Whore of the Werewolf Billionaire

Chapter 12: What a Strange Family

Óh, God. Oh God.


'Could it be my fam-'

"Ms. Rutherford!"

I whipped my head to Mr. Evans. "Yes?"

Beads of sweat cascaded down from my face. "Do you have nothing more to say to the

My brows rose. My heart throbbed.

"More info to give, statement to say?"

I shook my head.

"Nothing? You are somewhat shaking to be honest."

"Nothing more than the statement I already gave," I finally exhaled.

"Good. You are free to go now."

So I did. Without looking back. I just walk to where my untouched food is, where I was hoping that it was still untouched and my family are still wandering to hell where they want to explore.

'But what if it's my family that I shook my head and hit my shoulder with a tap. 'It's impossible. My family has a foul smell. I don't think the wolfish creatures would feast on such foul-smelling souls.'

But what if my guess is true. What if...

"They are still not here." I stared at the palm-sized beef steak and lobster head on a plate that made me drool.

My stomach rumbled and I just realized that I only drank coffee for breakfast because the breakfast plate that was meant for me...they fed it to Joey, our Golden Retriever.

Yes, they care more for the dog than for me, who is the actual family and the actual one

who prepared their morning feast.

I seized a fork and scooped a pea-size steak in my mouth. "It's still good."

Of course it is. I am the one who cooked and seasoned it.

So, I look out for my family while having a quick breakfast-lunch because my mom would definitely shriek at me if she ever saw me still eating at the table instead of preparing a clubhouse sandwich and French fries for their afternoon snack, and accuse me of secretly eating the snack they should have eaten where in fact it's my own money that it was bought with. I sighed, gulping down a glass of coconut juice that now tastes a bit sour.

"How I wish I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast..." I breathed.noveldrama

An hour later has passed and I'm done preparing their Golden Clubhouse sandwich and French

fries that I fried with olive oil and sprinkled with some pepper and salt.

I ate one and the fries melted right on my mouth. "Oh, God. It tasted so good!"

I was about to take a bite from the sandwich when someone pinched me in my left


"Eat up in the car. We're leaving right now." I watched as some patrol cars, detectives,

and police officers were still in the beach area. My gaze returned to my younger sister's sweating face. She smells like the dead.

  "What? Why? I thought we would be having an overnight here..."

"We're leaving now!" It was mom who grabbed the car keys and I was forced to plunge the whole sandwich in my mouth.

  I forgot this food was actually for them, the one I prepared and cooked for their afternoon snack.

"Aren't you going to eat your snack?" All of them look at me at once. I don't know but it's weird. Their faces, their scent, the way they act. All of it.

;"We're full." It was dad who answered, who was currently carrying the ice box and other heavy things as if it didn't bother him.

Every time we go swimming at the beach, it is always me who carries the ice box and anything heavy as if to tell me that "hey, since you're a burden to the family, you should also be carrying what's heavy for us."

Yeah, that's my life.

"Eat up, Elaine!" My sister thrusted the other two slices of sandwich in my throat as if I am one of those enormous celebrity food eaters that was featured on various food contests like eating twenty burgers in ten minutes.

"Eat the fries in the car," my mother commanded. Her voice was deep and surprising. It

sounds like she's afraid of someone, of something.

This was the first time that my family just allowed me to eat to my heart's content.

; I suddenly heard a wolf's howling and my mother, my father, my brother, and my

father...they stopped all at once.


;In a heartbeat, our place on the beach is now clear and my family crazily hurried to the

  "You drive," said my dad, who's just beside the driver's seat.

"Me?" I frowned, the wind became chilling so I shut the windows. It was also because of

my mother's order.

"Have you forgotten where our house is?" I muttered jokingly.

But, surprisingly and eerily, all of them are just quiet. Poised. Hands on their lap and

heads leaned on the chair.

    I sighed to make myself calm.


My youngest brother looked up when we heard that loud sound. In a heartbeat, a huge white wolf is on our driveway. Another black wolf on top of the car and a gigantic brown wolf on the roof as seen on the side mirror.

"DRIVE NOW!" My father bellowed and it was the scariest and loudest one I ever heard in

my life.

I started the car and the white wolf immediately went to the side. But it still gives us a


  I took a turn and the black wolf was still in front of us.

"Make it go away!" shouted my brother.

So I drove fast. I grabbed its attention and, when it wasn't looking, I took a turn by the

street, resulting for it to fall. The poor black wolf stumbled on the road.


I paused, stopping the car for a breath.

  "KEEP DRIVING!" My mom shrieked.

; "Why the fuck is everyone shouting?" I asked before starting the car again.

"Just drive, Elaine!" my sister demanded.

  The brown wolf in the roof tried to enter by the back by repeatedly smashing the

rear glass window.

  "DRIVE!!!" They said it altogether, shocking me.

  In a second, it looks like they are all having a headache when they all clasped their heads as if they heard a ringing sound.

I started the car and we were almost hit by a delivery truck. I drive faster, hitting the pedal at the maximum speed. We could get a ticket for speed driving but my family didn't mind that at

all and just told me to keep driving.

The brown wolf climbed back to the roof as heard by its footsteps. And, in a blink, the

huge white wolf is on the road again, setting the path on fire.

  "What the hell!" I screamed, almost hitting another car but I dodged.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!" My brother yelled.

"Yeah, I know baby boy!"

  "Our seat is on fire, you idiot!" It was my sister who grabbed my hair and forced

me to look what's happening in the backseat.

It is indeed on fire. The seat suddenly bursts into flames. But it wasn't burning anything.

In fact, it doesn't even smell like fire or give off smoke.

"What's happening!" My dad is now going crazy, putting his head in the ice box. My brother is fanning the fire with his gaming tablet and my sister...

; "Why the hell did you undress?"

"I'm trying to seduce the wolf with this body," she hissed.

; "Seduce the wolf? You all are lunatics!"

They all stopped synchronically again. This time, my mom whispered to me. "Why don't

you drive naked and see how these fucking wolves will react?"

I really don't know what's happening now. Since when are wolves tempted by a woman's naked body? All they see is a curve of flesh and a mountain of meat when they see a naked human. Not a young lady with big tits and curvy hips and bold ass and nice hips.

So I did what they said. I drive while naked. Unexpectedly, the wolves' eyes widened. The brown wolf peacefully went down and went to the sidewalk. I looked at the car's mirror and the fire at the backseat vanished like a bubble popping on thin air. The white wolf, which was slowly walking towards us amidst the fiery road earlier, is now beside the big brown wolf.

"I told you mom. Elaine's the moon to the wolves' eyes."

  I just sighed, not knowing what to believe anymore despite all that I heard and saw and witnessed.

We arrived at our house silently after that moment. When I stopped the car and my sister was about to exit, I saw a reflection of that horrendous figure sitting on the backseat to where she is now-its glowing black eyes stared right at my soul, its ram-like horns reach the top and

its wolf-like body occupied most of the space. But what's more horrifying is that it was smiling. It was smiling as if it was devouring every single living thing that it smiles at.

  I blinked and I found my sister smirking at me. "What are you looking at, big


; "Nothing," I lied. Or maybe I didn't, especially when I yawn and feel that sleepiness is

crawling in my bones.

I opened the car's trunk because dad said that's where Joey is sleeping, that's why they didn't bring him with them inside the car.

When I opened it, I shrieked. Like crazily shrieked.

And the one that made me scream wasn't the fact that Joey is dead and inside the car's trunk. It's because my sweet little puppy's chest was open, as if its heart was grabbed right from its tiny breathing body.

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