Unspoken Pleasure

My Neighbors Cock 1

I was staring at her now, watching as she peeled down her shorts, slowly exposing her gorgeous ass. Her naughty bits were concealed by a conservative bikini. Her shirt was already in the pile of clothes at her side, and her big tits were being held snugly by her elastic top. I was lounging at her side in my patio chair, sipping on a margarita by our pool.

My wife, Anna, is a beautiful specimen of a woman. She has dark flowing hair, grayish-green eyes, and a soft feminine face. Her body is curvy, like a classic pin-up girl from the 50’s. She has large natural breasts, a trim tummy, and a plump ass that I lust over daily. The sight of her gorgeous tits and ass bouncing around our home never fails to excite me.

Despite the fact that she is brimming with physical sexuality, my wife is rather shy by nature. Anna’s reserved disposition is a product of her development. She didn’t really come into her own, physically, until college. She has told me many stories about her ugly duckling years, which seemingly lasted through most of middle and high school. Looking at her now, however, it would seem impossible that she ever suffered through such a phase. Anna’s a bonafide sexpot, and earns lust-filled stares nearly everywhere she goes. It’s actually grown to frustrate me. I’m married to such a beautiful woman, yet she refuses to acknowledge just how attractive she actually is.

My name is Timothy Wilson. Anna and I are both in our early twenties. I work in finance for a trading company downtown and Anna teaches at a local elementary school. We met during our senior year of University, and quickly fell in love. Our wedding ceremony actually took place only a few short weeks after our graduation. Things we tough going at first but luckily we had recently purchased our first home in an up and coming neighborhood just outside of Denver. The house itself was small, but it was newly constructed, and even though the other houses in the neighborhood shared similar cookie cutter layouts, we were still proud of it.

A splash of water quickly brought me out of my daze, as Anna dove into the pool. She gracefully swam under the surface for a time, eventually arising at the other end.

I stood, placing my margarita on the table. I quickly removed my shirt.

I’m of rather average build, standing at 5′-9″ in height, and around 170 pounds in weight. I’m not especially muscular, but i’m not exactly a twig either. I hopped into the water with less grace than my wife, causing a splash and a subsequent giggle from Anna. We embraced, kissing each other as our wet faces gently collided in affection.

“I don’t want to work tomorrow.” she pouted. Her pretty lips looked tantalizing covered in the delicate droplets of water.

Our Sunday had been lovely so far, but the afternoon was quickly coming to a close.

I kissed her again, “Me neither babe.”

“Lets both call in, take a day to ourselves.”

I smirked in bemusement, “You know I can’t tomorrow…”

Before Anna had a chance to argue a voice shouted out from across the yard.

“Oh, hey there folks!”

It was Bob Stevens, our neighbor. He’s an older gentleman, about 50 years of age. He’s also rather large, looming at around 6′-3″ and carrying a thick frame. He was probably close to 230 pounds, not all muscle, but definitely in good shape for a man of his age. He was friendly, seemingly harmless, and ten years widowed. His wife had died from a rare illness, which was – in our short time knowing him – something that was clearly hard for him to talk about. He lived alone in the house next door, and we had struck up a good neighborly friendship with him since we had moved in.

Whereas every other house in the neighborhood was separated by a physical fence – for some reason our homes were separated only by a distinct change in the cut of the grass. Bob had retired early, apparently with more than enough money to do so. He was seemingly always working on his home, and his lawn condition was impeccable. The transition from our yard to his was a testament to that.

“Hey Bob, how goes it?” I replied. Anna slunk below the water instinctively, thinking that she was more scantily clad than she actually was.

He strolled over smiling, shears in hand, wiping sweat from his brow. His large frame interrupted the light of the afternoon sun.

“Oh you know Tim, just tending to this never ending mess of a yard.” he paused, looking down at Anna and me. “You two sure do enjoy that pool, last couple that lived here never used it. Seems every time I look over you guys are taking a dip.”

He wasn’t wrong, we did enjoy ourselves some time in the water. “Just getting our moneys worth.” I replied, smiling. “Fancy a margarita? We appear to have made way too much.”

He shook his head, “I’d hate to intrude, already rudely interrupted by walking over here.”

“Nonsense.” I insisted “Anna babe, fetch him one if you would.” I patted her ass underneath the water.

She smiled, slightly blushing, “Of course.”

Anna slowly walked up the stairs and out of the pool, water cascaded off her large breasts as she strode. Her bikini was a conservative one, but it was still hot pink, and still a two piece bathing suit. Bob obviously hadn’t seen that much of my wife’s body until that moment, and I couldn’t help but feel a strange pang of pride over showing her off to our older neighbor.

Bob was polite, but it was also clear he liked what he saw. He hadn’t been shy about giving Anna a stare down or two since we moved in, again, nearly every man who comes into contact with her does. He deftly looked her up and down as she handed off the drink to him. “There you are.” she offered, sweetly.

“Thank you miss.” Bob tried to avoid gawking as he graciously accepted the drink.

Anna rejoined me in the pool and Bob managed a seat on one of the deck chairs. We drank and conversed for a while longer, but Bob eventually said his goodbyes, and we soon tidied up and headed inside for the day.

Later that evening Anna and I were making love. I was thrusting into her doggy style, watching as her juicy ass engulfed the sight of my six inches. She was moaning softly as she took me. My mind wandered back to the afternoon, and I chuckled internally, wondering what Bob would think if he could see her now.

That same thought caused a brief moment of panic, as I looked to my right in a hurry. I wanted to make sure our bedroom curtain was closed. Our one hiccup in purchasing the home was the expansive master bedroom window, which looked out into a small side yard and then into… Bobs master bedroom window. The homes were mirrored, and essentially on top of each other. It seemed like odd design, and in a few short weeks we had already exchanged a handful of awkward waves with Bob – who was seemingly unconcerned with his own privacy. The proximity was a problem even beyond the visibility. I was certain that if Anna moaned too loudly he would easily be able to hear her.

I shook the thought from my mind and continued to plow my wife. My orgasm caught me by surprise, and I erupted, spurting my load into her welcoming pussy. Anna gently whined as I came inside of her. I could quite often bring her to an orgasm during sex, but unfortunately, I didn’t have it in me on this night.

After our shower we laid in bed together prepping for slumber. The memory from the afternoon popped into my mind again and in a restless moment I blurted, “Did you notice Bob checking you out today?”

Anna sighed, “You always think people are checking me out.”

I laughed, “That’s because they are. Especially our neighbor over there.”

I saw her blush, “I guess… a little.”

I continued, “The poor guy probably doesn’t get much action. I guess I can’t blame him for staring.”

Anna slapped me playfully on the shoulder. “Pervert.” she said, jokingly.

A few weeks went by and nothing more was said of Bobs leering. We had run into him a handful of times and each time he was friendly and welcoming. He even offered to help me pave our driveway coming up, which I accepted.

Things took a strange and erotic turn when Bob accidentally caught a glimpse of Anna, in a compromising position.

My wife has incredible tits. They are Double Ds, natural, bouncy, and without an inch of sag. They belong on a porn star, or an exotic beauty – not a housewife.

I was eating breakfast one weekday morning when suddenly she came running down the stairs, shrieking. She was red faced and angry. “Tim! Why did you leave the curtains open!? The towels are in the dryer and I walked out of the bathroom naked!”

I wasn’t immediately sure as to why she was so furious, “Okay… and…?”

“Bob was right there! He was staring right at me!”

I nearly choked on my toast, coughing out a reply “Oh shit. I opened them to check the weather, I’m picking up that client from the airport today. I’m sorry babe.”noveldrama

She was unconvinced, still yelling, “Well I hope your happy! Our neighbor just got a good look at your naked wife!”

I couldn’t help it, and laughed. It was harmless Bob, and part of me was enthused by my wife accidentally teasing the old man with her goods. “What’s the big deal? I’m sure you made his day, hell, you probably made his year! Bob’s harmless!”

She looked appalled, “I’m so happy this isn’t a big deal to you! You’re unbelievable!” She stormed off, back upstairs.

As I was leaving for work I ran into a red faced Bob, standing by my car.

He was stuttering, “H-Hey Tim. Look, I’m really sorry, I just glanced over and… I heard her scream, and…”

I stopped him, chuckling in resignation “Bob, look – it was an accident. It’s no big deal.”

He breathed a noticeable sigh of relief, probably having no idea how I would react to the situation. I continued, “Nothing you haven’t seen before.” and I gave him a pat on the back.

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “Jeez Tim, thanks… I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you’re a very lucky man.” he blushed as he spoke, perhaps thinking that he was digging a deeper hole for himself.

The comment caught me by surprise, but also inexplicably, it excited me. There was something arousing about hearing him come out and admit to finding her attractive, especially after just seeing her naked. I mean, it was one thing to suspect it, it was an entirely different thing to hear it.

I replied, with a smirk, “Thanks. I know.”

If it was anyone else, the comment might have angered me. But for some reason, coming out of Bobs mouth, I took it in stride.

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