Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Teny

"What happened after?" Lask even though I shouldn't

"He left. For almost two years, we didn't know where he went. When my father tracked him down. He was living in his Lycan form in a cave two hundred miles away from Chilion. Eve begged me not to bring him back, but he was my little brother. And we had been mated for almost two years already. She was five months pregnant.

"My mother moved him into the village away from us. He was there a few months before he came to me. He apologized and I thought we were doing great. He comered Eve during one of her art shows and we fought. She was w giving birth to our daughter.

Hot days from

"Dad took him up to his study. Mom sent me to pick up Annie from school so they had time to calm him down. She was eight at the time. When I retuned my mother was passed out ut the courtyard surrounded by our guards. I could hear him. screaming inside. He was sitting in front of my bedroom door covered in her bloodl

James looked me right in the eyes and said that all of this was my fault. If I had rejected her, he wouldn't have done what he did. 1 attacked him and we fought. He had gone feral in that cave and my father didn't think to tell any of us thinking he would come back when he saw that things were as they should be.

"Talmost killed him. When he woke up again, he swore that he would make my life hell for the rest of our lives. I sent him away against my mother's wishes. She hated Evangeline and passed a law to never mention her again. I told her if she ined to erase her I would do the same to her son." Just not in front of her. I say trying to lighten the mood. It works because she grins.

I think we've made her suffer enough, he shrugs. "James is really smart. He's very charismatic,

"Yeah, I got that," I agree. "Down to the way he dresses,"

"Right," he nods. "I can't take the throne without a mate. I'm the King in name, but it's not official until I'm fully mated,"

"We're not fully mated now?"

“No, I mean. We are, but we have to get married through the council of Lycans. You have to take the oath and there lies the problem. James doesn't let us get near the council building. As an alpha and a prince, he has access to the packs all around the world.

"It's considered an honor for an alpha to go feral and still be able to control his shift. Even if he's more unstable and crazier. Others like him think he should be the King in my place, but for that, he would have to kill me and he's not strong enough to do it,"

"Which brings us full circle. Kill your potential mates so you can't ascend the throne,"


"That's pretty smart. I admit. He laughs. "I mean, it sucks for you. But holy shit. That's brilliant. Not only is he keeping you from becoming the king. The piece of shit is making you look like a ***h,"

"Right, he says offended.

"I'm on your side, big guy We're team Lycan King, but you gotta give credit where credit is due,

"Perry," he growls. "Shut up,"

"Where is the council building laugh.



In Nova Scotia."

Dude, Holy that You're royal-royal," I laugh. "Tell me about the former mate potentials. What were they like?" "Submissive,"

"That's it? No other talents?"


"How did you hear about me?"

"Calvin contacted me last year."

"Last year?" I laugh

Yeah, he said he knew I was looking for a Beta Female and he dropped your name. Said you were trouble. He said your name was Nelson,"

"That was my father's last name. I changed Darren's on our marriage certificate to be an a***ole after he said there was no way I wasn't taking his last name."

"That's cute," he says gently.

"He didn't think so, but he never changed it either. Last year was rough on Calvin. I killed two vampires and I took out an alpha near Oak Grove. They were trafficking unmated teens,"

That sounds like a win to me."

"I did it while he and Morgan were in a rut. I was f***g tired of his a***taking credit for my work. Slick Rock's alpha only sipped his alliance because of me and he made it a public statement. Cal and his dad were pi***ed,”

"So, it doesn't surprise you that he called,"

“I'm surprised he didn't call you sooner. I loved his reaction when I set all of Darren's **on fire in his yard. Almost burned the house down. I stole his truck and Jacob totaled it to get me to stop. That was on the first anniversary of his death. It's probably why he wants my house. It's the biggest in the city. The water damage done to their house was too much. It would, have been cheaper to tear it down and rebuild it. But the alpha told him to ***k off."

I would have killed you before you set anything on fire in my yard," he huffs

"That's what Silas said," I laugh. "Tells you how pathetic Calvin is,noveldrama

"Why do you blame him?"

"Because it's his fault"



"Nope. It was his fault." I growl.

Im just having trouble understanding" he pats my hand. "Tell me what happened. You know my story now,"

I dont think we should get this close. I don't feel bad about what happened to you. Your mate sounds like a social climber," I sood. He sighs "Perry, I need you close. I'll just make me want to give you what you want that much more. Just help me understand why you think it was his fault" Chapter 16

"When Calvin found out that Morgan was his mate, he rejected her because she was a beta. He was fucking Alice Cooper, if he breaks our deal, I'll make him regret it.

The singer!" he laughs.

"The alpha of Venom Stream's daughter. They had been dating for a couple of years. She was that rogue ***h's mate. But an alpha is better than a rogue,"

"Liam's mate?"

"Mhm, and Cal was hiding her in the city. Darren and I told him to send her away, but that f***g idiot didn't listen. Liam had Luciel Garrett attack the East Towers. Darren had pitched the towers to the Alpha two years prior. We had just gotten into the Beta program and I designed them for him. He put formations in place. We used to get high together in the academy. When we weren't fighting we were doing weird shit like that.

The alpha didn't hesitate to repurpose the towers used for this new security protocol. The entire city went on high alert. Morgan was staying in the packhouse because Cal's mom hated Alice and Morgan was "I pause letting out a heavy sigh. "She used to be smart. She wanted to be the top huntress and she wanted to be a teacher at the academy. She was worth something

"The alpha ordered Darren to stay there not wanting to lose his best Beta candidate. He ordered Cal to stay there with them and that f**g idiot left to look for Alice. They left Darren alone in the packhouse with Morgan.

"Liam knew Morgan was Cal's true mate and he wanted her to exchange her for Alice. I was two blocks away from getting to him when he linked me and apologized for breaking his promises. That was the last time I ever heard his voice in my head crashed my car when our connection broke. I was in a coma for six months.

"When I woke up, Morgan and Calvin were mated. Alice had been taken by Liam. She's how I got to them. I killed everyone in that rogue compound praying that at least one of them would take me out. It was his fault. Everyone knows that,"

"Why didn't you kill him?" he asks.

"Because of Morgan. Her mom and mine were best friends. We grew up together. I never had any siblings. My dad died when I was four. My mom killed herself when I was nine and Morgan's family took me in. She was like my sister and I know how much she suffered when he rejected her. I know she accepted him because she knew I was going to kill him. She's the only reason he's alive,"

I'm sorry, Perry. I can't imagine what that must have been like, he says quietly. I can smell the sweet saltiness of his tears in the small cabin of his ridiculous car. Oddly, I'm not the one crying.

"This bond is f****g crazy, huh?" I scoff. "I feel angry, but that burning sensation that leads me to drink isn't there,"

"Oh, that's you," he clears his throat. He slows down and pulls over. His hands cover his face. I try to reach for him but these s***pid straps are very constricting.

"I don't like this car," I groaned trying to take the latch off. He laughs reaching over to press it together. As soon as I'm free I climb over to sit on his lap. Tm sorry. Being a wolf is very emotional,"

"I see that," he says leaning into me to inhale my scent

"I can drive if you're over it," I say tapping the st**d oval-shaped steering wheel. "Are you sure this is a car? It looks like a f**g spaceship."

"It's not the car's fault you were raised on classics," he sighs. "Do you want to drive?"

Im not too excited about it, but if you need me to. I will,"

"I'm okay," he bumps his forehead to mine.

"This feels gross. I made you cry and now I'm upset with myself

"Welcome to being a Lycan, little wolf," he smirks.

"Oh, so you guys shoot first and apologize second."

"Pretty much," he laughs.

"I'm getting good notes" I admit..

Our connection is strange. I find myself focusing on him and I can feel his contempt for me, but under the bitterness. I feel his kindness. His love for everything Based on my little intel, he seems like the kind of always happy before tragedy took over his life. He strikes me as someone who was very sheltered all his

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"Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods and pushes me back to my seat. I sit lack in the st***d spaceship chair and he buckles me back in.

Thaven't had a friend in a long time. I don't really talk to anyone. I think this is the most I've spoken to someone in years." he says when he starts to drive again.

"Do you even

want to become King?"

"Yes" he nods. "Before all of this happened, that's all I ever wanted. I love my home. I love my people. But I don't know how to shake this. James is standing in my way. If he had just disappeared, I wouldn't want to go after him. I wouldn't hate him this much.

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