After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 81

But while he was happy, Angelina wasn't. Oh, she wasn't in the least bit. She was jealous and angry, angry the moment she heard that the family crest Ashley now held was supposed to have belonged with her child. But guess what, it's not fucking Christmas; she lost her child and ability to make more. If that wasn't enough to drive her insane while watching this scene, then shit, Angelina has entered a new level of sanity for herself.

Preoccupied with her anger, Angelina had taken a step backt but wasn't aware of Daisy who was rushing towards Ashley, two cups of red punch juice in her hands. It had happened so fast; one second the dress was fine, Daisy was happy and Angelina had perfect control of her emotion and the next second, it all crumbled. Dress red, control over emotion lost and Daisy staring wide eyes.

"What have you done?!" Angelina shrieked, staring down at the mess.

Daisy was instantly scared by the woman's outburst but managed a few words. "I'm... I'm so sorry. I'll-"

you use

"You'll do what you little bitch?!" Angelina cut her off, forcefully grabbing onto her upper arm. "Cry to your mommy so that she could allow your fucking penny change to fix my dress? Well guess what, even if you broke that piggy bank of your, it still won't be enough to fix my dress. So now, what do you plan to do, huh?!"



Daisy winced at her harsh words. Tears pulled in her eyes and her lips trembled with fear. She looked towards Ashley, hoping her friend could help her out, unfortunately for her; Ashley had already buried his face in Gabriel's leg, equally as scared by Angelina's action as Daisy was. But that didn't stop him from tugging on his father's dress, wanting to help his friend in some way.

Leonica who had been watching for, too long in her opinion, spoke. "I think this has gone on far too long." She was about to take a step forward when Owen held her back, subtly shaking his head and pointed at Gabriel who was about to take action when it seemed like Angelina was about to slap Daisy.

However, before either of them could react, Arvan caught Angelina's wrist and flung it away. The force caused her to let go of Daisy's arm and the scared girl quickly collapsed into her father,

Seeing his daughter so shaken up and the fact that Angelina had even thought of harming his daughter, angered Arvan. When his gaze landed on Angelina, she shivered.

"The next time, you ever think of raising your hand against my daughter, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure your life in Oslo and beyond is worse than a fucking nightmare." A Simple Misunderstanding.

Between the fact that she was about hitting the daughter of Arvan Richardson, a man that she was well aware was not to be messed with and the death state said man was shooting in her direction, more than enough to make her wish the floor opened up and swallowed her whole, Angelina to have realized the mistake she hall committed while allowing her emotion get the best of her.

She had broken character and messed up, had:

Her hot snapped around, looking in the direction of the people who had gathered because of the commotion, whispering underneath their breaths and towards one another and then she looked behind her, where Gabriel and Lecalca stood. The expression on Leonica's face said it all, she wasn't the least bit suprised about her three sixty change in attitude. Gabriel however, even though he wasn't surprised, was left in a staring trance with a look of disbeliet writen over his Lace Fuck Angelina, you just had to mess it all up!" She slot her eyes and cursed herself inwardly. "Think stupid, think! How can you fix this?!?

The answer to her question, unfortunately, didn't exist. Everyone present had witnessed her actions and there was no excuse she could give. Sighing. Angelina decided to play her sd cards, pretending to be meelt to gain sympathy. Although her mind warned her that those same cards wouldn't work on Arvan like it did on Gabriel, she still went along with it, turning to face Arvan who was trying to sooth Daisy who had been crying ever since she fell

"Mr. Arvan-

"Richardson," Arvan corrected sterly, looking at her through the slits of his lashes.

Angelina forced a smile but due to the tension and panic she was feeling, it turned out to be more of a twitch than an actual smile. "Of course. Mr. Richardson, 1-apologize, it was not my intention to harm your daughter. She was careless and ruined my dress, so I was just simply trying to teach her a lesson for misbehaving" "Teach her a lesson? By what, manhandling her?" Arvan questioned, eyes darken at the thought of someone who was bold enough to hit his daughter. "Ot... of course not." She led, putting a meek tone in her voice to make it seem all the more convincing. Arvan scoffed, convincing his ass. He had seen her true color which disappeared in the blink of an eyes, only an idiot would fall for a personally change like she had just done

"Believe me Mr. Richardson; I would never hit a young child intentionally. This.. this is all a simple misunderstanding." Angelina continued on as a few seconds of whisper filled silence settled between them.

"A simple misunderstanding?" Angelina was quick to nod her head, forcing yet another smile as she watched Arvan pick Daisy up in his arms and rose to his full height. "Alright then." be smiled, one that didn't quite reach his eyes and looked anything but friendly, causing Angelina's fake one to quickly crumble. "I'll take it as that. Your dress will be compensated for, but mark my word, if Daisy here, develops any sort of trauma as result of your action here today, you will be held accountable. Understood?"

"s-sorry?" Angelina stuttered, her voice holding a breathless tone of fear. When Arvan didn't bother repeating himself and stared at her with a blank face, her lower lip trembled with panic and in seconds, she snapped her head behind once again, locating Gabriel and shooting him a pleading look for help,

Unfortunately for her, and very much to her dismay, Gabriel turned a deaf ear to her plea. Instead of helping her like she had expected, he shook his head disappointedly, taking a few steps forward so that he was now standing in front of her

Angelina shivered and nearly felt like bolting for the door. Normally, when in Gabriel's presence, she usually felt safe, loved, protected and so much more. But now, none of those feelings lingered. All that she felt as she stood before him was fear, fright and a great presence that threatened her entire existence. Almost as if she was a prey who needed to run away this very moment to keep its head from the attacker.

But she didn't run. Despite her limbs trembling with fear and the feeling of being cornered between Gabriel and Arvan, she stood her ground, barely raising her head to meet Gabriel's gaze.

"What you did wasn't right, Angelina," He told her, unlike the previous times, he didn't bother hiding the disappointment in his voice. "As an adult, you are meant to strive to set educative examples to the younger ones, not mistreat them. Apologize, now."

Angelina's lips began to tremble even more. This time around, it wasn't fear or panic that was causing it, but rather anger and embarrassment. One, anger towards the fact that Gabriel hach't taken her side. He had disgraced her by doing so, tarnishing her reputation even more than Leonica had done In the past two months.noveldrama

And two, embarrassment towards the

rds the fact that Gabriel had just asked her to apologize for something that wasn't even her fault! While all these people were watching, Leonica especially.

Wasn't his first action enough of a disgrace? Why did he have to go to such lengths?

"Angelina," Gabriel called out in a dark tone, silently warning her that whatever thought she had about acting out, should be aborted instantly. Apologize to Daisy. Now."

Knowing that as it stood, the odds were clearly against her, Angelina clenched her fist in anger and willed her trembling body to turn around and move towards where Arvan and Daisy were She barely forced her voice to become stable before speaking "I apologize for my brass actions earlier, please forgive me." She apologized.

Daisy, still frightened by her action, didn't seem to accept her apology. She turned away from Angelina and buried her face in her father's suit, tightening her hold around his neck

In that momment, Angelina felt like ipolog, the sinal parastie away hum Miyans and boating the shift out of her. Who the hell was she to ignore her after she had just apologi

"of coatse. I apologize once again." Angelina sabbatul subthe bowed her heal, queinalling to reflect on her shameful actions but burning on the Inside with anger authute. Beside her, her hauls one clenched light eingh in cane het nails to draw blood bomberskin. Leenkanho bad watched the seruo play out for fan too long, cold in keiger allend in besar how stagant the atmosphere was becoming at her son's birthday party, Glancing between the whispering past and Halsy who was still visibly trembling, she decided whom in start solving the problem from.. First of all, she moved over to whine aby was, "May 17 She asked pestly, watching as Arvan undled at hier request and handed the smaller child over, However, fast like she had skate with beer father, Balsy wors quick to Tway les lusal is Lemlea's shoulder, lading, her face, "Hey Daisy, there's no need to be scared anemone. Balile los taken came of the sony shift and P'uclieve to usde sane something: bilo that never happens again."

Daisy finally looks at her after heating this. "It really?"

Levnica del "Really. So, there's no need to be attal, our Daisy hesitated, but nodded slowly. Seusing that she was still somewhat scared, at normal reaction befitting of a child her age under stelt eluctanstances, Lavendra ileil even harder to make her feel better. "If it makes you feel better Daisy, would you like to join Ashley to cut his cake?"

"C can I?" She asked, hesitant as before but it was clear that she wanted to be beside her friend while cutting the cake

Leonica smiled and turned to beckon her own son oven, catching; Clabelel's eyes in the process as he released Ashley to her. "Ash, would you like Daisy to cut your cake with you?" She asked.

Hewing this, Ashley's eyes brightened up as if he hallet of a possibility. "Ca

not course, as long as you allow it."

A smile blogmed on the child's face and be med to face fulsy, "Daisy, would you like to cut my cake with me?

"Can 17" She asked once more. When Ashley nodded exciilly, she looks meer at her father who smiled at her and go a 'go ahead" not "1-if you allow it Ashley, I would realhe love to." She said a smile of her own equally blooming,

"Of emese," Ashley said mild offered her his hand. "Let's go eat the cake before the nasty adults get to I." He teasingly said and giggled while Daisy took his hand and wriggled her way out of Louie's boll

The moment her feet hit the floor, she and Ashley racelimi dnection of the cake table, pierling at the indible conversations they were having

between themselves.

"That's one probleru selved. Leonica thought and wiped off imaginary sweat shops.

From behind, Arvan gently placed his hand on her slinkler, giving it a gentle squeeze in a bid to gain her attention. "You also seem to know how to handle Daisy better than me. Thanks," He salil.

Leendea ettered him a genuine and heartelt smile. "What are friends for? Now emme on, let's go join them by the table before they eat the cake without cutting it." She said and turned around; walking in the same direction Daisy and Ashley had skipped off in Arvan chuckled briefly before following after her. Gabriel, Anastasia and Lloyd fallowed suit and soon, the rest of the guests gathered around the table, ready to sing for the birthday boy and watch him out his cale, Ashley couldn't have been happier. Having his mother, father, godmother and father and even gratalparents, and not to mention his newest best friend, Daisy with him on his fish birthday, was a wish come through. As the guests sank and wished him a luppy birthday, the boy took Daisy's hand, placing it on top the knife and placing his hand over hers before pressing it down, slicing the cake in halt.

With the cake cut and shares dished, Ashley pulled Daisy by the ha

the hand onto the dance floor at the start of a slow music.

From the side, Anastasia chuckled as she watched them both clumsily get into position and try to sway to the rhythm of the song

"What fim is it watching other people dance when you can step in there and show them your moves," From beside her, Lloyd popped up, In a princely gestume, "Shall we, Milady? hand held out

Anastasia chuckles, though it was meant to come out as a scoff. She smacked his hand away and folded hers. "In your dreams, Playboy,"

Lloyd chuckled at her actions, not in the least bit discouraged by it. Instead, he pushed on "What's this? Don't tell me you can't do a simple waltz."

"That's none of your business. And even if I can, I'd much rather dance with a fing, tham a man like you who I'm sure has flirted with half of the world's female popolation."

"I'm bomoted that you recognized me as a frog, but just so you know, this frog right here tuns into a hawsome prince channing once kissed, by a benty such as yourself."

Hearing this, Mastasia cringed and against her will, a laugh escaped her lips. Her langh sounded like a pleasant mixture of church bells and singing choirs. Lloyd suddenly thought it wouldn't be bad hearing it every once in a while,

While yet another segment of Anastasia and Lloyd went on, Leonica, watched from the sile, pronounced smile etched into her lips.

Believe it or not, as annoying as Lloyd may sound, Anastasia looked happy when talking with him. Like she genuinely did, not the fake happiness she put up all the time. Even though it came at the hands of someone she wasn't all too familiar with, lemmica liked seeing her best friend this way.

A Simple Misunderstanding.

But she also couldn't help but wish that Lloyd wouldn't play with her friend's heart and break it.

Knowing his reputation as an infamous playboy, perhaps she should break him before he does that.

Leonica's shoulders shook as she chuckled at the thought and turned away from her friend at the detection of an approaching figure.

Point of correction, it wasn't a figure, but figures. As in multiple. Gabriel, Arvan and Owen to be precise.

They all came from different directions and stopped in front of her one after the other after each person had asked.

"Would you do me the honors of granting me your first dance, Leonica?"

"Leonica, please grant me your first dance, would you?"

"Guseju, May I have this dance?"

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