The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 3 - Legend Returns

When Anna woke up, she heard Kamryn snoring behind her. She could feel him against her back, and her head was lying on his arm. She didn't get out of bed but scooted closer to him. She liked the feel of his warm body against hers. It was comforting.

Kamryn woke up when he felt his angel snuggle closer. He was scared to move, afraid that he would startle her. The feelings he was getting from being against her were telling him that she was his fated mate. He would be able to confirm it once the poison was out of his system and he got his weretiger abilities back.

"Good morning, angel." He said softly behind her head. He held his chuckle when he felt her freeze against him.

"Good morning. Why did you call me angel?" Anna asked. She didn't turn to look at him because her face was flaming, but she didn't move either.

"We don't know your name, and when you found me in the forest yesterday, I thought you looked like an angel. So I'll call you angel until we know your real name." Anna didn't know how to respond, so she changed the subject. "How do you feel this morning?" She asked with her back still to him.

"My injuries feel okay. Can you turn over so I can see your face?" He knew she was probably embarrassed, but he wanted to see her. Anna slowly turned over until she was facing him. She put her head back on his outstretched arm but kept her body a few inches away so they weren't touching. Kamryn wasn't having it. He used his arm to move her over until she was flush against him, and he had his arm around her. Anna's face was bright red. "There, that's better." He said, looking into her grey eyes.

"I should get up so I can make something for breakfast." She said quietly.

"I think we should stay like this a little longer. This feels right. Like you belong in my arms." Anna felt like she was going to melt from his words. Was it wrong to be getting feelings for someone she had just met? "How can you say that? You don't know me. I don't know myself." She said softly, not looking at him.

"I can't deny how I feel. Do you feel uncomfortable lying with me?" Kamryn asked while studying her face. She felt so tiny next to him, but at the same time, it was like she was made for him.

"No, I don't feel uncomfortable, but I don't want to get used to this. It's not like we can be together forever." Anna had only known him for a matter of hours but was already missing him when they had to separate. "Why can't we? What if something brought us together, saying we were meant for each other?" She looked up at him in confusion.

"I don't understand." Kamryn didn't want to scare her, but he wanted her to know that she was his. He was sure she was his mate.

"I believe that we're supposed to be together. Don't you feel a connection with me? Like something pulling us together." He said while pushing her hair from her face.

"It's only because I've been alone for so long. Of course, I would feel something for the first person I see, but I don't expect you to feel anything for me." Anna tried to move away from him, but he held her in place.

"I feel something too, and I've been around other people. I've never had a connection with anyone like the way I'm feeling with you. I know we've only known each other for hours and not days, but it can't be a coincidence that we're so drawn to each other." Anna looked up into his amber eyes and felt her heart race. She may not know her name, but she knew she felt something for this man she had just met.

"What if you go back to where you came from and change your mind about me? You're the only person I know right now, and I would be devastated to be alone again." She voiced her fear so he would understand.

"I'm not going to change my mind. Once I can travel again, we'll find out your name and where you came from, okay?" Anna didn't know what to say, so she just nodded and relaxed against him as they lay together, lost in their thoughts. Kamryn was trying to think of a way to tell his parents he wasn't mating with the witch; he was mating with his angel. Anna was thinking about leaving this place with Kamryn and finding out who she was.

They continued to lay in silence for about thirty minutes when Anna got up to make them breakfast. She had some berries and a can of corned beef hash. She knew it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. She heated up the hash and put it on a plate with the berries. She carried it over to Kamry, who was trying to sit up.

"Lay down; I'll feed you." She said, but he shook his head.

"I need to use the restroom. Can you help me get in there?" He asked while Anna set the food down on the table. She carefully helped him sit on the side of the bed. Once he was steady, she helped him stand up. He leaned on her slightly with his arm around her shoulders. Kamryn limped to the restroom with her help. His ribs actually felt better with the tight wrapping she did around them. When he got to the bathroom, and she was sure he was okay, she stepped outside and shut the door. When she heard him flush the toilet, she opened the door and helped him to the small sink. He quickly washed his hands with the bar of soap, and then they headed back out.

"Help me to the loveseat. I'd like to sit up for a while." Anna nodded and helped him sit. She moved one of the chairs across from him so he could put his leg on it to keep it straight. She then sat next to him with the plate of food. "Do you need help eating?" She asked.

"I can do it. Go ahead and get your food so you can eat with me." Anna handed him the plate but didn't stand up.

"I'm okay. I'll eat later." She had given him the entire can of hash and the rest of the berries. Anna was used to rationing her food, so she didn't mind skipping meals. Kamryn instantly knew why she wasn't eating, and he felt bad. He wasn't familiar with having little food.

"How about we share?" He said, holding the plate so she could have some too. Anna smiled and took a couple of the berries. She only took a few bites of the hash and a few more berries while leaving the rest for him. When he was finished, she took the plate and washed it before putting it away. She didn't know what to do now. Usually, she would go outside and look for more berries or other things she could eat. Kamryn saw her uncertainty and decided to tell her a little about where he was from.

"Why don't you sit down, and I'll tell you about my family." He said, patting the seat next to him. Anna walked over and sat down, trying to keep a little space between them. Kamryn put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. She wanted to pull away, but she didn't. She lightly leaned against him, not wanting to hurt his ribs. She couldn't see his face, but he was grinning ear to ear.

"Alright, tell me about your family," Anna said softly.

"My mom and dad are important where I'm from. They're leaders, so to speak, and many people look up to them. I'm their oldest child. I have an eighteen-year-old brother named Micah. I also have an adopted sister named Melita. She's seventeen, we found her on our doorstep when she was two, so my parents took her in and raised her as their own." Anna thought about what he said, making her wonder if she had siblings.

"Your parents must be good people to take in a child they don't know and raise her. That says a lot about them." Kamryn frowned. He didn't know how great they would be when he came home with his fated mate and refused to mate the witch.

"Yeah, that was a good thing they did. In some ways, they're stuck in old-fashioned ways that I disagree with." Anna looked at his face and wondered what he meant, but something caught her attention. His body was suddenly scorching against her.

"Are you getting a fever?" She asked in concern. Kamryn didn't feel any different but realized his ribs were no longer hurting. He tentatively moved his leg and felt that it was better as well. He knew Legend was coming back to him. He tried to mindlink him.

*"Legend, are you there?"* He asked, hoping for a reply.

*"Yeah, I'm here. What happened to us?"* Legend asked, still trying to clear his head. He felt like he had been sleeping for a month.

*"I think we were poisoned and then beaten. Whoever did it broke some ribs and my leg before dumping us in a forest in the middle of nowhere."* Kamryn answered him. *"What's that smell? Why do I feel all tingly?"* Legend tried to find the source.

*"That's the woman who found me. I think she's our mate, but I couldn't be sure without my tiger abilities. Now that you're back, I can tell I was right."*

*"What's her name? What species is she?"* Legend was excited and wanted to mark her now so they wouldn't have to be with the witch they were being forced to mate with.

*"Calm down. I don't know what she is, and neither does she. She has amnesia and has been in this cabin for two months with no memory of who she is or where she came from. So don't reveal yourself until I tell her about us."* Kamryn warned him, but he could tell Legend was getting too excited. Before he could stop him, he was lightly purring. He felt his angel stiffen against him.

"Kamryn? Are you purring?" Anna looked at his face and then at his chest, where the sound was coming from. She thought she was crazy until she saw him looking uncomfortable.noveldrama

"Yes, I'm purring. I have something to tell you. I'm a weretiger."

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