Chapter 40
Chapter 40
I was kind of ashamed to go back to my parents, I could very much have gone to a hotel or something
but I didn't, I needed them. I rang the doorbell and my mom opened it.
"Shayan, Evie." She exclaimed surprised to see us.
"Sheila who's at the door?" My dad asked
"Dad," I said hugging him. We did a family hug and I smiled. I missed my family.
"You came on your own, what about Kelvin?" Dad asked noticing his absence.
Throughout the ride here I had thought of what to say if they asked. I wanted to tell them the complete
truth but I still felt obliged to keep the contract a secret.
"He's at work or home," I answered.
"You didn't come with any luggage, are you going back soon?" Mom asked.
"No. I'd be staying here for a while," I answered ashamed
"What did he do? Don't tell me he sent you out" dad angrily said.
"No, no, no. He didn't." I tried clarifying.
"You left him?" Mom shouted.
"It seems like we'd have to sit down and talk," Dad suggested and I agreed with him.
"Come on Evie, let's go in," I said carrying her inside.
"We'd talk about it after dinner." Mom said and I nodded.
I carried Evie to my room and we sat on the bed. "I miss daddy." She sighed saying.
"I do too, "I admitted sadly.
"When are we going back?" She asked again.
"I don't know Evie," I answered honestly.
I don't know if I could go back if he'd want me to. If he'd even want me back or bother trying to get me
back. He was right, we should have talked when I was calmer. I shouldn't have made a decision when I
was angry. I wasn't even that angry or stopped to be. I guess I overreact sometimes. Maybe I just want
to see whether I mean anything to him as he claims. If he wants a family with us.
"I thought you said everything was okay." Mom said as I walked into the kitchen. She was making
dinner and I came to help her.
"It was and then I just ruined it. I don't know why a part of me still feels like I shouldn't forgive him easily
and that's what I did."
"Oh, Shayan." My mom said shaking her head as she passed me some vegetable to slice. "Do you
regret it?"
"I do. I should have been more patient. He changed mom, he was putting in a lot of effort and I just
ruined it."
"If he loves you he'd come back to you." She said patting my back.
"I hope so mom," I said nearly in tears, how foolish was I?
"Don't worry he will. How's Evie taking it?"
"She says she wants to go back and misses him," I answered chuckling.
"I can imagine. You're not going to stop her from seeing him are you?"
"Of course not mom! She can see them anytime, as long as he wants to." I said and Mom smiled.
"I can't wait for you to have your own big happy family." Mom squealed and I chuckled.
"It's not going to be so big though." I sadly said.
"Does he know?" I know she was referring to me telling him about not being able to give birth and
"I know I'm not supposed to but I kind of blame him for some things and I really need to let go if I want
this to work out but I don't just know how." I cried out in frustration.
"You have to forgive yourself first Shayan. I know more than anyone that you blame yourself. For
sleeping with him, falling in love with him, everything that happened. You have to let go Shayan, it was
meant to be. Free yourself of the guilt you carry." She advised and I nodded.
I needed to hear that, I have to work on myself. "I'd try it. I want things to work between us."
"Don't worry baby it will," she said hugging me.
"I love you, mummy," I said and she laughed.
"You just sounded like Evie." She smiled saying and I chuckled.
"I know right. I love it when she says that." I said smiling.
"And I love it when you do."
We prepared dinner and ate, now it was time for the talk.
"So what did he do this time?" Dad asked
"Nothing," I replied and he just rolled his eyes.
"Don't give me that Shayan. You wouldn't have left him if he didn't do anything."
"Well, there's this girl I think he's seeing. She came to the office and insinuated that they had
something and I just got mad even though deep down I knew he didn't and the next thing I was saying
things I didn't mean, dropping the ring and walking out."I answered and my dad just face palmed
"I've always warned you about your anger, don't make decisions based on them. Don't act on it." He
"I know and I'm regretting it, dad, all I do is hurt him every time he seems to get closer. I'm scared,
scared of loving him again, scared of getting hurt." I admitted sadly.
"At least this time you admitted it." Mom chirped in. "And that's the first step."
"You shouldn't have chosen the lazy way out. You shouldn't have walked out like a coward. Stop
denying your feelings for him or the attraction you have it's undeniable. You're just going to hurt
yourself and the people you love. At least think of Evie." Dad advised.
"I do. I don't just know what I should do." I cried out in frustration.
"You very well know what to do Shayan." Mom said and I nodded.
I had to let go of everything, every single ounce of hatred, anger, anything working against this
marriage. I have to work on myself also.
"You guys surprisingly took it well," I said and dad shrugged.
"I'm not a fan of him but you've made your choice," Dad said and I chuckled.
"Thank you for respecting my decisions." I said and mom laughed saying." We just have to."
"I'm grateful for what you've done for me. I don't know what I'd have done without you guys. I love you."
"We love you too." They replied and we hugged.
That night when I went to bed my thoughts lingered on Kel. I would have had my head on his chest and
he'd have had his hands around my waist and there would have been a smile on both our faces. I
wondered if he was thinking about me if he hated me for walking out on him. With thoughts of him and
how to make it up to him. I fell asleep.
"You have a package." Mom said as I came to the sitting room the next morning.
"Mrs Adrios, you'd have to sign here." I sighed and he brought out the package and I knew who it was noveldrama
from instantly.
It was a bouquet of red roses and there was a little note attached to each. I took it from him smiling, it
was thoughtful of him to get that.
"I nearly forgot, he told me to give this to you." He said handing me my phone.
I thanked him and went in. "Who was that mummy?" Evie asked, noticing the flowers in my hands she
asked another. "Did daddy get you that?" The excitement in her voice was as obvious as she looks.
"Did daddy come?"
"No Evie." She looked disappointed. "Maybe he's going to come later. What do you think about the
"They are pretty." She answered smiling and I did too.
"He got you flowers. What does it say?" Mom asked already snooping.
"Aaaaaw." She squealed.
"Mom," I said playfully hitting her hands away and going to the room with Evie trailing behind while my
mom just laughed.
I hadn't sat on the bed for a minute when my phone rang and it was Kel.
"Hi. Did you get the flowers?" He asked.
"Yes," I answered smiling. Hearing his voice felt so nice.
"Daddy," Evie said excited and I handed the phone to her.
"Princess, how are you?" He asked and I could hear the excitement in his voice.
"I miss you, daddy. When am I going to see you?"
" I miss you too Evie. We'd see soon. Be a good girl to mummy okay?"
"I'm a good girl already. You didn't get me flowers." She said and we both laughed.
"I'd get for you next time okay. Can you give the phone to your mom now?"
"Tu me manques."
"It's not nice when you speak in a language I can't understand," I said laughing a little.
"Is there a language you understand aside from English?" He was teasing me now and I laughed.
"It's not fair. What does it mean?"
"I miss you."I wasn't expecting to hear that and when I did it brought butterflies to my stomach and I
smiled. " Do you miss me?"
"No, I don't." I lied and nearly facepalmed myself. I was doing the opposite of what I was supposed to
"I'm sorry Shayan. I didn't do anything with her or anyone else I swear it."
"Why did you call?" I asked dismissing his words.
"I wanted to hear your voice and to make sure you got the phone and the roses."
"I got them. They're lovely, thanks."
"I mean everything in the notes, Shay." He said and I nodded. Realizing he couldn't see me I said a flat
"I'd call you back later okay. I've got a meeting to get to."
"Okay bye," I said dismissing him.
"Bye, daddy."Evie chirped in smiling.
"Bye princess, love you."
"Love you too daddy." She replied smiling as they ended the call.
I was slightly jealous he didn't say he loves me but then I wasn't expecting him to.
"Daddy's going to come yes." she sang running around the room. I smiled while watching her, I was
really glad she liked him.
I took out the note on the first rose which was "I'm sorry." The next was "Nothing happened between us
Shay.". There were others like I couldn't sleep last night without you. I can't stop thinking about you.
Come home to me. I miss you. The more I read the notes the more something tugged at my heart and I
smiled. There were at least a hundred roses and notes. I felt like a teenager again reading them.
I spent a lot of time with my parents and Evie. Maybe I could visit Rosie. Evie and I bounded very well,
we had a quality mother and daughter time. Night came quickly, dinner had ended. I had put Evie to
sleep and was laying on the bed half expecting Kel to call. My phone vibrated, seeing it was Kel a huge
smile crept up on my face.
"Hi, Shay." Why does his voice sound so sexy every time I hear it.
"Hi," I said trying to keep my excitement at bay. I was feeling like a teenager whose crush had just
"How was your day?" He asked
"Good. Yours?"
"Stressful. I miss you." He admitted and my heart did a little somersault.
I said nothing till he spoke up again. "If you don't want to talk it's fine. I just wanted to hear your voice
before going to bed."
Tiny butterflies were swirling around in my stomach. "Ok. Goodnight Adrios."
"Night West." Him calling me West really sunk deep. I was a West now since I had terminated the
I facepalmed myself as soon as the call ended. I've been waiting for him to call and when he finally did
I ruined it. I didn't sound enthusiastic because I didn't want him to think I had forgiven him and I wasn't
even mad at him any longer. I really should start expressing my feelings towards him. All my thoughts
were on him as I fell asleep.
"Stop it, mummy," Evie said giggling as I tickled her.
"Chocolate's better than strawberry. Admit it." I said tickling her more.
"Nooo." She stressed laughing.
It was yet another day and we were playing in the sitting room. The doorbell rang and Evie rushed to
open it with me running behind.
"Daddy." She squealed when she saw the person on the other hand jumping into his arms.
I was shocked to see him I wasn't going to lie and excited too.
"Princessa." He said kissing her on the cheek twirling her around.
I just smiled watching them. I didn't notice his gaze on me. "Shayan." His words held longing in them.
No one calls my name better than him.
"Kel," I said nearly the way he said mine.
"I miss you so much Shayan, the both of you." He said walking closer to me.
"What are you doing here Kel?" I asked instead.
"I came to see you, to talk things out between us." He answered
"So you didn't come to see me, daddy?" Evie asked giving him a stern look.
"I came to see you too princess but mummy and I have something to settle. Can you go play inside, I'd
come to meet you with all the toys I bought for you."
"Promise?" She excitedly asked and they did a pinky swear.
She ran into the room after that while Kel and I stood awkwardly.
"Why do I feel like you don't want to talk to me?" He started not taking his eyes from me it started
making me nervous, his look was intimidating.
"I don't have anything to say to you Adrios," I said taking my eyes away from him.
"There are a lot of things that need to be addressed Shayan." He said sighing.
"Well go on since you have a lot of things to say," I said rather harshly.
Goodness Shayan, I deserved a slap. I don't know why I was acting like this, deep down I was excited
to meet him, glad to be talking to him but I couldn't just admit it or act like it and I don't know why.
"Nothing happened between me and Susan or any other woman Shayan. You might find it hard to
believe but it has been only you since the marriage."
"It is hard to believe Adrios," I admitted. He couldn't have been celibate, could he?
"I sincerely don't know what to do anymore, what do you want me to do for you to believe me." He
asked frustrated.
Why was I being so hard on him?
"Don't do anything," I answered and he sighed.
"I get it if you don't want to have anything to do with me but I'm always going to be there for my
daughter Shayan. Since you dropped the ring and said you're done I believe it's time to end the
contract, there's no point in it anyway." He looked at me intently as if gauging my reactions.
I was hurt, disappointed, shocked, I was a lot of things but I wasn't going to show it. "Fine. I'd be glad to
sign it." I replied nonchalantly.
"You'd be glad to sign it? Shayan who are you trying to kid? At least be real with me, don't hide your
feelings from me." He begged and I lost it.
"What do you expect me to do? Go on my knees and beg you not to terminate the contract?" I angrily
asked, angry tears threatening to spill.
"No at least tell me the truth, what do you want?" He asked softly.
"It doesn't matter what I want, you may leave now Adrios."
"Why are you pushing me out Shayan, what is it you're scared of?" He said so softly but I could see
how frustrated he was with the way he was running his hands through his hair.
"You. I'm scared of loving you and getting my heart broken okay." I angrily shouted. "I'm scared that I
wouldn't be enough for you," I added softly the tears spilling.
"Gosh Shayan, you're more than enough." He softly said wiping my tears and taking my hands.
"I don't feel good enough, I feel like the only thing I bring is my emotional baggage and...and..." I
couldn't complete my sentence and kept on crying.
"You're more than enough Shayan if it's because of anything I've said to you please let it go. Don't
belittle yourself because of something I said it's in the past, I was stupid to say that. You're the most
beautiful and amazing woman I've ever met Shayan. You're a great mother and wife. I'm not just saying
this to you because I want you to forgive me or make me feel better. I'm saying this because it's the
truth and you need to let that sink into your head. I couldn't have asked for a better woman Shay and
you're it for me. I can't see myself with someone else Shay. You're it for me, no one else."
I smiled hearing his words, it was time to let it sink. It was time to let it all go. "I can't see myself with
someone else either Kel," I admitted and he smiled pulling me to a hug.
"I love you Shayan, I never stopped." He confessed.
"I don't think I did too," I admitted smiling. After saying that I felt free as if something has been taken
away from my chest.
He pulled me in for a kiss and when we parted I just stayed in his arms smiling.
"Does it mean we're going back to daddy now?" Evie asked peering in and I smiled nodding.
"Yaaay." Evie let out an excited scream.
I went home with Kel that night after having a long talk with my parents. We decided to come clean with
my parents.
"So your marriage was a contract, a sham?" My dad asked angrily. "Why would you do that Shayan."
"I needed the money for your surgery dad, the bills were pilling. I didn't want to at first but I eventually
"I sensed something was up when I saw the news about the marriage knowing how you hated him but I
just thought he had fooled you the same way he did before." mom said
"How could you keep that from us, you could have at least told us." Dad angrily said glaring daggers at
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't give her an option to. It's all my fault, she wanted to tell you." Kel spoke up and my
dad looked at him angrily.
"I seriously don't know what to think of you. I don't know why Shayan couldn't find someone else
instead it was you. You've been nothing but trouble to her, you were the bad boy I always warned her
"I'm sorry sir, but I love her," Kel said holding my hand.
"And she does too, it's her call. If you're the one she wants then it's fine but so help me God you make
another slip you'd never see them." My dad threatened.
"I wouldn't, thank you, sir," Kel said smiling a little and my dad just walked away.
"Stop keeping things to yourself Shayan, we'd have understood if you told us ." She said looking a bit
sad that I didn't tell her.
"I'm sorry Mom," I said hugging her.
"It's okay. It's all in the past now, I just hope the future would treat you guys well."
"I hope so to mom," I said smiling and she did the same before leaving us.
"I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you," Kel said hugging me.
"It's okay. I just want us to start on a new note."
"About that..." He paused then got out a paper which happened to be the contract and tore it to pieces.
"I've ended the contract now Shayan. You're free to do as you please. I'm sorry for infringing on your
right to movement and association. I know I've done a lot of things to you but if you still want me I
promise to be a better guy. To love you and build our family together. So what do you say, are you
willing to put up with me, to be with me forever."
"Yes, Kel." My smile was very wide as he planted his lips on mine.
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