The Princess Slave

Chapter 16

Violette POV

A couple weeks later

“You really are good at this!” Ms Beatrice praised my writing skills. We are working on invitations for a ball they have every year. The previous queen came up with the idea and they haven’t done it since the royal family death. But, this year the King thought it would be a good idea to help the Kingdom go somewhat back to normal.

“I used to write all the time. I always had so much to say but now i can never think of anything.” I said as I followed the pre-made invitation.

“Do you have dreams or nightmares?” She asked.

“Always.” I let out a small chuckle.

“Write about those. Sometimes, our dreams tell us things that we usually cant see. I write about mine and It lifts weight off my shoulders daily.” She said with a smile. She was being nice to me, something I’ve realized she does more often. I think maybe she’s warming up to me, but I still have doubts.

“Maybe, I will.” I replied.

I’ve been writing on invitations for hours, my hands cramped badly and all I wanted was to go to my chambers and relax. But sometimes I find myself restless in there. And I wouldn’t dare go near the tub again. Not for a while, anyways..

“You did very well, ladies. You can grab dinner on your way back to the servants quarters.. may I speak with you?” Beatrice asked as she pointed at me. Everyone else began exiting the room except Lillian, who stood by my side and held my hand.

“Lillian, it is the Kings words. You just leave us.” Ms. Beatrice said.

“Bu-“ Beatrice cut her off by shaking her head.

“No, Ms. Lillian. Violette will be in her chambers shortly.” Beatrice said. I began to worry about what she needed to say now. Why couldn’t Lillian stay?

“I’ll stay up waiting..” Lillian said. She kissed my cheek and hesitantly left us standing in crafts room.

“With this ball happening.. there will be other royal families. You must be on your best behavior or he will have to publicly punish you.. and it will be very, very harsh child. All of the same rules apply. You stay by his feet when he sits, behind him when he walks. No talking to a soul besides him, not even me.. not Lillian. Not Loren. Not a soul, other than the King. Do you understand?” She asked.

“Y-yes.. I won’t break them, I promise.” I said. She nodded her head and looked at me worriedly.

“How have you been since the.. incident?” She asked. She’s asked me this question several times.. and each time, I give her the same exact answer.

“It’s been.. fine. I just need to forget about it and move on.” I said with a small smile. I looked at the ground to try and hide the tears that threatened to escape my eyes. I was having difficulty forgetting.. but I am trying my best.

“Who ever said to forget about it? You’ll never forget it, dear. It’ll always be there. All you can do is try to get through it. That’s another thing you can write about. Get it all out. Remember it, and let it make you a stronger person.” She said. She must have had some things happen to her as well to have this knowledge.

“Thank you, Beatrice. You’ve been very friendly lately.. I don’t deserve it but.. it’s nice and I thank you.” I said. She nodded her head and let out a deep breath.

“Have a good night, Ms. Violette.” She said with a smile. I began walking to the kitchen to see if there was any food left when I smacked into what felt like a brick wall. I backed up and saw it was the King.

I bowed my head.

“What are you still doing out?” He asked me suspiciously.

“Ms. Beatrice was talking with me about the rules for the ball.” I said. He looked around but didn’t see her so he took a step closer to me.

“She left.. I was just seeing if there was any food left in the kitchens..” I said.

“Okay.” He grumbled and stepped out of my way. I walked through the doorway and saw there were two plates left. Thank the moon goddess. I would’ve jumped with joy hadn’t felt his eyes searing holes into my skin.

I grabbed a plate and took a seat at one of the tables. My heart racing erratically in my chest as he walked in and grabbed the last tray. He walked over to my table and took a seat, sitting his tray in front of mine and staring at me.

I wouldn’t expect him to eat the servants food, let alone sit across from me. Though, as I watched in my peripheral vision, I didn’t see him eat.

“Beatrice tells me you’re doing well.” He says. I eyed him cautiously before replying.

“Yes, besides these pains I feel.” I said.

“What pains?’ He asked, now intrigued with the conversation slightly.

I pointed to my chest where his eyes shot and spoke.

“I get sharp pains in my chest and stomach a lot. Ms. Beatrice hasn’t figured out what it is yet.” I said.

“Probably pains from lying to your Master.” He growled.

“I did not lie, Master. And I never have. To you, anyways..” I said.

“Then explain your heat.” He growled.

“I cannot! I cannot explain it, because i don’t understand it myself!” I slammed my hands on the table. My eyes widened at me reaction and I let out a small, shaky sigh.noveldrama

“You shall not talk to me like that.. I will make you regret it.” He growled.

“I didn’t lie to you. I’m sorry that you think I did.. I just can’t give you an explanation because I don’t have one.“ I said in a low voice.

“It truly shouldn’t even matter to me. You’ll never get to be with your mate. You’ll always be my slave.” He growled.

I didn’t say another word as I stared at my tray of food. I would never have the life I imagined.. a family.. a mate.. that will never be in my future. And it’s all because of this man and his hatred for my family.

“I’m glad you didn’t die so that I can make your life a living hell. It’s about time I start treating you like a slave.” He said and stood up, leaving his tray and me sitting alone.

I cried into my hands. Will anything ever go right? Why does he feel the need to belittle me in every way he can think? I’ve done nothing to him.. if anything, he would be here if it wasn’t for..

I should just stop.

If he wants to treat me however, he can go right ahead. In the end, I will at least try to make light of it.. become stronger because of it. I will not let him break me more than I already have.

As I began to eat, my mind filled with memories of being attacked. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t get any air, I could feel and hear my heart racing in my chest.

Slow.. deep breaths, Violette.

You’re okay. You’re alive. He didn’t kill you. You’re alive.

I repeated it often in my mind whenever these thoughts came about. I’m fine.. I’m okay.. I’m alive..

My heart slowed and I wiped my sweaty palms against my dress. I need to finish eating so that I can retire to my chambers.

I felt for a moment as if I was being watched again. I’ve felt this quite often in these past weeks. Ive told myself that it’s just me.. or just a guard that I can’t see. But something inside me tells me it’s neither.

I sniffed the air, but the only thing I smelled was the scent of the king. But that’s probably because he just left.


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