Chapter 80
"Yeah?" L Leonica mused, looking to the Door as her eyes became misty at the memory of the familiar and well missed individual.noveldrama
Not wanting his daughter to develop a mood that could potentially ruin the party, he announced "Come on, let's go join the others, it seems like Ashley's about to open his presents." He beckoned her over, taking her hand in his and walking towards the crowd of guests who were all gathering to see the presents Ashley had been gifted Situated beside her father, Leonica's eyes had unwillingly roamed the crowd. She grimaced and quickly looked away as her eyes found Gabriel situated on the other side of the crowd, staring at her
Even after she looked, trying her very best to focus on Ashley, who was currently peeling the wrapping off a red toy car and after a green toy car of the same model, she could still feel his eyes on her.
God, why did she have to be so aware of him? She thought as she swallowed thickly, shifted her stance, tapped her foot, avoided his gaze, doing just about anything to get the feeling of his eyes off her and focus elsewhere, thankfully, the lord she serves above delivered her the perfect distraction less
"Unbelievable," Anastasia scowled at the toy cars Ashley had been holding. They were of different colors but the same model and vendon. In normal
cases, she would have shrugged it off, mere concidence for her to have picked the same thing as someone else. But not in this case, net when the who picked the exact same model as her, was Lloyd
Tuning toward the male in question, who was cretly grinning everything I do?"
at her as if he was already mare of his doing, she asked. "Do you always for incoge
"Who's to say I copied you?" He defended. "Ever heard of the word coincidence, him?"
His words incited anger in Anastasia, but luckily, she held herself back at the last moment, "You're right." Instead of battling more words with him, shar turned back to Ashley, Inceling to his level and grotly asking. "Ash, sweet le, be a darling and tell everyone, who's present do you perder more. Mine? Or," She looked over at Lloyd, not trying for a moment to hide the look of displeasure on her face. "That mor's own?"
"Uh," Ashley 1
y wanted to pick the red car, Lloyd's present, but after seeing Aristacia's expectant fare, bebeshatest
Lenice, from where she stood, could see how troubled her son felt. He obviously wanted to pick the red toy, which came in his favorite color, but didah want to upset Anastasia, Deciding it was time to help her son, who had been stuck between Lloyd and Anastasia since caller today, she stepped forward and took Ashley by his hand.
Ignoring Anastasia's grumbles from behind, she faced her son. "Ash, are you done with your prescuts? Would you lilo in meet your speeld guest for tonight?"
"Yes." Ashley answered quickly, half thankful that his mother had saved him and half excited to meet his favorite cartoon character.
Leonica excused them both and made a beeline for where Owen was. All the whille Ashley fantasized about how it would feel to meet Sucky burry for il first time, in real life. He almost couldn't contain his excitement.
"You must be really excited for this." Leonica said as she felt his hand tighten around her.
"Mhan him." Ashley nodded, earning a chuckle from her. A few more steps alter that brought them face to face with a handsome Inodding uncle, bedida't know.
"Owen, this is my son, Ashley, this is Sucky Bunny at least his voice actor." She muttered the last parts.
"You must be Ashley," Owen lowered himself to the child's height after having a fow words with his mother. "You're mother has told me a lot about you" He offered his hand.
Ashley looked at Owen's hand and then went on his tippy toe, trying to see behind him.
"Ashley? What are you doing?" Leonica questioned when she noticed his strange behavior.
"Looking for Sucky Bonny" Came his honest answer. Sure, the man in front of him sounded like his favorite character, but he looked off.
His facial structures were nothing like his favorite Character. No funny ears or elongated front teeth and he definitely wasn't the height of a growing panda. This handsome uncle in front of him was taller than even his mother and last be checked, his mother's height was taller than a growing pinda. When he failed in locating his funny looking character, he said. "You look nothing like him."
"Who?" Owen asked.
"Sucky Bunny."
mommy casted a
Owen chuckded and shifted closer, bringing his voice down to a dramatic whisper as if he intended to tell a secret. "That's because your in spell on me. She turned me into a more handsome version so I could attend your party." Hearing this, Ashley's eyes lighted up "Really?"
Owen nodded. "Yeah. You can ask your mother if you don't believe me "
And he did. The child turned to face his mother with so much speed that Leonica was startled by his movement. "Mommy, is it true that you casted a spell on Sucky Bunny? Are you Larissa?"
Larissa was the female character from Ruckus house that had a magic wand and posse's magic powers. Yup, I know what you're thinking, Larissa is such a normal name, so how does Sucky Bunny fit into that equation.
Beats her, Leone had thought the exact same thing when she watched the first three episodes of Ruckus house and then proceeded to watch the entire three seasons..
"Wow Ashley, how did you find out?" Leonica acted surprised, going along with Owen's act. Ashley giggled and placed his finger against his lip, making a silent gesture, but st glancing back at Owen who winked at him. "Well now that you've discovered our secrets, you have to keep it a secret" "I can do that"
"Good, now first, let's start by calling Sucky over here, by his code name. Owen."
"Why should I do that?" Ashley questioned with creased brows.
Leonica shook her head and index finger at the same time. "Come on Ashley, we don't want Madam Fokayo finding out that he's been transformed into a handsome prince. She could take away my magic and kidnap Sucky... Owen I mean. Do you want that?" *No." Ashley shook his head quickly
"That's good. Now tell me, for that not to happen, what do we call Sucky?"!
"Owen." Ashley answered,
Owen and Leonica smiled together, the latter reaching down and ruffling her son's hair. "Good boy,"
After enjoying the treatment from his mother, Ashley turned towards Owen and asked. "Sucky. Owen, can I... hug you?"
Opening his hand, Owen beckoned him over. "Bring it in partner,"
Ashley didn't hesitate in jumping into the open arms of his favorite character. With his face snuggled in Owen's chest and mind momentarily relishing in the feeling of having his favorite character hold him, Ashley missed the silent words of gratitude exchanged between his mother and voice actor of said character.
Meanwhile, Gabriel watched from beside the present table, fingers clenched tightly around his glass of wine. Watching Ashley become so friendly with a total stranger made the protective side of a father inside him flare to life. And watching Leonica laugh and smile at the very same Artist Lloyd had teased him about back at the club, had a familiar feeling of anger mixed with jealousy, rising to his chest.
Suddenly, his view was blocked by a familiar back.
"Ashley, darling, happy birthday."
The sound of Angelina's voice had all three of them turning towards where she stood, present in hand. Leonica instantly tensed up, recalling her mother's words. Owen sensed her sudden change in demeanor and was equally on guard. Whereas, Ashley smiled happily at his supposed savior. "Thank you Aunt Angelina. Is that my present?" He asked after spotting the wrapped gift.
"Yes, it it's for you" Angelina said and then looked to Leonica. "May may 1?" She asked, wanting permission before she stepped forward and handed her present to the child.
Leonica was clearly reluctant, but three tugs from Ashley had her sighing and soon granting the permission needed. "Be my guest." She reluctantly said and watched as the present was handed to Ashley and he peeling it open, less than a second later.
"Whoa!" He exclaimed upon seeing his present from Angelina was the popular figurine his classmates had been bragging about all month. Apparently it was set to come out middle of next month but their parents had already pre ordered theirs. However, thanks to Angelina, he had gotten it ahead of the
lease date.
Ashley couldn't help but offer her a big, genuine smile. "Thanks a lot, Aunty Angelina!" She said, staring at him with fond eyes.
Pretentious fond eyes.
Like hell she was happy seeing Leonica and Ashley, ub, don't even get her started on that little parasite that constantly reminded her of Leonica and Gebriel's union.
But that wouldn't be for only, because the moment the needle inside his beloved figurine pokes him, its game over.
His Birth Right
You know that saying "It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge" and in this case, Ashley was the one going to suffer for the sorrow and wrongful doings Leonica and Gabriel had inflicted on her. It was only fair that way, taking something from them after they had taken several things from her. Leonica especially. Her ability to become a mother, the love of her life, her peaceful life, her status in high society and even her parent's love when they had been alive. Fuck, now that she counted Leonica's wrong doing, remembering each one of them like it was yesterday, Angelina felt like Leonica deserved to suffer more. Losing one thing was too simple for her, No, it was far too easy for Angelina to feel content. She wanted Leonica to feel the exact same pains she felt. The pain of losing her child, her ability to become a mother ber status, the love of her life and her parent's love if possible. She wanted Leonica to feel it all, only then would she feel satisfied.
And as for Gabriel, well, she loves him, still does and always would. And because of that, she was willing to compromise, let him off the hook with a little slap on the wrist as long as he apologizes and continue with the plans of their engagement. A small price to pay for the suffering he made her go through this past few weeks.
A perfect ending, wouldn't you call it?
Ah, Angelina could almost taste the victory the longer she thought about the better side of her plan. The plan designated to give her a better future and
ruin Leonica
As she relished in the bright side of her plan, moek and sane mask placed perfectly on her face, Owen stared at the figurine she had handed to Ashley, examining the familiar toy until his brain finally recalled where he had seen it.
It was without a doubt one of the limited edition Battlestation figurine that was being manufactured in his friend's company and if he remembered correctly, which he did, said toy wasn't meant to hit the market until middle of next month. In fact, that news was old gist to everyone. So, seeing it now, with Ashley, he couldn't help but wonder how Angelina had gotten it and soon asked.
"This Battle station figurine, it is a limited edition toy, isn't it?" He question, eaming a proud nod from Angelina who was yet to catch up with his suspicion. "And it hasn't been released on the market yet, so, how did you get your hands on one? And her smile feded. Almost as if now sensing the suspicion, Angelina became panicked. "Ah, well, a friend, a friend booked me up with one in exchange for a favor."
"That so?" Owen mused, stealing a glance at Leonica, who even though she wasn't sure where he was going, equally became suspicious of Angelina and pulled Ashley towards her. "Say, Ms.?"
"F-femandez." Angelina answered, cursing at herself for stuttering. Gosh, was the so nervous that she'd stutter? What happened to the confident girl from seconds ago that was more than ready to rip Lesnica to shreds if given the chance.
'She's still here.' Angelina thought, convincing herself that she wasn't nervous in the least about being found out, but rather, the nervousness was coming from being in the presence of a rising superstar like Owen
bar too much.
He had the looks, charisma and charms to make any girl stutter, Safe for Leonica, Gabriel's looks had raised her standards far
"Ms. Fernandez," Now gotten a title to address ber by, Owen pressed on, smiling, but not quite smiling. Angelina recognized that smile and momentarily, questioned why it locked so much like the one Leonica flashed her with each time she was onto something. "This friend of yours, did he by any chance go by the name, Michael?"
Michael? She didn't know any Michael, Stuart was the one who had pulled strings ad hooked her up with the doll. She hadn't even bothered asking how he got it, all she knew was that she was thankful the lovesick tool had obeyed her every word and was still following her like a dog on leash
Sensing her hesitation, Owen was about to push on, now suspecting a case of one of his friend's employee stealing products and that could possibly lead to a drop in stock for his friend, when Gabriel suddenly stepped in front of Angelina.
"Mr. Lee, it's not nice to question a lady." Even though he spoke to Owen, his eyes settled on Leonica. She held his gaze for a fer seconds before looking away. "Especially when all she's doing is ghring a simple present. Don't ruin the child's birthday."
Ah, and there he went again, defending her. Leonica couldn't help but roll her eyes at the thought. But this wasn't jealous, hell nah; she had dropped that petty jealous act years ago. This, this was anger, the type of anger one felt towards someone when he or she watched them blindly stand up for someone who isn't the least bit in the right
Fuck Angelina's Innocent act, Leonica was going to go with her guts on this one and her guts tells her that Angelina hasn't changed. She's still the same scheming bitch she was one week ago and it's only a matter of time before she showed her true colors. But unlike Gabriel, she'd be ready.
*Here buddy, I got something for you" Gabriel's voice pulled her out of her head as he handed their son his own present he had prepared over the work Ashley collected the wrapped pack with more happiness than when he had received Angelina's own. For a few seconds, he stared at the pack, wanting to register the fact that this was his very first present from his father, more than he wanted to tear it open and see its content.
"Go ahead buddy, open it up. Gabriel urged the moment be noticed the child's reluctance to tear the wrapping off.
Was he disappointed? This was the first present he had prepared for a child and although he had put his spirit into making the gift and packaging it, he wasn't too confident in his wrapping skol
The negative thoughts playing his mind disappeared in a matter of seconds as Ashley's excited voice drove them away like peppermint does to
"Whoa, Awesome!"
As much as Leonica wanted to (eign indifference, she couldn't help but look over at the present Gabriel had prepared for their son. Her breath hitched in her throat the moment her eyes landed on the gift, or rather, what was hanging off the present.
The object in particular was a two way radio, a one of a kind one. Leonica wouldn't put it past Gabriel's doing; he could make anything if he puts his mind to it. And then, it had a strap and on the strap was a golden metal craved in the shape of a diamond with the initials 'B.E' placed in the middle. Leonica could recognize that Emblem anywhere she saw it. In fact, not only her, but every single person, after all, it was the Bryce family crest.
"Gabe... Gabriel, this... Ashley can't accept this-" She began but Gabriel cut her off.
"Why can't he?" He asked, dark eyes once again settling on her in an almost intense stare.
Leonica was forced to look away when she felt her body given off an unwanted reaction. For a second, she closed her eyes, cursing the rubbish reaction her body still gave off despite all the pep talks, lectures, and even experience. "It's because, he just can't." "Is it because of that?" Leonica already knew he was talking about the crest. She nodded. "It's his birth right, Leonica. It became his the moment he was born.. and besides, Grandmother prepared it as her grandchild's birthday present. So please, just let him have it." Between the slip second of vulnerability that Leonica saw on Gabriel's face and the mention on loved and wonderful Lila Bryce, she wasn't sure which made her give a subtle nod, earning a cheer from Ashley who had been listening to his parent's conversation.
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