short black hair that fell in tight ringlets around her ears and on her neck and forehead. She had a red dish towel in her hands and was drying them. "Luna Caroline?" She asked curiously. "Is there anything I can help you with?" My mouth went dry. What was I supposed to say? "I want to go in your house"? No, too creepy.

"Do you have children?" I asked. I mentally face-palmed. I thought I was trying not to be creepy here...

Although, I didn't seem to be creepy to her. Her face split in a large smile and she motioned for me to come in.

"If you have time, I'd love for you to come see them," she suggested.

Her smile was contagious and I soon smiled back and nodded as I followed her into

the house. She shut the door behind us and I looked around her house.

Like the yard, it was a mess of toys everywhere. Barbies were laying on top of the

couches and toy trucks were overturned on the staircase.

"Sorry for the mess," she apologized quickly. "When you have twelve children to look after, there's not much time for cleaning up."

My eyes widened in shock.

"Twelve children?" I squeaked.

She laughed and nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

"Cristina," she said.

"Carrie," I said stretching my hand out. She shook it with a smile before both of us heard a 'thump'. Our hands pulled away from each others as we looked in the direction of the noise.

A little boy sat at the end of the stairs rubbing his head. He had short black hair, bright blue eyes, a pale complexion, and little freckles were sprinkled on his nose and cheeks. "Ian! What have you done now, child?" The woman exclaimed. She went over to him and helped him up off the stairs and rubbed his head reassuringly.

His eyes never left me an I gave him a grin and a wave.

A red flush tainted his cheeks and he hid his face behind Cristina's leg.

"This is Ian," she said introducing us.

"Hi, Ian. I'm Carrie," I said squatting down to his level.

He continued to bury his head into her jeans.

"Ms. Cristina!" A voice shouted.

I looked up the stairs to see a little girl running down towards us. "Shaun took my jump rope," she said sadly.noveldrama

"You're not allowed to have the jump rope in the house. How did he get it?" Cristina asked accusingly.

When the young girl didn't answer Cristina sighed.

"Shaun! Take the jump rope outside if you're going to play with it!" Cristina hollered up the staircase.

The girl finally took notice of my presence and looked me over as I did the same to her. She had ash brown, long, straight hair that fell to her navel and pale skin and blue eyes like Ian's. Multi-colored beaded bracelets traveled almost to her elbow and she had on

a pink shirt that had the power puff girls on it.

"I'm Carrie," I said politely to her.

She gave me a smile that was missing her front two teeth.

"This is Whitney," Cristina said stroking the girls hair lovingly.

Someone else began to trot down the stairs and I had to do a double take. The girl looked exactly like Whitney. I only knew it wasn't here because this girls bangs were clipped back by a purple plastic barrette and she had her front two teeth.

"And this is Lindsey," Cristina said sighing.

Lindsey had drawn little hearts and stars on her arm with what looked like marker. It didn't seem to amuse Cristina.

"Who are you?" Lindsey asked me.

"Lindsey! That's very rude! Apologize to the Luna," Cristina said.

A look of hybrid shock and horror swept across Lindsey's face.

"No, no!" I said quickly. "She's fine."

Lindsey breathed out a little but Cristina still wasn't pleased.

"I'm Carrie," I said smiling.

"I thought you were Luna," she said tilting her head to the side.

I laughed.

"Only when I need to be," I said.

A large grandfather clock rang in the living room and the three children looked up at

Cristina longingly.

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